#define configUSE_PREEMPTION 1\r
#define configUSE_IDLE_HOOK 1\r
-#define configUSE_TICK_HOOK 0\r
+#define configUSE_TICK_HOOK 1\r
#define configCPU_CLOCK_HZ ( SystemCoreClock )\r
#define configTICK_RATE_HZ ( ( portTickType ) 1000 )\r
#define configMAX_PRIORITIES ( ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) 5 )\r
#define configUSE_RECURSIVE_MUTEXES 1\r
#define configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK 1\r
#define configUSE_APPLICATION_TASK_TAG 0\r
-#define configUSE_COUNTING_SEMAPHORES 0\r
+#define configUSE_COUNTING_SEMAPHORES 1\r
/* Co-routine definitions. */\r
#define configUSE_CO_ROUTINES 0\r
+ <configuration>\r
+ <name>Full_with_optimisation</name>\r
+ <toolchain>\r
+ <name>ARM</name>\r
+ </toolchain>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>C-SPY</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>22</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CInput</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CEndian</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CProcessor</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCVariant</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>MacOverride</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>MacFile</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\config\Ram_VTOR.mac</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>MemOverride</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>MemFile</name>\r
+ <state>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\CONFIG\debugger\Fujitsu\iomb9bf506n.ddf</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>RunToEnable</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>RunToName</name>\r
+ <state>main</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CExtraOptionsCheck</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CExtraOptions</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CFpuProcessor</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDDFArgumentProducer</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDownloadSuppressDownload</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDownloadVerifyAll</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCProductVersion</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDynDriverList</name>\r
+ <state>JLINK_ID</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCLastSavedByProductVersion</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDownloadAttachToProgram</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>UseFlashLoader</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CLowLevel</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCBE8Slave</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>MacFile2</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CDevice</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>FlashLoadersV3</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\config\flashloader\FlashLoader.board</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesSuppressCheck1</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesPath1</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesSuppressCheck2</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesPath2</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesSuppressCheck3</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesPath3</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OverrideDefFlashBoard</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesOffset1</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesOffset2</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesOffset3</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesUse1</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesUse2</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCImagesUse3</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>ARMSIM_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>1</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCSimDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCSimEnablePSP</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCSimPspOverrideConfig</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCSimPspConfigFile</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>ANGEL_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCAngelHeartbeat</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CAngelCommunication</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CAngelCommBaud</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>3</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CAngelCommPort</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>ANGELTCPIP</name>\r
+ <state>aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>DoAngelLogfile</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AngelLogFile</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\cspycomm.log</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>GDBSERVER_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>TCPIP</name>\r
+ <state>aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>DoLogfile</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>LogFile</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\cspycomm.log</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJTagBreakpointRadio</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJTagDoUpdateBreakpoints</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJTagUpdateBreakpoints</name>\r
+ <state>_call_main</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>IARROM_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>1</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CRomLogFileCheck</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CRomLogFileEditB</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\cspycomm.log</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CRomCommPort</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CRomCommBaud</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>7</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>JLINK_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>13</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>JLinkSpeed</name>\r
+ <state>32</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkDoLogfile</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkLogFile</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\cspycomm.log</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkHWResetDelay</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>JLinkInitialSpeed</name>\r
+ <state>32</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCDoJlinkMultiTarget</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCScanChainNonARMDevices</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkMultiTarget</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkIRLength</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkCommRadio</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkTCPIP</name>\r
+ <state>aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkSpeedRadioV2</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCUSBDevice</name>\r
+ <version>1</version>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchReset</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchUndef</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchSWI</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchData</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchPrefetch</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchIRQ</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchFIQ</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkBreakpointRadio</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkDoUpdateBreakpoints</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkUpdateBreakpoints</name>\r
