x.text = get_colorpixel(conn, ctext); \
} while (0)
+ config.client.background = get_colorpixel(conn, "#000000");
INIT_COLOR(config.client.focused, "#4c7899", "#285577", "#ffffff");
INIT_COLOR(config.client.focused_inactive, "#333333", "#5f676a", "#ffffff");
INIT_COLOR(config.client.unfocused, "#333333", "#222222", "#888888");
{client->rect.width-1, 0}}; /* right upper edge */
xcb_poly_line(conn, XCB_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, client->frame, client->titlegc, 4, points);
- /* Draw a black background */
- xcb_change_gc_single(conn, client->titlegc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, get_colorpixel(conn, "#000000"));
+ /* Draw the background */
+ xcb_change_gc_single(conn, client->titlegc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, config.client.background);
if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && !client->borderless) {
xcb_rectangle_t crect = {1, 0, client->rect.width - (1 + 1), client->rect.height - 1};
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, client->frame, client->titlegc, 1, &crect);
/* Draw a rectangle in background color around the window */
if (client->borderless && mode == MODE_DEFAULT)
- xcb_change_gc_single(conn, gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, get_colorpixel(conn, "#000000"));
+ xcb_change_gc_single(conn, gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, config.client.background);
else xcb_change_gc_single(conn, gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, color->background);
/* In stacking mode, we only render the rect for this specific decoration */
xcb_rectangle_t rect = {0, 0, client->rect.width, client->rect.height};
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, drawable, gc, 1, &rect);
- /* Draw the inner background to have a black frame around clients (such as mplayer)
+ /* Draw the inner background to a frame around clients (such as mplayer)
which cannot be resized exactly in our frames and therefore are centered */
- xcb_change_gc_single(conn, client->titlegc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, get_colorpixel(conn, "#000000"));
+ xcb_change_gc_single(conn, client->titlegc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, config.client.background);
if (client->titlebar_position == TITLEBAR_OFF && client->borderless) {
xcb_rectangle_t crect = {0, 0, client->rect.width, client->rect.height};
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, client->frame, client->titlegc, 1, &crect);
* amount of windows */
if (container->mode == MODE_STACK) {
if (container->stack_limit == STACK_LIMIT_COLS && (current_col % 2) != 0) {
- xcb_change_gc_single(conn, stack_win->pixmap.gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, get_colorpixel(conn, "#000000"));
+ xcb_change_gc_single(conn, stack_win->pixmap.gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, config.client.background);
int offset_x = current_col * (stack_win->rect.width / container->stack_limit_value);
int offset_y = current_row * decoration_height;
offset_y + decoration_height };
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, stack_win->pixmap.id, stack_win->pixmap.gc, 1, &rect);
} else if (container->stack_limit == STACK_LIMIT_ROWS && (current_row % 2) != 0) {
- xcb_change_gc_single(conn, stack_win->pixmap.gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, get_colorpixel(conn, "#000000"));
+ xcb_change_gc_single(conn, stack_win->pixmap.gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, config.client.background);
int offset_x = current_col * wrap;
int offset_y = current_row * decoration_height;