--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 18.07.2002
+; Defines the platform specific error list.
+; The table is built as a list of entries
+; .byte entrylen
+; .byte errorcode
+; .asciiz errormsg
+; and terminated by an entry with length zero that is returned if the
+; error code could not be found.
+ .export __sys_oserrlist
+; Macros used to generate the list (may get moved to an include file?)
+; Regular entry
+.macro sys_oserr_entry code, msg
+ .local Start, End
+Start: .byte End - Start
+ .byte code
+ .asciiz msg
+; Sentinel entry
+.macro sys_oserr_sentinel msg
+ .byte 0 ; Length is always zero
+ .byte 0 ; Code is unused
+ .asciiz msg
+; The error message table
+ sys_oserr_entry 1, "Too many open files"
+ sys_oserr_entry 2, "File is open"
+ sys_oserr_entry 3, "File not open"
+ sys_oserr_entry 4, "File not found"
+ sys_oserr_entry 5, "Device not present"
+ sys_oserr_entry 6, "File not input"
+ sys_oserr_entry 7, "File not output"
+ sys_oserr_entry 8, "Filename missing"
+ sys_oserr_entry 9, "Ilegal device"
+ sys_oserr_entry 20, "Read error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 21, "Read error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 22, "Read error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 23, "Read error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 24, "Read error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 25, "Write error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 26, "Write protect on"
+ sys_oserr_entry 27, "Read error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 28, "Write error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 29, "Disk ID mismatch"
+ sys_oserr_entry 30, "Syntax error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 31, "Syntax error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 32, "Syntax error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 33, "Syntax error (invalid file name)"
+ sys_oserr_entry 34, "Syntax error (no file given)"
+ sys_oserr_entry 39, "Syntax error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 50, "Record not present"
+ sys_oserr_entry 51, "Overflow in record"
+ sys_oserr_entry 52, "File too large"
+ sys_oserr_entry 60, "Write file open"
+ sys_oserr_entry 61, "File not open"
+ sys_oserr_entry 62, "File not found"
+ sys_oserr_entry 63, "File exists"
+ sys_oserr_entry 64, "File type mismatch"
+ sys_oserr_entry 65, "No block"
+ sys_oserr_entry 66, "Illegal track or sector"
+ sys_oserr_entry 67, "Illegal system track or sector"
+ sys_oserr_entry 70, "No channel"
+ sys_oserr_entry 71, "Directory error"
+ sys_oserr_entry 72, "Disk full"
+ sys_oserr_entry 73, "DOS version mismatch"
+ sys_oserr_sentinel "Unknown error"
--- /dev/null
+; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 17.07.2002
+; const char* __fastcall__ _stroserror (unsigned char errcode);
+; /* Map an operating system error number to an error message. */
+ .export __stroserror
+ .import __sys_oserrlist
+ .importzp ptr1, tmp1
+ .macpack generic
+; The table is built as a list of entries
+; .byte entrylen
+; .byte errorcode
+; .asciiz errormsg
+; and terminated by an entry with length zero that is returned if the
+; error code could not be found.
+ sta tmp1 ; Save the error code
+ ldy #<__sys_oserrlist
+ sty ptr1
+ ldy #>__sys_oserrlist
+ sty ptr1+1 ; Setup pointer to message table
+@L1: ldy #0
+ lda (ptr1),y ; Get the length
+ beq Done ; Bail out if end of list reached
+ iny
+ lda (ptr1),y ; Compare the error code
+ cmp tmp1
+ beq Done ; Jump if found
+; Not found, move pointer to next entry
+ dey
+ clc
+ lda ptr1
+ adc (ptr1),y
+ sta ptr1
+ bcc @L1
+ inc ptr1+1
+ bcs @L1 ; Branch always
+; We've found the code or reached the end of the list
+Done: ldx ptr1+1
+ lda ptr1
+ add #2 ; Add a total of #2
+ bcc @L1
+ inx ; Bump high byte
+@L1: rts