<sect>Input format<p>
+<sect1>Assembler syntax<p>
The assembler accepts the standard 6502/65816 assembler syntax. One line may
contain a label (which is identified by a colon), and, in addition to the
label, an assembler mnemonic, a macro, or a control command (see section <ref
<tt><ref id=".SUNPLUS" name=".SUNPLUS"></tt> command was given).
+<sect1>65816 mode<p>
In 65816 mode several aliases are accepted in addition to the official
jsl 3.$1234 ; Call subroutine at $1234 in bank 3
+<sect1>Number format<p>
For literal values, the assembler accepts the widely used number formats:
A preceeding '$' denotes a hex value, a preceeding '%' denotes a
binary value, and a bare number is interpeted as a decimal. There are
currently no octal values and no floats.
+<sect1>Conditional assembly<p>
+Please note that when using the conditional directives (<tt/.IF/ and friends),
+the input must consist of valid assembler tokens, even in <tt/.IF/ branches
+that are not assembled. The reason for this behaviour is that the assembler
+must still be able to detect the ending tokens (like <tt/.ENDIF/), so
+conversion of the input stream into tokens still takes place. As a consequence
+conditional assembly directives may <bf/not/ be used to prevent normal text
+(used as a comment or similar) from being assembled. <p>
<sect1><tt>.VERSION</tt><label id=".VERSION"><p>
- Reading this pseudo variable will give the assembler version according to
+ Reading this pseudo variable will give the assembler version according to
the following formula: