--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2009-10-25
+; Clips the line in ptr1/ptr2/ptr3/ptr4 to the screen coordinates
+ .export _tgi_clipline
+ .export _tgi_clip_x1, _tgi_clip_y1, _tgi_clip_x2, _tgi_clip_y2
+ .export _tgi_clip_o1, _tgi_clip_o2 ; Debugging!
+ .export _tgi_clip_dx, _tgi_clip_dy
+ .export _tgi_xmax, _tgi_ymax
+ .import negax, pushax, tosmulax, tosdivax
+ .import return0, return1
+ .include "tgi-kernel.inc"
+ .macpack longbranch
+; outcode constants. These aren't really used because most stuff is done by
+; shifting the values, but they're here for documentation.
+CLIP_NONE = $00
+CLIP_LEFT = $01
+CLIP_TOP = $08
+; Generate a Cohen Sutherland outcode for tgi_clip_x1/tgi_clip_y1 in _tgi_clip_o1
+; void outcode1 ()
+; {
+; _tgi_clip_o1 = 0;
+; if (Y1 < 0) {
+; _tgi_clip_o1 = CLIP_BOTTOM;
+; } else if (Y1 >= yres) {
+; _tgi_clip_o1 = CLIP_TOP;
+; }
+; if (X1 < 0) {
+; _tgi_clip_o1 |= CLIP_LEFT;
+; } else if (X1 >= xres) {
+; _tgi_clip_o1 |= CLIP_RIGHT;
+; }
+; }
+.proc outcode1
+ ldy #CLIP_BOTTOM ; Assume line needs bottom clip
+; Check Y coordinate
+ lda _tgi_clip_y1+1 ; High byte of Y1
+ bmi L2 ; Jump if bottom clip
+ ldy #CLIP_TOP ; Assume line needs top clip
+ ldx _tgi_clip_y1 ; Low byte of Y1
+ cpx _tgi_yres
+ sbc _tgi_yres+1
+ bvs L1
+ eor #$80
+L1: bmi L2
+ ldy #CLIP_NONE ; No clipping actually
+L2: sty _tgi_clip_o1
+; Check X coordinate
+ ldy #CLIP_LEFT ; Assume line needs left clip
+ lda _tgi_clip_x1+1 ; High byte of X1
+ bmi L4 ; Jump if left clip
+ ldy #CLIP_RIGHT ; Assume line needs right clip
+ ldx _tgi_clip_x1 ; Low byte of X1
+ cpx _tgi_xres
+ sbc _tgi_xres+1
+ bvs L3
+ eor #$80
+L3: bmi L4
+ ldy #CLIP_NONE ; No clipping actually
+L4: tya
+ ora _tgi_clip_o1
+ sta _tgi_clip_o1
+ rts
+; Generate a Cohen Sutherland outcode for tgi_clip_x2/tgi_clip_y2 in _tgi_clip_o2
+; void outcode2 ()
+; {
+; _tgi_clip_o2 = 0;
+; if (Y2 < 0) {
+; _tgi_clip_o2 = CLIP_BOTTOM;
+; } else if (Y2 >= yres) {
+; _tgi_clip_o2 = CLIP_TOP;
+; }
+; if (X2 < 0) {
+; _tgi_clip_o2 |= CLIP_LEFT;
+; } else if (X2 >= xres) {
+; _tgi_clip_o2 |= CLIP_RIGHT;
+; }
+; }
+.proc outcode2
+ ldy #CLIP_BOTTOM ; Assume line needs bottom clip
+; Check Y coordinate
+ lda _tgi_clip_y2+1 ; High byte of Y2
+ bmi L2 ; Jump if bottom clip
