%{?build_fc18:%define fc18 1}
%define fc22 0
%{?build_fc22:%define fc22 1}
-# Whitebox Enterprise build
-%define wb3 0
-%{?build_wb3:%define wb3 1}
# RedHat Enterprise builds
%define rhel3 0
%{?build_rhel3:%define rhel3 1}
-%{?build_rhel3:%define wb3 1}
%define rhel4 0
%{?build_rhel4:%define rhel4 1}
%{?build_rhel4:%define fc3 1}
# CentOS build
%define centos3 0
%{?build_centos3:%define centos3 1}
-%{?build_centos3:%define wb3 1}
%define centos4 0
%{?build_centos4:%define centos4 1}
%{?build_centos4:%define fc3 1}
# SL build
%define sl3 0
%{?build_sl3:%define sl3 1}
-%{?build_sl3:%define wb3 1}
%define sl4 0
%{?build_sl4:%define sl4 1}
%{?build_sl4:%define fc3 1}
# test for a platform definition
-%if !%{rhat} && !%{rhel} && !%{fed} && !%{wb3} && !%{suse} && !%{mdk} && !%{scil}
+%if !%{rhat} && !%{rhel} && !%{fed} && !%{suse} && !%{mdk} && !%{scil}
%{error: You must specify a platform. Please examine the spec file.}
exit 1
# distribution-specific directory for logwatch
-%if %{wb3} || %{rh7} || %{rh8} || %{rh9}
+%if %{rh7} || %{rh8} || %{rh9}
%define logwatch_dir /etc/log.d
%define logwatch_dir /etc/logwatch
%if %{sl5} ||%{sl4} || %{sl3}
%define _dist %(grep 'Scientific Linux' /etc/redhat-release)
-%if %{wb3} && ! %{rhel3} && ! %{centos3} && ! %{sl3}
-%define _dist %(grep White /etc/whitebox-release)
%if %{suse}
%define _dist %(grep -i SuSE /etc/SuSE-release)
-%if %{mdk}
-%define _dist %(grep Mand /etc/mandrake-release)
Distribution: %_dist
-# should we turn on python support
-%define python 0
-%{?build_python:%define python 0}
# should we enable tcp wrappers support
%define tcpwrappers 1
%{?build_tcpwrappers:%define tcpwrappers 1}
%if ! %{rh7}
BuildRequires: libxml2-devel
-%if %{python}
-BuildRequires: python, python-devel
-%{expand: %%define pyver %(python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[0:3])')}
%if %{rh7}
BuildRequires: libxml-devel
BuildRequires: mysql-devel
-%if %{postgresql} && %{wb3}
-BuildRequires: rh-postgresql-devel >= %{postgres_version}
-%if %{postgresql} && ! %{wb3}
+%if %{postgresql}
BuildRequires: %{postgres_devel_package} >= %{postgres_version}
%if %{mysql}
%package mysql
-Provides: Perl
-Provides: libbaccats.so
+Provides: perl(Logwatch)
+Provides: libbaccats-%{version}.so
+Provides: libbaccats-%{version}.so()(64bit)
%if %{sqlite}
%package sqlite
Requires: mysql
-%if %{postgresql} && %{wb3}
-Requires: rh-postgresql >= 7
-%if %{postgresql} && ! %{wb3}
+%if %{postgresql}
Requires: postgresql >= 7
%description postgresql
-%if %{python}
-Requires: python >= %{pyver}
%if %{sqlite}
This build incorporates sqlite3 as the catalog database, statically compiled.
-%if %{python}
-This build includes python scripting support.
%if %{tcpwrappers}
This build includes tcp-wrappers support.
Requires: libstdc++, zlib, openssl, bzip2-libs
Requires: glibc, readline, %{name}-libs
-%if %{python}
-Requires: python >= %{pyver}
%description client
This is the File daemon (Client) only package. It includes the command line
console program.
-%if %{python}
-This build includes python scripting support.
%if %{tcpwrappers}
This build includes tcp-wrappers support.
%if %{mysql} && %{x86_64}
export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L/usr/lib64/mysql"
-%if %{python} && %{x86_64}
-export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L/usr/lib64/python%{pyver}"
export BACULA="Bacula"
--with-postgresql \
--disable-bat \
-%if %{python}
- --with-python \
%if %{client_only}
--enable-client-only \
# Remove docs for programs we do not distribute
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/bpluginfo.8.%{manpage_ext}
-# Storage-ctl packaged in shstore rpm
+# Remove storage-ctl packaged in shstore rpm
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/storage-ctl
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/storage-ctl.conf
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{script_dir}/stopmysql
+# Remove symlinks
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libbaccats.so
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libbaccats-%{version}.so
# install the init scripts
%if !%{usesystemd}
%if %{suse}