+ <state>_call_main</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkInterfaceRadio</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCJLinkAttachSlave</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkResetList</name>\r
+ <version>5</version>\r
+ <state>7</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkInterfaceCmdLine</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCatchCORERESET</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCatchMMERR</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCatchNOCPERR</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCatchCHRERR</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCatchSTATERR</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCatchBUSERR</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCatchINTERR</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCatchHARDERR</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCatchDummy</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCJLinkScriptFile</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkUsbSerialNo</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCTcpIpAlt</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJLinkTcpIpSerialNo</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCpuClockEdit</name>\r
+ <state>72.0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCSwoClockAuto</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCSwoClockEdit</name>\r
+ <state>2000</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>LMIFTDI_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>2</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>LmiftdiSpeed</name>\r
+ <state>500</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCLmiftdiDoLogfile</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCLmiftdiLogFile</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\cspycomm.log</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCLmiFtdiInterfaceRadio</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCLmiFtdiInterfaceCmdLine</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>MACRAIGOR_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>3</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>jtag</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>EmuSpeed</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>TCPIP</name>\r
+ <state>aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>DoLogfile</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>LogFile</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\cspycomm.log</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>DoEmuMultiTarget</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>EmuMultiTarget</name>\r
+ <state>0@ARM7TDMI</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>EmuHWReset</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CEmuCommBaud</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>4</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CEmuCommPort</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>jtago</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>UnusedAddr</name>\r
+ <state>0x00800000</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCMacraigorHWResetDelay</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJTagBreakpointRadio</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJTagDoUpdateBreakpoints</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJTagUpdateBreakpoints</name>\r
+ <state>_call_main</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCMacraigorInterfaceRadio</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCMacraigorInterfaceCmdLine</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>PEMICRO_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCPEMicroAttachSlave</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPEMicroInterfaceList</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPEMicroResetDelay</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPEMicroJtagSpeed</name>\r
+ <state>#UNINITIALIZED#</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJPEMicroShowSettings</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>DoLogfile</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>LogFile</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\cspycomm.log</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPEMicroUSBDevice</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPEMicroSerialPort</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCJPEMicroTCPIPAutoScanNetwork</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPEMicroTCPIP</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPEMicroCommCmdLineProducer</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>RDI_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>2</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CRDIDriverDll</name>\r
+ <state>###Uninitialized###</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CRDILogFileCheck</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CRDILogFileEdit</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\cspycomm.log</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDIHWReset</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchReset</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchUndef</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchSWI</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchData</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchPrefetch</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchIRQ</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRDICatchFIQ</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>STLINK_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>2</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCSTLinkInterfaceRadio</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCSTLinkInterfaceCmdLine</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCSTLinkResetList</name>\r
+ <version>1</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCpuClockEdit</name>\r
+ <state>72.0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCSwoClockAuto</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCSwoClockEdit</name>\r
+ <state>2000</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>THIRDPARTY_ID</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CThirdPartyDriverDll</name>\r
