-; Standard joystick driver for the Plus/4. May be used multiple times when linked
-; to the statically application.
+; Standard joystick driver for the Plus/4 and C16.
+; May be used multiple times when linked statically to an application.
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2002-12-21
+; 2002-12-21, Ullrich von Bassewitz
+; 2016-06-18, Greg King
- .include "zeropage.inc"
.include "joy-kernel.inc"
.include "joy-error.inc"
.include "plus4.inc"
- .macpack generic
.macpack module
; Driver signature
- .byte $6A, $6F, $79 ; "joy"
+ .byte $6A, $6F, $79 ; ASCII "joy"
.byte JOY_API_VERSION ; Driver API version number
; Library reference
.byte $02 ; JOY_DOWN
.byte $04 ; JOY_LEFT
.byte $08 ; JOY_RIGHT
- .byte $10 ; JOY_FIRE
+ .byte $80 ; JOY_FIRE
.byte $00 ; JOY_FIRE2 unavailable
.byte $00 ; Future expansion
.byte $00 ; Future expansion
; READ: Read a particular joystick passed in A.
-READ: ldy #$FA ; Load index for joystick #1
+READ: ldy #%11111011 ; Load index for joystick #1
tax ; Test joystick number
beq @L1
- ldy #$FB ; Load index for joystick #2
+ ldy #%11111101 ; Load index for joystick #2
+ ldx #>$0000 ; (Return unsigned int)
@L1: sei
- sty TED_KBD
- lda TED_KBD
+ sty TED_KBD ; Read a joystick ...
+ lda TED_KBD ; ... and some keys -- it's unavoidable
- ldx #$00 ; Clear high byte
- and #$1F
- eor #$1F
- rts
+ eor #%11111111
+; The fire buttons are in bits 6 and 7. Both of them cannot be %1 together.
+; Therefore, bit 6 can be merged with bit 7.
+ clc
+ adc #%01000000
+ rts