use i3test;
-my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
+my $tmp;
+my $ws;
-my $ws = get_ws($tmp);
-is($ws->{orientation}, 'horizontal', 'orientation horizontal by default');
-cmd 'split v';
-$ws = get_ws($tmp);
-is($ws->{orientation}, 'vertical', 'split v changes workspace orientation');
# Open two containers, split, open another container. Then verify
# the layout is like we expect it to be
-cmd 'open';
-cmd 'open';
-my $content = get_ws_content($tmp);
-is(@{$content}, 2, 'two containers on workspace level');
-my $first = $content->[0];
-my $second = $content->[1];
+sub verify_split_layout {
+ my (%args) = @_;
-is(@{$first->{nodes}}, 0, 'first container has no children');
-is(@{$second->{nodes}}, 0, 'second container has no children (yet)');
-my $old_name = $second->{name};
+ $tmp = fresh_workspace;
+ $ws = get_ws($tmp);
+ is($ws->{orientation}, 'horizontal', 'orientation horizontal by default');
+ cmd 'split v';
+ $ws = get_ws($tmp);
+ is($ws->{orientation}, 'vertical', 'split v changes workspace orientation');
-cmd 'split h';
-cmd 'open';
+ cmd 'open';
+ cmd 'open';
+ my $content = get_ws_content($tmp);
+ is(@{$content}, 2, 'two containers on workspace level');
+ my $first = $content->[0];
+ my $second = $content->[1];
-$content = get_ws_content($tmp);
+ is(@{$first->{nodes}}, 0, 'first container has no children');
+ is(@{$second->{nodes}}, 0, 'second container has no children (yet)');
+ my $old_name = $second->{name};
-is(@{$content}, 2, 'two containers on workspace level');
-$first = $content->[0];
-$second = $content->[1];
+ cmd $args{split_command};
+ cmd 'open';
+ $content = get_ws_content($tmp);
+ is(@{$content}, 2, 'two containers on workspace level');
+ $first = $content->[0];
+ $second = $content->[1];
+ is(@{$first->{nodes}}, 0, 'first container has no children');
+ isnt($second->{name}, $old_name, 'second container was replaced');
+ is($second->{orientation}, 'horizontal', 'orientation is horizontal');
+ is(@{$second->{nodes}}, 2, 'second container has 2 children');
+ is($second->{nodes}->[0]->{name}, $old_name, 'found old second container');
-is(@{$first->{nodes}}, 0, 'first container has no children');
-isnt($second->{name}, $old_name, 'second container was replaced');
-is($second->{orientation}, 'horizontal', 'orientation is horizontal');
-is(@{$second->{nodes}}, 2, 'second container has 2 children');
-is($second->{nodes}->[0]->{name}, $old_name, 'found old second container');
+verify_split_layout(split_command => 'split h');
+verify_split_layout(split_command => 'split horizontal');
# TODO: extend this test-case (test next/prev)
# - wrapping (no horizontal switch possible, goes level-up)