+ <state>###Uninitialized###</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CThirdPartyLogFileCheck</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CThirdPartyLogFileEditB</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\cspycomm.log</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCDriverInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <debuggerPlugins>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\CMX\CmxArmPlugin.ENU.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\CMX\CmxTinyArmPlugin.ENU.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\embOS\embOSPlugin.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\MQX\MQXRtosPlugin.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\OpenRTOS\OpenRTOSPlugin.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\PowerPac\PowerPacRTOS.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\Quadros\Quadros_EWB6_Plugin.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\SafeRTOS\SafeRTOSPlugin.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\ThreadX\ThreadXArmPlugin.ENU.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\uCOS-II\uCOS-II-286-KA-CSpy.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\plugins\rtos\uCOS-II\uCOS-II-KA-CSpy.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$EW_DIR$\common\plugins\CodeCoverage\CodeCoverage.ENU.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>1</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$EW_DIR$\common\plugins\FreeRTOS\FreeRTOSPlugin.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$EW_DIR$\common\plugins\OpenRTOS\OpenRTOSPlugin.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$EW_DIR$\common\plugins\Orti\Orti.ENU.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>0</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$EW_DIR$\common\plugins\Stack\Stack.ENU.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>1</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ <plugin>\r
+ <file>$EW_DIR$\common\plugins\SymList\SymList.ENU.ewplugin</file>\r
+ <loadFlag>1</loadFlag>\r
+ </plugin>\r
+ </debuggerPlugins>\r
+ </configuration>\r
+ <configuration>\r
+ <name>Full_with_optimisation</name>\r
+ <toolchain>\r
+ <name>ARM</name>\r
+ </toolchain>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>General</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>3</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>21</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>ExePath</name>\r
+ <state>Full_with_optimisation\Exe</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>ObjPath</name>\r
+ <state>Full_with_optimisation\Obj</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>ListPath</name>\r
+ <state>Full_with_optimisation\List</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>Variant</name>\r
+ <version>19</version>\r
+ <state>37</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GEndianMode</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>Input variant</name>\r
+ <version>3</version>\r
+ <state>3</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>Input description</name>\r
+ <state>No specifier n, no float nor long long.</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>Output variant</name>\r
+ <version>2</version>\r
+ <state>3</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>Output description</name>\r
+ <state>No specifier a, A.</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GOutputBinary</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>FPU</name>\r
+ <version>2</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OGCoreOrChip</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GRuntimeLibSelect</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GRuntimeLibSelectSlave</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>RTDescription</name>\r
+ <state>Use the normal configuration of the C/C++ runtime library. No locale interface, C locale, no file descriptor support, no multibytes in printf and scanf, and no hex floats in strtod.</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OGProductVersion</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OGLastSavedByProductVersion</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GeneralEnableMisra</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GeneralMisraVerbose</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OGChipSelectEditMenu</name>\r
+ <state>MB9BF506N Fujitsu MB9BF506N</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GenLowLevelInterface</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GEndianModeBE</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OGBufferedTerminalOutput</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GenStdoutInterface</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GeneralMisraRules98</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>1000111110110101101110011100111111101110011011000101110111101101100111111111111100110011111001110111001111111111111111111111111</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GeneralMisraVer</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GeneralMisraRules04</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>111101110010111111111000110111111111111111111111111110010111101111010101111111111111111111111111101111111011111001111011111011111111111111111</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>RTConfigPath2</name>\r
+ <state>$TOOLKIT_DIR$\INC\c\DLib_Config_Normal.h</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GFPUCoreSlave</name>\r
+ <version>19</version>\r
+ <state>37</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>GBECoreSlave</name>\r
+ <version>19</version>\r
+ <state>37</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OGUseCmsis</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OGUseCmsisDspLib</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>ICCARM</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>28</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCDefines</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPreprocFile</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPreprocComments</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPreprocLine</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCListCFile</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCListCMnemonics</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCListCMessages</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCListAssFile</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCListAssSource</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCEnableRemarks</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCDiagSuppress</name>\r
+ <state>Pa082</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCDiagRemark</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCDiagWarning</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCDiagError</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCObjPrefix</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCAllowList</name>\r
+ <version>1</version>\r
+ <state>1111111</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCDebugInfo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IEndianMode</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IProcessor</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IExtraOptionsCheck</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IExtraOptions</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCLangConformance</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCSignedPlainChar</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCRequirePrototypes</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCMultibyteSupport</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCDiagWarnAreErr</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCompilerRuntimeInfo</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IFpuProcessor</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OutputFile</name>\r