+ ldy #CLIP_TOP ; Assume line needs top clip
+ ldx _tgi_clip_y2 ; Low byte of Y4
+ cpx _tgi_yres
+ sbc _tgi_yres+1
+ bvs L1
+ eor #$80
+L1: bmi L2
+ ldy #CLIP_NONE ; No clipping actually
+L2: sty _tgi_clip_o2
+; Check X coordinate
+ ldy #CLIP_LEFT ; Assume line needs left clip
+ lda _tgi_clip_x2+1 ; High byte of X2
+ bmi L4 ; Jump if left clip
+ ldy #CLIP_RIGHT ; Assume line needs right clip
+ ldx _tgi_clip_x2 ; Low byte of X2
+ cpx _tgi_xres
+ sbc _tgi_xres+1
+ bvs L3
+ eor #$80
+L3: bmi L4
+ ldy #CLIP_NONE ; No clipping actually
+L4: tya
+ ora _tgi_clip_o2
+ sta _tgi_clip_o2
+ rts
+; Calculate dx and dy
+.proc calcdeltas
+ lda _tgi_clip_x2
+ sec
+ sbc _tgi_clip_x1
+ sta _tgi_clip_dx
+ lda _tgi_clip_x2+1
+ sbc _tgi_clip_x1+1
+ sta _tgi_clip_dx+1
+ lda _tgi_clip_y2
+ sec
+ sbc _tgi_clip_y1
+ sta _tgi_clip_dy
+ lda _tgi_clip_y2+1
+ sbc _tgi_clip_y1+1
+ sta _tgi_clip_dy+1
+ rts
+; Multiplicate value in y/a by dy, then divide by dx.
+.proc muldiv_dydx
+ tax
+ tya ; Move value into a/x
+ jsr pushax
+ lda _tgi_clip_dy
+ ldx _tgi_clip_dy+1
+ jsr tosmulax
+ jsr pushax
+ lda _tgi_clip_dx
+ ldx _tgi_clip_dx+1
+ jmp tosdivax
+; Multiplicate value in y/a by dx, then divide by dy.
+.proc muldiv_dxdy
+ tax
+ tya ; Move value into a/x
+ jsr pushax
+ lda _tgi_clip_dx
+ ldx _tgi_clip_dx+1
+ jsr tosmulax
+ jsr pushax
+ lda _tgi_clip_dy
+ ldx _tgi_clip_dy+1
+ jmp tosdivax
+; Clip a line using Cohen Sutherland
+.proc _tgi_clipline
+; Generate outcodes
+ jsr outcode1
+ jsr outcode2
+ jsr calcdeltas
+; if ((_tgi_clip_o1 | _tgi_clip_o2) == 0) accept;
+Loop: lda _tgi_clip_o1
+ ora _tgi_clip_o2
+ bne L1
+ jmp return0
+; if ((_tgi_clip_o1 & _tgi_clip_o2) != 0) reject;
+L1: lda _tgi_clip_o1
+ and _tgi_clip_o2
+ beq L2
+ jmp return1
+; Check if X1/Y1 needs clipping
+L2: lda _tgi_clip_o1
+ jeq L10
+; Need to clip X1/Y1
+ lsr a ; Check for CLIP_LEFT
+ bcc L3
+; tgi_clip_y1 += (0 - tgi_clip_x1) * tgi_clip_dy / tgi_clip_dx;
+; tgi_clip_x1 = 0;
+ lda #$00
+ tax
+ beq L4
+L3: lsr a ; Check for CLIP_RIGHT
+ bcc L5
+; tgi_clip_y1 += (tgi_xmax - tgi_clip_x1) * tgi_clip_dy / tgi_clip_dx;
+; tgi_clip_x1 = tgi_xmax;
+ lda _tgi_xmax
+ ldx _tgi_xmax+1
+L4: tay
+ sec
+ sbc _tgi_clip_x1
+ sty _tgi_clip_x1
+ tay
+ txa
+ sbc _tgi_clip_x1+1
+ stx _tgi_clip_x1+1
+ jsr muldiv_dydx
