.export _cgetc
+ .import cursor
.include "telestrat.inc"
.proc _cgetc
+ ; this routine could be quicker if we wrote in page 2 variables, but it's better to use telemon routine in that case, because telemon can manage 4 I/O
+ lda cursor ; if cursor equal to 0, then switch off cursor
+ beq switchoff_cursor
+ ldx #$00 ; x is the first screen
+ BRK_TELEMON(XCSSCR) ; display cursor
+ jmp loop ; could be replaced by a bne/beq but 'jmp' is cleaner than a bne/beq which could expect some
+ ldx #$00 ; x is the first screen
+ BRK_TELEMON(XCOSCR) ; switch off cursor
bcs loop