+ <state>$FILE_BNAME$.o</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCLibConfigHeader</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>PreInclude</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CompilerMisraOverride</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCIncludePath2</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$/Fujitu_source</state>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$</state>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$/../../Source/include</state>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$/../../Source/portable/IAR/ARM_CM3</state>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$/../common/include</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCStdIncCheck</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCCodeSection</name>\r
+ <state>.text</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IInterwork2</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IProcessorMode2</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCOptLevel</name>\r
+ <state>3</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCOptStrategy</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCOptLevelSlave</name>\r
+ <state>3</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CompilerMisraRules98</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>1000111110110101101110011100111111101110011011000101110111101101100111111111111100110011111001110111001111111111111111111111111</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CompilerMisraRules04</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>111101110010111111111000110111111111111111111111111110010111101111010101111111111111111111111111101111111011111001111011111011111111111111111</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPosIndRopi</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPosIndRwpi</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CCPosIndNoDynInit</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IccLang</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IccCDialect</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IccAllowVLA</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IccCppDialect</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IccExceptions</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IccRTTI</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IccStaticDestr</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IccCppInlineSemantics</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IccCmsis</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IccFloatSemantics</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>AARM</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>2</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>8</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AObjPrefix</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AEndian</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>ACaseSensitivity</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>MacroChars</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AWarnEnable</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AWarnWhat</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AWarnOne</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AWarnRange1</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AWarnRange2</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>ADebug</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AltRegisterNames</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>ADefines</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AList</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AListHeader</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AListing</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>Includes</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>MacDefs</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>MacExps</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>MacExec</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OnlyAssed</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>MultiLine</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>PageLengthCheck</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>PageLength</name>\r
+ <state>80</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>TabSpacing</name>\r
+ <state>8</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AXRef</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AXRefDefines</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AXRefInternal</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AXRefDual</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AProcessor</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AFpuProcessor</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AOutputFile</name>\r
+ <state>$FILE_BNAME$.o</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AMultibyteSupport</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>ALimitErrorsCheck</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>ALimitErrorsEdit</name>\r
+ <state>100</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AIgnoreStdInclude</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AUserIncludes</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AExtraOptionsCheckV2</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>AExtraOptionsV2</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>OBJCOPY</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>0</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>1</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OOCOutputFormat</name>\r
+ <version>2</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OCOutputOverride</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OOCOutputFile</name>\r
+ <state>RTOSDemo_IAR.srec</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OOCCommandLineProducer</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>OOCObjCopyEnable</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>CUSTOM</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>3</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <extensions></extensions>\r
+ <cmdline></cmdline>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>BICOMP</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>0</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data/>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>BUILDACTION</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>1</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <prebuild></prebuild>\r
+ <postbuild></postbuild>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>ILINK</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>0</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>13</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkLibIOConfig</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>XLinkMisraHandler</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkInputFileSlave</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkOutputFile</name>\r
+ <state>RTOSDemo_IAR.out</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkDebugInfoEnable</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkKeepSymbols</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkRawBinaryFile</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkRawBinarySymbol</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkRawBinarySegment</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkRawBinaryAlign</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkDefines</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkConfigDefines</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkMapFile</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkLogFile</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkLogInitialization</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkLogModule</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkLogSection</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkLogVeneer</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkIcfOverride</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkIcfFile</name>\r
