<option id="gnu.c.compiler.option.misc.verbose.1351799799" name="Verbose (-v)" superClass="gnu.c.compiler.option.misc.verbose" value="true" valueType="boolean"/>\r
<option id="gnu.c.compiler.option.optimization.flags.435998408" name="Other optimization flags" superClass="gnu.c.compiler.option.optimization.flags" value="-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" valueType="string"/>\r
-<option id="gnu.c.compiler.option.misc.other.1001754914" superClass="gnu.c.compiler.option.misc.other" value="-c -fmessage-length=0 -Wextra" valueType="string"/>\r
+<option id="gnu.c.compiler.option.misc.other.1001754914" name="Other flags" superClass="gnu.c.compiler.option.misc.other" value="-c -fmessage-length=0 -Wextra" valueType="string"/>\r
<inputType id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.compiler.input.2036217646" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.c.compiler.input"/>\r
<tool id="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.cross.cortexm3.exe.debug.612642130" name="GNU C++ Compiler" superClass="cdt.managedbuild.tool.gnu.cpp.compiler.cross.cortexm3.exe.debug">\r
const portTickType xVeryShortDelay = 2UL;\r
- MSS_UART_irq_tx( ( mss_uart_instance_t * ) pxUART, pcBuffer, xBufferLength );\r
- /* Ensure any previous transmissions have completed. The default UART\r
- interrupt does not provide an event based method of signally the end of a Tx\r
- - this is therefore a crude poll of the Tx end status. Replacing the\r
- default UART handler with one that 'gives' a semaphore when the Tx is\r
- complete would allow this poll loop to be replaced by a simple semaphore\r
- block. */\r
- while( MSS_UART_tx_complete( ( mss_uart_instance_t * ) pxUART ) == pdFALSE )\r
+ if( xBufferLength > 0 )\r
- vTaskDelay( xVeryShortDelay );\r
+ MSS_UART_irq_tx( ( mss_uart_instance_t * ) pxUART, pcBuffer, xBufferLength );\r
+ /* Ensure any previous transmissions have completed. The default UART\r
+ interrupt does not provide an event based method of signally the end of a Tx\r
+ - this is therefore a crude poll of the Tx end status. Replacing the\r
+ default UART handler with one that 'gives' a semaphore when the Tx is\r
+ complete would allow this poll loop to be replaced by a simple semaphore\r
+ block. */\r
+ while( MSS_UART_tx_complete( ( mss_uart_instance_t * ) pxUART ) == pdFALSE )\r
+ {\r
+ vTaskDelay( xVeryShortDelay );\r
+ }\r