title: the world's most famous mythical manager
mail: bjensen@example.com
uid: bjensen
the command:
dn: cn=Barbara Jensen,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: delete
the command:
const struct berval *\fIrequestdata\fB,
LDAPControl **\fIsctrls\fB,
LDAPControl **\fIcctrls\fB,
-char **\fIretoidp\fB;
+char **\fIretoidp\fB,
struct berval **\fIretdatap\fB );
LDAP *ld;
LDAPMessage *entry;
-char *attr
+char *attr;
.ft B
struct berval **ldap_get_values_len(ld, entry, attr)
LDAP *ld;
LDAPMessage *entry;
-char *attr
+char *attr;
.ft B
+int ldap_count_values(vals)
char **vals;
.ft B
+int ldap_count_values_len(vals)
struct berval **vals;
.ft B
+void ldap_value_free(vals)
char **vals;
.ft B
+void ldap_value_free_len(vals)
struct berval **vals;
#include <ldap.h>
.ft B
-int ldap_parse_vlv_control( ld, ctrlp, target_posp, list_countp, contextp, errcodep );
+int ldap_parse_vlv_control( ld, ctrlp, target_posp, list_countp, contextp, errcodep )
LDAP *ld;
LDAPControl **ctrlp;
.ft B
-ldap_free_urldesc( LDAPURLDesc *ludp )
+void ldap_free_urldesc( LDAPURLDesc *ludp );
These routines support the use of LDAP URLs (Uniform Resource Locators)
as detailed in RFC 4516. LDAP URLs look like this:
.B userPassword
-.b userPassword
+.B userPassword
attribute is not strictly part of the
.B ppolicy
module. It is, however, the attribute that is tracked and controlled
.B [\-D authcDN | \-U authcID]
.B [\-f slapd.conf]
.B [\-F confdir]
-.B [\-o name[=value]
+.B [\-o name[=value]]
.B [\-u]
.B [\-v]
.B [\-X authzID | \-o authzDN=DN]
.B [\-j lineno]
.B [\-l ldif-file]
.B [\-n dbnum]
-.B [\-o name[=value]
+.B [\-o name[=value]]
.B [\-q]
.B [\-s]
.B [\-S SID]
.B [\-f slapd.conf]
.B [\-F confdir]
.B [\-M mech]
-.B [\-o name[=value]
+.B [\-o name[=value]]
.B [\-R realm]
.B [\-U authcID]
.B [\-v]
.B [\-g]
.B [\-l ldif-file]
.B [\-n dbnum]
-.B [\-o name[=value]
+.B [\-o name[=value]]
.B [\-s subtree-dn]
.B [\-v]
.B [\-f slapd.conf]
.B [\-F confdir]
.B [\-N | \-P]
-.B [\-o name[=value]
+.B [\-o name[=value]]
.B [\-v]
.B DN [...]
.B [\-F confdir]
.B [\-g]
.B [\-n dbnum]
-.B [\-o name[=value]
+.B [\-o name[=value]]
.B [\-q]
.B [\-v]
.B [attr] [...]
.B [\-d level]
.B [\-f slapd.conf]
.B [\-F confdir]
-.B [\-o name[=value]
+.B [\-o name[=value]]
.B [\-Q]
.B [\-u]
.B [\-v]