+ <state>$PROJ_DIR$\config\MB9BF506.icf</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkIcfFileSlave</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkEnableRemarks</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkSuppressDiags</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkTreatAsRem</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkTreatAsWarn</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkTreatAsErr</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkWarningsAreErrors</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkUseExtraOptions</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkExtraOptions</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkLowLevelInterfaceSlave</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkAutoLibEnable</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkAdditionalLibs</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkOverrideProgramEntryLabel</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkProgramEntryLabelSelect</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkProgramEntryLabel</name>\r
+ <state>__iar_program_start</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>DoFill</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>FillerByte</name>\r
+ <state>0xFF</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>FillerStart</name>\r
+ <state>0x0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>FillerEnd</name>\r
+ <state>0x0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CrcSize</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CrcAlign</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CrcAlgo</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CrcPoly</name>\r
+ <state>0x11021</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CrcCompl</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CrcBitOrder</name>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CrcInitialValue</name>\r
+ <state>0x0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>DoCrc</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkBE8Slave</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkBufferedTerminalOutput</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkStdoutInterfaceSlave</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>CrcFullSize</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkIElfToolPostProcess</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkLogAutoLibSelect</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkLogRedirSymbols</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkLogUnusedFragments</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkCrcReverseByteOrder</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkCrcUseAsInput</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkOptInline</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkOptExceptionsAllow</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkOptExceptionsForce</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkCmsis</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkOptMergeDuplSections</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkOptUseVfe</name>\r
+ <state>1</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IlinkOptForceVfe</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>IARCHIVE</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>0</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data>\r
+ <version>0</version>\r
+ <wantNonLocal>1</wantNonLocal>\r
+ <debug>1</debug>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IarchiveInputs</name>\r
+ <state></state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IarchiveOverride</name>\r
+ <state>0</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ <option>\r
+ <name>IarchiveOutput</name>\r
+ <state>###Unitialized###</state>\r
+ </option>\r
+ </data>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ <settings>\r
+ <name>BILINK</name>\r
+ <archiveVersion>0</archiveVersion>\r
+ <data/>\r
+ </settings>\r
+ </configuration>\r
+ <file>\r
+ <name>$PROJ_DIR$\..\Common\Minimal\comtest.c</name>\r
+ </file>\r
+ <file>\r
+ <name>$PROJ_DIR$\..\Common\Minimal\countsem.c</name>\r
+ </file>\r
+ <file>\r
+ <name>$PROJ_DIR$\..\Common\Minimal\PollQ.c</name>\r
+ </file>\r
+ <configuration>Full_with_optimisation</configuration>\r
+ <file>\r
+ <name>$PROJ_DIR$\serial.c</name>\r
+ <excluded>\r
+ <configuration>Blinky</configuration>\r
+ </excluded>\r
+ </file>\r
* main-full.c (this file) defines a comprehensive demo that creates many\r
* tasks, queues, semaphores and timers. It also demonstrates how Cortex-M3\r
- * interrupts can interact with FreeRTOS tasks/timers, and implements a simple\r
- * and small interactive web server.\r
+ * interrupts can interact with FreeRTOS tasks/timers.\r
- * This project runs on the SmartFusion A2F-EVAL-KIT evaluation board, which\r
- * is populated with an A2F200M3F SmartFusion mixed signal FPGA. The A2F200M3F\r
- * incorporates a Cortex-M3 microcontroller.\r
+ * This project runs on the SK-FM3-100PMC evaluation board, which is populated\r
+ * with an MB9BF5006N Cortex-M3 based microcontroller.\r
* The main() Function:\r
- * main() creates two demo specific software timers, one demo specific queue,\r
- * and three demo specific tasks. It then creates a whole host of 'standard\r
+ * main() creates three demo specific software timers, one demo specific queue,\r
+ * and two demo specific tasks. It then creates a whole host of 'standard\r
* demo' tasks/queues/semaphores, before starting the scheduler. The demo\r
* specific tasks and timers are described in the comments here. The standard\r
* demo tasks are described on the FreeRTOS.org web site.\r
* included to both test the FreeRTOS port, and provide examples of how the\r
* various FreeRTOS API functions can be used.\r
+ * This demo creates 43 tasks in total. If you want a simpler demo, use the\r
+ * Blinky build configuration.\r
+ *\r
* The Demo Specific Queue Send Task:\r
* The queue send task is implemented by the prvQueueSendTask() function in\r
* this file. prvQueueSendTask() sits in a loop that causes it to repeatedly\r
* in this file. prvQueueReceiveTask() sits in a loop that causes it to\r
* repeatedly attempt to read data from the queue that was created within\r
* main(). When data is received, the task checks the value of the data, and\r
- * if the value equals the expected 100, toggles the green LED. The 'block\r
- * time' parameter passed to the queue receive function specifies that the task\r
- * should be held in the Blocked state indefinitely to wait for data to be\r
- * available on the queue. The queue receive task will only leave the Blocked\r
- * state when the queue send task writes to the queue. As the queue send task\r
- * writes to the queue every 200 milliseconds, the queue receive task leaves\r
- * the Blocked state every 200 milliseconds, and therefore toggles the LED\r
- * every 200 milliseconds.\r
+ * if the value equals the expected 100, toggles an LED in the 7 segment display\r
+ * (see the documentation page for this demo on the FreeRTOS.org site to see\r
+ * which LED is used). The 'block time' parameter passed to the queue receive\r
+ * function specifies that the task should be held in the Blocked state\r
