# With Container-commands are now obsolete due to different abstraction
if ($command =~ /^wc/) {
- print "# XXX: 'with container' commands are obsolete in 4.x: $line\n";
+ $command =~ s/^wc//g;
+ my $wc_replaced = 0;
+ for (my $c = 0; $c < @replace; $c += 2) {
+ if ($command =~ $replace[$c]) {
+ $command = $replace[$c+1];
+ $wc_replaced = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$wc_replaced) {
+ print "# XXX: migration script could not handle command: $line\n";
+ } else {
+ # NOTE: This is not 100% accurate, as it only works for one level
+ # of nested containers. As this is a common use case, we use 'focus
+ # parent; $command' nevertheless. For advanced use cases, the user
+ # has to modify his config.
+ print "$statement $key focus parent; $command\n";
+ }
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s border 1pixel$|), 'bp replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s border none$|), 'bb replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+s border toggle$|), 'bt replaced');
-ok(line_exists($output, qr|^#.*with container.*obsolete.*wch$|), 'with container removed');
-ok(line_exists($output, qr|^#.*with container.*obsolete.*wcml$|), 'with container removed');
+ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+j focus parent; focus left$|), 'with container replaced with focus parent; focus left');
+ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+j focus parent; move right$|), 'with container replaced with focus parent; move right');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+k kill$|), 'kill unchanged');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+n workspace next$|), 'nw replaced');
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+p workspace prev$|), 'pw replaced');