.word MAP
- .word MAPCLEAN
+ .word COMMIT
.word COPYTO
REU_COUNT = $DF07 ; Transfer count register
REU_IRQMASK = $DF09 ; IRQ mask register
REU_CONTROL = $DF0A ; Control register
+REU_TRIGGER = $FF00 ; REU command trigger
.byte $00 ; Interrupt mask reg.
.byte $00 ; Adress control reg.
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; dirty and must be saved into secondary storage if this is necessary.
-MAP: ldy curpage+1 ; Do we have a page mapped?
- bmi MAPCLEAN ; Jump if no page mapped
- ldy #<window
- sty REU_C64ADDR
- ldy #>window
- sty REU_C64ADDR+1
- ldy #0
- sty REU_COUNT+0
- ldy curpage
- ldy curpage+1
+MAP: sta curpage
+ stx curpage+1 ; Remember the new page
- ldy #1
- sty REU_COUNT+1 ; Move 256 bytes
- ldy #OP_COPYTO
- pha
- jsr Transfer ; Transfer 256 bytes into REU
- pla
+ jsr common ; Copy the window
-; Run straight into MAPCLEAN
+ lda #<window
+ ldx #>window ; Return the window address
+done: rts
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; MAPCLEAN: Map the page in a/x into memory and return a pointer to the page
-; in a/x. The contents of the currently mapped page (if any) are assumed to
-; be clean, so if this is an advantage for the driver, the current contents
-; may be discarded.
+; COMMIT: Commit changes in the memory window to extended storage.
- sta curpage
- stx curpage+1 ; Remember the new page
+COMMIT: lda curpage
+ ldx curpage+1 ; Do we have a page mapped?
+ bmi done ; Jump if no page mapped
+ ldy #OP_COPYTO
+common: sty tmp1
ldy #<window
ldy #1
sty REU_COUNT+1 ; Move 256 bytes
- jsr Transfer ; Transfer 256 bytes into REU
- lda #<window
- ldx #>window ; Return the window address
- rts
+ bne transfer1 ; Transfer 256 bytes into REU
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; COPYFROM: Copy from extended into linear memory. A pointer to a structure
+ .byte $2C
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; COPYTO: Copy from linear into extended memory. A pointer to a structure
- lda #0
- tax
- rts
+ ldy #OP_COPYTO
+ sty tmp1
+; Remember the passed pointer
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1 ; Save the pointer
+; The structure passed to the functions has the same layout as the registers
+; of the Commodore REU, so register programming is easy.
+ ldy #7-1
+@L1: lda (ptr1),y
+ sta REU_C64ADDR,y
+ dey
+ bpl @L1
+; Invalidate the page in the memory window
+ sty curpage+1 ; Y = $FF
+; Reload the REU command and start the transfer
+ ldy tmp1
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Transfer subroutine for the REU. Expects command in Y.
- sty $df01 ; Issue command
+ sty REU_COMMAND ; Issue command
- sei ; Save the value of the
- ldy $01 ; the c64 control port
- tya ; and turn on lower 3 bits
- ora #$03 ; to bank out ROMs, I/O.
+ ldy $01 ; Save the value of the c64 control port...
+ tya ;
+ ora #$03 ; Turn on lower 3 bits to bank out ROMs, I/O.
+ sei ;
sta $01
- lda $ff00
- sta $ff00 ; Now start transfer...
+ lda REU_TRIGGER ; Don't change $FF00
+ sta REU_TRIGGER ; Start the transfer...
- sty $01 ; Restore the old configuration
+ sty $01 ; Restore the old configuration