+ * indefinitely to wait for data to be available on the queue. The queue\r
+ * receive task will only leave the Blocked state when the queue send task\r
+ * writes to the queue. As the queue send task writes to the queue every 200\r
+ * milliseconds, the queue receive task leaves the Blocked state every 200\r
+ * milliseconds, and therefore toggles the LED every 200 milliseconds.\r
* The Demo Specific LED Software Timer and the Button Interrupt:\r
- * The user button SW1 is configured to generate an interrupt each time it is\r
+ * The user button SW2 is configured to generate an interrupt each time it is\r
* pressed. The interrupt service routine switches an LED on, and resets the\r
* LED software timer. The LED timer has a 5000 millisecond (5 second) period,\r
* and uses a callback function that is defined to just turn the LED off again.\r
* Therefore, pressing the user button will turn the LED on, and the LED will\r
* remain on until a full five seconds pass without the button being pressed.\r
+ * See the documentation page for this demo on the FreeRTOS.org web site to see\r
+ * which LED is used.\r
* The Demo Specific "Check" Callback Function:\r
* This is called each time the 'check' timer expires. The check timer\r
* the mainCHECK_LED definition each time it executes. Therefore, if LED\r
* mainCHECK_LED is toggling every three seconds, then no error have been found.\r
* If LED mainCHECK_LED is toggling every 500ms, then at least one errors has\r
- * been found. The task in which the error was discovered is displayed at the\r
- * bottom of the "task stats" page that is served by the embedded web server.\r
+ * been found. The variable pcStatusMessage is set to a string that indicates\r
+ * which task reported an error. See the documentation page for this demo on\r
+ * the FreeRTOS.org web site to see which LED in the 7 segment display is used.\r
+ *\r
+ * The Demo Specific "Digit Counter" Callback Function:\r
+ * This is called each time the 'digit counter' timer expires. It causes the\r
+ * digits 0 to 9 to be displayed in turn as the first character of the two\r
+ * character display. The LEDs in the other digit of the two character\r
+ * display are used as general purpose LEDs, as described in this comment block.\r
* The Demo Specific Idle Hook Function:\r
* The idle hook function demonstrates how to query the amount of FreeRTOS heap\r
* space that is remaining (see vApplicationIdleHook() defined in this file).\r
- * The Web Server Task:\r
- * The IP address used by the SmartFusion target is configured by the\r
- * definitions configIP_ADDR0 to configIP_ADDR3, which are located in the\r
- * FreeRTOSConfig.h header file. See the documentation page for this example\r
- * on the http://www.FreeRTOS.org web site for further connection information.\r
+ * The Demo Specific Tick Hook Function:\r
+ * The tick hook function is used to test the interrupt safe software timer\r
+ * functionality.\r
/* Kernel includes. */\r
#include "QPeek.h"\r
#include "recmutex.h"\r
#include "TimerDemo.h"\r
-/* Priorities at which the tasks are created. */\r
+#include "comtest2.h"\r
+#include "PollQ.h"\r
+#include "countsem.h"\r
+#include "dynamic.h"\r
/* The rate at which data is sent to the queue, specified in milliseconds, and\r
converted to ticks using the portTICK_RATE_MS constant. */\r
-#define mainQUEUE_SEND_FREQUENCY_MS ( 200 / portTICK_RATE_MS )\r
+#define mainQUEUE_SEND_FREQUENCY_MS ( 200 / portTICK_RATE_MS )\r
/* The number of items the queue can hold. This is 1 as the receive task\r
will remove items as they are added, meaning the send task should always find\r
the queue empty. */\r
#define mainQUEUE_LENGTH ( 1 )\r
-/* The LED toggled by the check timer callback function. */\r
+/* The LED toggled by the check timer callback function. This is an LED in the\r
+second digit of the two digit 7 segment display. See the documentation page\r
+for this demo on the FreeRTOS.org web site to see which LED this relates to. */\r
#define mainCHECK_LED 0x07UL\r
-/* The LED toggle by the queue receive task. */\r
-#define mainTASK_CONTROLLED_LED 0x04UL\r
+/* The LED toggle by the queue receive task. This is an LED in the second digit\r
+of the two digit 7 segment display. See the documentation page for this demo on\r
+the FreeRTOS.org web site to see which LED this relates to. */\r
+#define mainTASK_CONTROLLED_LED 0x06UL\r
-/* The LED turned on by the button interrupt, and turned off by the LED timer. */\r
+/* The LED turned on by the button interrupt, and turned off by the LED timer.\r
+This is an LED in the second digit of the two digit 7 segment display. See the\r
+documentation page for this demo on the FreeRTOS.org web site to see which LED\r
+this relates to. */\r
#define mainTIMER_CONTROLLED_LED 0x05UL\r
+/* The LED used by the comtest tasks. See the comtest.c file for more\r
+information. The LEDs used by the comtest task are in the second digit of the\r
+two digit 7 segment display. See the documentation page for this demo on the\r
+FreeRTOS.org web site to see which LEDs this relates to. */\r
+#define mainCOM_TEST_LED ( 3 )\r
/* Constant used by the standard timer test functions. */\r
#define mainTIMER_TEST_PERIOD ( 50 )\r
-/* Priorities used by the various different tasks. */\r
+/* Priorities used by the various different standard demo tasks. */\r
#define mainCHECK_TASK_PRIORITY ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1 )\r
#define mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 )\r
#define mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 )\r
#define mainFLASH_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 )\r
+#define mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2 )\r
+/* Priorities defined in this main-full.c file. */\r
/* The period at which the check timer will expire, in ms, provided no errors\r
-have been reported by any of the standard demo tasks. */\r
-#define mainCHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS ( 3000UL / portTICK_RATE_MS )\r
+have been reported by any of the standard demo tasks. ms are converted to the\r
+equivalent in ticks using the portTICK_RATE_MS constant. */\r
+#define mainCHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS ( 3000UL / portTICK_RATE_MS )\r
/* The period at which the check timer will expire, in ms, if an error has been\r
-reported in one of the standard demo tasks. */\r
-#define mainERROR_CHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS ( 500UL / portTICK_RATE_MS )\r
+reported in one of the standard demo tasks. ms are converted to the equivalent\r
+in ticks using the portTICK_RATE_MS constant. */\r
+#define mainERROR_CHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS ( 500UL / portTICK_RATE_MS )\r
/* The period at which the digit counter timer will expire, in ms, and converted\r
to ticks using the portTICK_RATE_MS constant. */\r
/* The LED will remain on until the button has not been pushed for a full\r
5000ms. */\r
-#define mainLED_TIMER_PERIOD_MS ( 5000UL / portTICK_RATE_MS )\r
+#define mainLED_TIMER_PERIOD_MS ( 5000UL / portTICK_RATE_MS )\r
/* A zero block time. */\r
-#define mainDONT_BLOCK ( 0UL )\r
+#define mainDONT_BLOCK ( 0UL )\r
+/* Baud rate used by the comtest tasks. */\r
+#define mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE ( 115200UL )\r
static void prvSetupHardware( void );\r
- * The tasks as described in the comments at the top of this file.\r
+ * The application specific (not common demo) tasks as described in the comments\r
+ * at the top of this file.\r
