/* Allowing comments allows for more user-friendly layout files. */
yajl_config(hand, yajl_allow_comments, true);
+ /* Allow multiple values, i.e. multiple nodes to attach */
+ yajl_config(hand, yajl_allow_multiple_values, true);
yajl_status stat;
json_node = focused;
to_focus = NULL;
+# two simple vsplit containers in the same file
+$ws = fresh_workspace;
+@content = @{get_ws_content($ws)};
+is(@content, 0, 'no nodes on the new workspace yet');
+($fh, $filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
+print $fh <<EOT;
+ "layout": "splitv",
+ "nodes": [
+ {
+ },
+ {
+ }
+ ]
+ "layout": "splitv"
+cmd "append_layout $filename";
+@content = @{get_ws_content($ws)};
+is(@content, 2, 'one node on the workspace now');
+is($content[0]->{layout}, 'splitv', 'first node has splitv layout');
+is(@{$content[0]->{nodes}}, 2, 'first node has two children');
+is($content[1]->{layout}, 'splitv', 'second node has splitv layout');
+is(@{$content[1]->{nodes}}, 0, 'first node has no children');
# simple vsplit layout with swallow specifications