-- oc_name the name of the objectClass; it MUST match the name of an objectClass that is loaded in slapd's schema
insert into ldap_entry_objclasses (entry_id,oc_name) values (4,'referral');
+insert into ldap_entry_objclasses (entry_id,oc_name) values (2,'posixAccount');
-- referrals mapping: entries that should be treated as referrals are stored here
-- entry_id the "ldap_entries.id" of the entry that should be treated as a referral
-- url the URI of the referral
dbuser manager
dbpasswd secret
-#insentry_query "insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval) values ((select max(id)+1 from ldap_entries),?,?,?,?)"
# rdbms specific directives
# PostgreSQL
+#postgres#insentry_query "insert into ldap_entries (id,dn,oc_map_id,parent,keyval) values ((select max(id)+1 from ldap_entries),?,?,?,?)"
#postgres#upper_func "upper"
#postgres#strcast_func "text"
#postgres#concat_pattern "?||?"
# list here the RDBMSes whose mapping allows writes
-h $LOCALHOST -p $PORT1 > \
version: 1