static void prvQueueReceiveTask( void *pvParameters );\r
static void prvQueueSendTask( void *pvParameters );\r
- * The LED timer callback function. This does nothing but switch the red LED\r
- * off.\r
+ * The LED timer callback function. This does nothing but switch an LED off.\r
static void prvLEDTimerCallback( xTimerHandle xTimer );\r
function. */\r
static xTimerHandle xLEDTimer = NULL;\r
-/* The counter software timer. This displays a counting digit on one of the\r
-seven segment displays. */\r
+/* The digit counter software timer. This displays a counting digit on one half\r
+of the seven segment displays. */\r
static xTimerHandle xDigitCounterTimer = NULL;\r
-/* The check timer. This uses prvCheckTimerCallback() as it's callback\r
+/* The check timer. This uses prvCheckTimerCallback() as its callback\r
function. */\r
static xTimerHandle xCheckTimer = NULL;\r
if( xQueue != NULL )\r
- /* Start the three application specific demo tasks, as described in the\r
+ /* Start the two application specific demo tasks, as described in the\r
comments at the top of this file. */\r
xTaskCreate( prvQueueReceiveTask, ( signed char * ) "Rx", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainQUEUE_RECEIVE_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );\r
xTaskCreate( prvQueueSendTask, ( signed char * ) "TX", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainQUEUE_SEND_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );\r
prvDigitCounterTimerCallback /* The callback function that inspects the status of all the other tasks. */\r
); \r
- /* Create a lot of 'standard demo' tasks. */\r
+ /* Create a lot of 'standard demo' tasks. Over 40 tasks are created in\r
+ this demo. For a much simpler demo, select the 'blinky' build\r
+ configuration. */\r
vStartBlockingQueueTasks( mainBLOCK_Q_PRIORITY );\r
vStartSemaphoreTasks( mainSEM_TEST_PRIORITY );\r
vStartTimerDemoTask( mainTIMER_TEST_PERIOD );\r
+ vAltStartComTestTasks( mainCOM_TEST_PRIORITY, mainCOM_TEST_BAUD_RATE, mainCOM_TEST_LED );\r
+ vStartPolledQueueTasks( mainQUEUE_POLL_PRIORITY );\r
+ vStartCountingSemaphoreTasks();\r
+ vStartDynamicPriorityTasks();\r
+ \r
/* The suicide tasks must be created last, as they need to know how many\r
tasks were running prior to their creation in order to ascertain whether\r
or not the correct/expected number of tasks are running at any given\r
pcStatusMessage = "Error: RecMutex\r\n";\r
+ if( xAreComTestTasksStillRunning() != pdPASS )\r
+ {\r
+ pcStatusMessage = "Error: ComTest\r\n";\r
+ }\r
+ \r
if( xAreTimerDemoTasksStillRunning( ( mainCHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS ) ) != pdTRUE )\r
pcStatusMessage = "Error: TimerDemo";\r
+ if( xArePollingQueuesStillRunning() != pdTRUE )\r
+ {\r
+ pcStatusMessage = "Error: PollQueue";\r
+ }\r
+ if( xAreCountingSemaphoreTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )\r
+ {\r
+ pcStatusMessage = "Error: CountSem";\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ if( xAreDynamicPriorityTasksStillRunning() != pdTRUE )\r
+ {\r
+ pcStatusMessage = "Error: DynamicPriority";\r
+ }\r
+ \r
/* Toggle the check LED to give an indication of the system status. If\r
the LED toggles every mainCHECK_TIMER_PERIOD_MS milliseconds then\r
everything is ok. A faster toggle indicates an error. */\r
-char *pcGetTaskStatusMessage( void )\r
+void vApplicationTickHook( void )\r
- /* Not bothered about a critical section here although technically because\r
- of the task priorities the pointer could change it will be atomic if not\r
- near atomic and its not critical. */\r
- if( pcStatusMessage == NULL )\r
- {\r
- return "All tasks running without error";\r
- }\r
- else\r
- {\r
- return ( char * ) pcStatusMessage;\r
- }\r
+ /* Call the periodic timer test, which tests the timer API functions that\r
+ can be called from an ISR. */\r
+ vTimerPeriodicISRTests();\r
+} \r
* The LED Software Timer and the Button Interrupt:\r
* The user button SW2 is configured to generate an interrupt each time it is\r
* pressed. The interrupt service routine switches an LED in the 7 segment\r
- * diplay on, and resets the LED software timer. The LED timer has a 5000\r
+ * display on, and resets the LED software timer. The LED timer has a 5000\r
* millisecond (5 second) period, and uses a callback function that is defined\r
* to just turn the LED off again. Therefore, pressing the user button will\r
* turn the LED on, and the LED will remain on until a full five seconds pass\r
+void vApplicationTickHook( void )\r
+ /* A tick hook is used by the "Full" build configuration. The Full and\r
+ blinky build configurations share a FreeRTOSConfig.h header file, so this\r
+ simple build configuration also has to define a tick hook - even though it\r
+ does not actually use it for anything. */\r
void vApplicationIdleHook( void )\r
volatile size_t xFreeHeapSpace;\r
/* This function is called on each cycle of the idle task. In this case it\r
- does nothing useful, other than report the amout of FreeRTOS heap that\r
+ does nothing useful, other than report the amount of FreeRTOS heap that\r
remains unallocated. */\r
xFreeHeapSpace = xPortGetFreeHeapSize();\r
--- /dev/null
+ FreeRTOS V7.0.0 - Copyright (C) 2011 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
+ \r
+ ***************************************************************************\r
+ * *\r
+ * FreeRTOS tutorial books are available in pdf and paperback. *\r
+ * Complete, revised, and edited pdf reference manuals are also *\r
+ * available. *\r
+ * *\r
+ * Purchasing FreeRTOS documentation will not only help you, by *\r
+ * ensuring you get running as quickly as possible and with an *\r
+ * in-depth knowledge of how to use FreeRTOS, it will also help *\r
+ * the FreeRTOS project to continue with its mission of providing *\r
+ * professional grade, cross platform, de facto standard solutions *\r
+ * for microcontrollers - completely free of charge! *\r
+ * *\r
+ * >>> See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation for details. <<< *\r
+ * *\r
+ * Thank you for using FreeRTOS, and thank you for your support! *\r
+ * *\r
+ ***************************************************************************\r
+ This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.\r
+ FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the\r
+ Free Software Foundation AND MODIFIED BY the FreeRTOS exception.\r
+ >>>NOTE<<< The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to\r
+ distribute a combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to\r
+ provide the source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS\r
+ kernel. FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\r
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY\r
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for\r
+ more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\r
+ License and the FreeRTOS license exception along with FreeRTOS; if not it\r
+ can be viewed here: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html and also obtained\r
+ by writing to Richard Barry, contact details for whom are available on the\r
+ FreeRTOS WEB site.\r
+ 1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
+ http://www.FreeRTOS.org - Documentation, latest information, license and\r
+ contact details.\r
+ http://www.SafeRTOS.com - A version that is certified for use in safety\r
+ critical systems.\r
+ http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Commercial support, development, porting,\r
+ licensing and training services.\r
+ \r
