.addr HIDE
.addr SHOW
- .addr BOX
+ .addr SETBOX
+ .addr GETBOX
.addr MOVE
.addr POS
+box: .tag MOUSE_BOX
info: .tag MOUSE_INFO
slot: .res 1
visible:.res 1
size = * - values
+inibox: .word 0 ; MinX
+ .word 0 ; MinY
+ .word 279 ; MaxX
+ .word 191 ; MaxY
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sta xparam+1
sta jump+2
+ ; Disable interrupts now because setting the slot number makes
+ ; the IRQ handler (maybe called due to some non-mouse IRQ) try
+ ; calling the firmware which isn't correctly set up yet
+ sei
; Convert to and save slot number
and #$0F
- sei
sta slot
; Convert to and patch I/O register index
jsr firmware
; Set initial mouse clamps
- lda #<279
- ldx #>279
- sta pos2_lo
- stx pos2_hi
- lda #$00 ; Set x clamps
- sta pos1_lo
- sta pos1_hi
- jsr firmware
- lda #<191
- ldx #>191
- sta pos2_lo
- stx pos2_hi
- lda #$01 ; Set y clamps
- jsr firmware
+ lda #<inibox
+ ldx #>inibox
+ jsr SETBOX
; Set initial mouse position
ldx slot
bne common ; Branch always
-; HIDE: Is called to hide the mouse cursor. The mouse kernel manages a
-; counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is only called
-; if the mouse is currently visible and should get hidden. For most drivers,
-; no special action is required besides hiding the mouse cursor.
-; No return code required.
- dec visible
- sei
- jsr CHIDE
- cli
- rts
-; SHOW: Is called to show the mouse cursor. The mouse kernel manages a
-; counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is only called
-; if the mouse is currently hidden and should become visible. For most drivers,
-; no special action is required besides enabling the mouse cursor.
-; No return code required.
- inc visible
- rts
-; BOX: Set the mouse bounding box. The parameters are passed as they come from
-; the C program, that is, maxy in A/X and the other parameters on the stack.
-; The C wrapper will remove the parameters from the stack when the driver
-; routine returns.
+; SETBOX: Set the mouse bounding box. The parameters are passed as they come
+; from the C program, that is, a pointer to a mouse_box struct in A/X.
; No checks are done if the mouse is currently inside the box, this is the job
; of the caller. It is not necessary to validate the parameters, trust the
; caller and save some code here. No return code required.
- ; Apple II Mouse TechNote #1, Interrupt Environment with the Mouse:
- ; "Disable interrupts before placing position information in the screen holes."
- sei
- ; Set high clamp
- sta pos2_lo
- txa
- ldx #$01 ; Set y clamps
- ldy #$00 ; Start at top of stack
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1
+ ; Set x clamps
+ ldx #$00
jsr :+
+ ; Set y clamps
+ ldx #$01
- ldx #$00 ; Set x clamps
- ldy #$00 ; Start at top of stack
+ ; Apple II Mouse TechNote #1, Interrupt Environment with the Mouse:
+ ; "Disable interrupts before placing position information in the
+ ; screen holes."
+: sei
- ; Set high clamp
- lda (sp),y
- iny
- sei
- sta pos2_lo
- lda (sp),y
+ ; Set low clamp
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta box,y
+ sta pos1_lo
-: sta pos2_hi
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta box,y
+ sta pos1_hi
- ; Skip one parameter
+ ; Skip one word
- ; Set low clamp
- lda (sp),y
+ ; Set high clamp
- sta pos1_lo
- lda (sp),y
- sta pos1_hi
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta box,y
+ sta pos2_lo
+ iny
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta box,y
+ sta pos2_hi
bne common ; Branch always
+; GETBOX: Return the mouse bounding box. The parameters are passed as they
+; come from the C program, that is, a pointer to a mouse_box struct in A/X.
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1
+ ldy #.sizeof(MOUSE_BOX)-1
+: lda box,y
+ sta (ptr1),y
+ dey
+ bpl :-
+ rts
; MOVE: Move the mouse to a new position. The position is passed as it comes
; from the C program, that is: x on the stack and y in A/X. The C wrapper will
; remove the parameter from the stack on return.
bne common ; Branch always
+; HIDE: Is called to hide the mouse cursor. The mouse kernel manages a
+; counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is only called
+; if the mouse is currently visible and should get hidden. For most drivers,
+; no special action is required besides hiding the mouse cursor.
+; No return code required.
+ dec visible
+ sei
+ jsr CHIDE
+ cli
+ rts
+; SHOW: Is called to show the mouse cursor. The mouse kernel manages a
+; counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is only called
+; if the mouse is currently hidden and should become visible. For most drivers,
+; no special action is required besides enabling the mouse cursor.
+; No return code required.
+ inc visible
+ rts
; BUTTONS: Return the button mask in A/X.
; POS: Return the mouse position in the MOUSE_POS struct pointed to by ptr1.
; No return code required.
- ldx #.sizeof(MOUSE_POS)-1
+ ldy #.sizeof(MOUSE_POS)-1
bne copy ; Branch always
; INFO: Returns mouse position and current button mask in the MOUSE_INFO
; struct pointed to by ptr1. No return code required.
- ldx #.sizeof(MOUSE_INFO)-1
-copy: txa
- tay
- sei
-: lda info,x
+ ldy #.sizeof(MOUSE_INFO)-1
+copy: sei
+: lda info,y
sta (ptr1),y
- dex
bpl :-