# Enter the target system here
SYS = c64
-CRT0 = ../libsrc/$(SYS).o
-CLIB = ../libsrc/$(SYS).lib
-CC = ../src/cc65/cc65
-CL = ../src/cl65/cl65
-AS = ../src/ca65/ca65
-LD = ../src/ld65/ld65
+# Determine the path to the executables and libraries. If the samples
+# directory is part of a complete source tree, use the stuff from this
+# source tree, otherwise use the "official" directories.
+ifeq "$(wildcard ../src)" ""
+# No source tree
+CRT0 = $(SYS).o
+CLIB = $(SYS).lib
+CL = cl65
+CC = cc65
+AS = as65
+LD = ld65
+# Samples is part of a complete source tree
+CRT0 = ../libsrc/$(SYS).o
+CLIB = ../libsrc/$(SYS).lib
+CL = ../src/cl65/cl65
+CC = ../src/cc65/cc65
+AS = ../src/ca65/ca65
+LD = ../src/ld65/ld65
+export CC65_INC = ../include
+# This one comes with VICE
C1541 = c1541