+ ***Note*** This example uses queues to send each character into an interrupt\r
+ service routine and out of an interrupt service routine individually. This\r
+ is done to demonstrate queues being used in an interrupt, and to deliberately\r
+ load the system to test the FreeRTOS port. It is *NOT* meant to be an\r
+ example of an efficient implementation. An efficient implementation should\r
+ use FIFO's or DMA if available, and only use FreeRTOS API functions when\r
+ enough has been received to warrant a task being unblocked to process the\r
+ data.\r
+/* Scheduler includes. */\r
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
+#include "queue.h"\r
+#include "semphr.h"\r
+#include "comtest2.h"\r
+/* Library includes. */\r
+#include "mb9bf506n.h"\r
+#include "system_mb9bf50x.h"\r
+/* Demo application includes. */\r
+#include "serial.h"\r
+/* Register bit definitions. */\r
+#define serRX_INT_ENABLE 0x10\r
+#define serTX_INT_ENABLE 0x08\r
+#define serRX_ENABLE 0x02\r
+#define serTX_ENABLE 0x01\r
+#define serORE_ERROR_BIT 0x08\r
+#define serFRE_ERROR_BIT 0x10\r
+#define serPE_ERROR_BIT 0x20\r
+#define serRX_INT 0x04\r
+#define serTX_INT 0x02\r
+/* Misc defines. */\r
+#define serINVALID_QUEUE ( ( xQueueHandle ) 0 )\r
+#define serNO_BLOCK ( ( portTickType ) 0 )\r
+/* The queue used to hold received characters. */\r
+static xQueueHandle xRxedChars;\r
+static xQueueHandle xCharsForTx;\r
+ * See the serial2.h header file.\r
+ */\r
+xComPortHandle xSerialPortInitMinimal( unsigned long ulWantedBaud, unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxQueueLength )\r
+xComPortHandle xReturn;\r
+ /* Create the queues used to hold Rx/Tx characters. */\r
+ xRxedChars = xQueueCreate( uxQueueLength, ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) sizeof( signed char ) );\r
+ xCharsForTx = xQueueCreate( uxQueueLength + 1, ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) sizeof( signed char ) );\r
+ \r
+ /* If the queues were created correctly then setup the serial port\r
+ hardware. */\r
+ if( ( xRxedChars != serINVALID_QUEUE ) && ( xCharsForTx != serINVALID_QUEUE ) )\r
+ {\r
+ /* Ensure interrupts don't fire during the init process. Interrupts\r
+ will be enabled automatically when the first task start running. */\r
+ \r
+ /* Configure P21 and P22 for use by the UART. */\r
+ FM3_GPIO->PFR2 |= ( 1 << 0x01 ) | ( 1 << 0x02 );\r
+ \r
+ /* SIN0_0 and SOT0_0. */\r
+ FM3_GPIO->EPFR07 |= ( 1 << 6 );\r
+ \r
+ /* Reset. */\r
+ FM3_MFS0_UART->SCR = 0x80;\r
+ \r
+ /* Enable output in mode 0. */\r
+ FM3_MFS0_UART->SMR = 0x01;\r
+ \r
+ /* Clear all errors that may already be present. */\r
+ FM3_MFS0_UART->SSR = 0x00;\r
+ FM3_MFS0_UART->ESCR = 0x00;\r
+ \r
+ FM3_MFS0_UART->BGR = ( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / 2UL ) / ( ulWantedBaud - 1UL );\r
+ /* Enable Rx, Tx, and the Rx interrupt. */ \r
+ \r
+ /* Configure the NVIC for UART interrupts. */\r
+ NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( MFS0RX_IRQn );\r
+ NVIC_EnableIRQ( MFS0RX_IRQn );\r
+ \r
+ /* The priority *MUST* be at or below\r
+ are called in the interrupt handler. */\r
+ \r
+ /* Do the same for the Tx interrupts. */\r
+ NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ( MFS0TX_IRQn );\r
+ NVIC_EnableIRQ( MFS0TX_IRQn );\r
+ \r
+ /* The priority *MUST* be at or below\r
+ are called in the interrupt handler. */\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ xReturn = ( xComPortHandle ) 0;\r
+ }\r
+ /* This demo file only supports a single port but we have to return\r
+ something to comply with the standard demo header file. */\r
+ return xReturn;\r
+signed portBASE_TYPE xSerialGetChar( xComPortHandle pxPort, signed char *pcRxedChar, portTickType xBlockTime )\r
+ /* The port handle is not required as this driver only supports one port. */\r
+ ( void ) pxPort;\r
+ /* Get the next character from the buffer. Return false if no characters\r
+ are available, or arrive before xBlockTime expires. */\r
+ if( xQueueReceive( xRxedChars, pcRxedChar, xBlockTime ) )\r
+ {\r
+ return pdTRUE;\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ return pdFALSE;\r
+ }\r
+void vSerialPutString( xComPortHandle pxPort, const signed char * const pcString, unsigned short usStringLength )\r
+signed char *pxNext;\r
+ /* A couple of parameters that this port does not use. */\r
+ ( void ) usStringLength;\r
+ ( void ) pxPort;\r
+ /* NOTE: This implementation does not handle the queue being full as no\r
+ block time is used! */\r
+ /* The port handle is not required as this driver only supports one UART. */\r
+ ( void ) pxPort;\r
+ /* Send each character in the string, one at a time. */\r
+ pxNext = ( signed char * ) pcString;\r
+ while( *pxNext )\r
+ {\r
+ xSerialPutChar( pxPort, *pxNext, serNO_BLOCK );\r
+ pxNext++;\r
+ }\r
+signed portBASE_TYPE xSerialPutChar( xComPortHandle pxPort, signed char cOutChar, portTickType xBlockTime )\r
+signed portBASE_TYPE xReturn;\r
+ if( xQueueSend( xCharsForTx, &cOutChar, xBlockTime ) == pdPASS )\r
+ {\r
+ xReturn = pdPASS;\r
+ \r
+ /* Enable the UART Tx interrupt. */\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ xReturn = pdFAIL;\r
+ }\r
+ return xReturn;\r
+void vSerialClose( xComPortHandle xPort )\r
+ /* Not supported as not required by the demo application. */\r
+void MFS0RX_IRQHandler( void )\r
+portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;\r
+char cChar;\r
+ if( ( FM3_MFS0_UART->SSR & ( serORE_ERROR_BIT | serFRE_ERROR_BIT | serPE_ERROR_BIT ) ) != 0 )\r
+ {\r
+ /* A PE, ORE or FRE error occurred. Clear it. */\r
+ FM3_MFS0_UART->SSR |= ( 1 << 7 );\r
+ cChar = FM3_MFS0_UART->RDR;\r
+ }\r
+ else if( FM3_MFS0_UART->SSR & serRX_INT )\r
+ {\r
+ /* A character has been received on the USART, send it to the Rx\r
+ handler task. */\r
+ cChar = FM3_MFS0_UART->RDR;\r
+ xQueueSendFromISR( xRxedChars, &cChar, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );\r
+ } \r
+ /* If sending or receiving from a queue has caused a task to unblock, and\r
+ the unblocked task has a priority equal to or higher than the currently\r
+ running task (the task this ISR interrupted), then xHigherPriorityTaskWoken\r
+ will have automatically been set to pdTRUE within the queue send or receive\r
+ function. portEND_SWITCHING_ISR() will then ensure that this ISR returns\r
+ directly to the higher priority unblocked task. */\r
+ portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );\r
+void MFS0TX_IRQHandler( void )\r
+portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;\r
+char cChar;\r
+ if( FM3_MFS0_UART->SSR & serTX_INT )\r
+ {\r
+ /* The interrupt was caused by the TX register becoming empty. Are\r
+ there any more characters to transmit? */\r
+ if( xQueueReceiveFromISR( xCharsForTx, &cChar, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) == pdTRUE )\r
+ {\r
+ /* A character was retrieved from the queue so can be sent to the\r
+ USART now. */\r
+ FM3_MFS0_UART->TDR = cChar;\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ {\r
+ /* Disable the Tx interrupt. */\r
+ } \r
+ } \r
+ /* If sending or receiving from a queue has caused a task to unblock, and\r
+ the unblocked task has a priority equal to or higher than the currently\r
+ running task (the task this ISR interrupted), then xHigherPriorityTaskWoken\r
+ will have automatically been set to pdTRUE within the queue send or receive\r
+ function. portEND_SWITCHING_ISR() will then ensure that this ISR returns\r
+ directly to the higher priority unblocked task. */\r
+ portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );\r
+ \r