+ clc
+ adc _tgi_clip_y1
+ sta _tgi_clip_y1
+ txa
+ adc _tgi_clip_y1+1
+ sta _tgi_clip_y1+1
+ lda _tgi_clip_o1
+ lsr a
+ lsr a
+L5: lsr a ; Check for CLIP_BOTTOM
+ bcc L6
+; tgi_clip_x1 = (0 - tgi_clip_y1) * tgi_clip_dx / tgi_clip_dy;
+; tgi_clip_y1 = 0;
+ lda #$00
+ tax
+ beq L7
+L6: lsr a ; Check for CLIP_TOP
+ bcc L8
+; tgi_clip_x1 += (tgi_ymax - tgi_clip_y1) * tgi_clip_dx / tgi_clip_dy;
+; tgi_clip_y1 = ymax;
+ lda _tgi_ymax
+ ldx _tgi_ymax+1
+L7: tay
+ sec
+ sbc _tgi_clip_y1
+ sty _tgi_clip_y1
+ tay
+ txa
+ sbc _tgi_clip_y1+1
+ stx _tgi_clip_y1+1
+ jsr muldiv_dxdy
+ clc
+ adc _tgi_clip_x1
+ sta _tgi_clip_x1
+ txa
+ adc _tgi_clip_x1+1
+ sta _tgi_clip_x1+1
+; We need to recalculate outcode1 in this case
+L8: jsr outcode1
+; Check if X2/Y2 needs clipping
+L10: lda _tgi_clip_o2
+ jeq Loop
+; Need to clip X2/Y2
+ lsr a ; Check for CLIP_LEFT
+ bcc L11
+; tgi_clip_y2 += (0 - tgi_clip_x2) * tgi_clip_dy / tgi_clip_dx;
+; tgi_clip_x2 = 0;
+ lda #$00
+ tax
+ beq L12
+L11: lsr a ; Check for CLIP_RIGHT
+ bcc L13
+; tgi_clip_y2 += (tgi_xmax - tgi_clip_x2) * tgi_clip_dy / tgi_clip_dx;
+; tgi_clip_x2 = tgi_xmax;
+ lda _tgi_xmax
+ ldx _tgi_xmax+1
+L12: tay
+ sec
+ sbc _tgi_clip_x2
+ sty _tgi_clip_x2
+ tay
+ txa
+ sbc _tgi_clip_x2+1
+ stx _tgi_clip_x2+1
+ jsr muldiv_dydx
+ clc
+ adc _tgi_clip_y2
+ sta _tgi_clip_y2
+ txa
+ adc _tgi_clip_y2+1
+ sta _tgi_clip_y2+1
+ lda _tgi_clip_o2
+ lsr a
+ lsr a
+L13: lsr a ; Check for CLIP_BOTTOM
+ bcc L14
+; tgi_clip_x2 += (0 - tgi_clip_y2) * tgi_clip_dx / tgi_clip_dy;
+; tgi_clip_y2 = 0;
+ lda #$00
+ tax
+ beq L15
+L14: lsr a ; Check for CLIP_TOP
+ bcc L16
+; tgi_clip_x2 += (tgi_ymax - tgi_clip_y2) * tgi_clip_dx / tgi_clip_dy;
+; tgi_clip_y2 = tgi_ymax;
+ lda _tgi_ymax
+ ldx _tgi_ymax+1
+L15: tay
+ sec
+ sbc _tgi_clip_y2
+ sty _tgi_clip_y2
+ tay
+ txa
+ sbc _tgi_clip_y2+1
+ stx _tgi_clip_y2+1
+ jsr muldiv_dxdy
+ clc
+ adc _tgi_clip_x2
+ sta _tgi_clip_x2
+ txa
+ adc _tgi_clip_x2+1
+ sta _tgi_clip_x2+1
+; We need to recalculate outcode2 in this case
+L16: jsr outcode2
+; Try again
+ jmp Loop
+; Data
+_tgi_clip_x1: .res 2
+_tgi_clip_y1: .res 2
+_tgi_clip_x2: .res 2
+_tgi_clip_y2: .res 2
+_tgi_clip_o1: .res 1
+_tgi_clip_o2: .res 1
+_tgi_clip_dx: .res 2
+_tgi_clip_dy: .res 2
+_tgi_xmax: .res 2
+_tgi_ymax: .res 2