- * Goes through the list of arguments (for exec()) and checks if the given argument
- * is present. If not, it copies the arguments (because we cannot realloc it) and
- * appends the given argument.
- *
+ * Goes through the list of arguments (for exec()) and add/replace the given option,
+ * including the option name, its argument, and the option character.
-static char **append_argument(char **original, char *argument) {
+static char **add_argument(char **original, char *opt_char, char *opt_arg, char *opt_name) {
int num_args;
- for (num_args = 0; original[num_args] != NULL; num_args++) {
- DLOG("original argument: \"%s\"\n", original[num_args]);
- /* If the argument is already present we return the original pointer */
- if (strcmp(original[num_args], argument) == 0)
- return original;
+ for (num_args = 0; original[num_args] != NULL; num_args++)
+ ;
+ char **result = scalloc(num_args + 3, sizeof(char *));
+ /* copy the arguments, but skip the ones we'll replace */
+ int write_index = 0;
+ bool skip_next = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
+ if (skip_next) {
+ skip_next = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(original[i], opt_char) ||
+ (opt_name && !strcmp(original[i], opt_name))) {
+ if (opt_arg)
+ skip_next = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ result[write_index++] = original[i];
- /* Copy the original array */
- char **result = smalloc((num_args + 2) * sizeof(char *));
- memcpy(result, original, num_args * sizeof(char *));
- result[num_args] = argument;
- result[num_args + 1] = NULL;
+ /* add the arguments we'll replace */
+ result[write_index++] = opt_char;
+ result[write_index] = opt_arg;
return result;
LOG("restarting \"%s\"...\n", start_argv[0]);
- /* make sure -a is in the argument list or append it */
- start_argv = append_argument(start_argv, "-a");
+ /* make sure -a is in the argument list or add it */
+ start_argv = add_argument(start_argv, "-a", NULL, NULL);
+ /* make debuglog-on persist */
+ if (get_debug_logging()) {
+ start_argv = add_argument(start_argv, "-d", "all", NULL);
+ }
/* replace -r <file> so that the layout is restored */
if (restart_filename != NULL) {
- /* create the new argv */
- int num_args;
- for (num_args = 0; start_argv[num_args] != NULL; num_args++)
- ;
- char **new_argv = scalloc(num_args + 3, sizeof(char *));
- /* copy the arguments, but skip the ones we'll replace */
- int write_index = 0;
- bool skip_next = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) {
- if (skip_next)
- skip_next = false;
- else if (!strcmp(start_argv[i], "-r") ||
- !strcmp(start_argv[i], "--restart"))
- skip_next = true;
- else
- new_argv[write_index++] = start_argv[i];
- }
- /* add the arguments we'll replace */
- new_argv[write_index++] = "--restart";
- new_argv[write_index] = restart_filename;
- /* swap the argvs */
- start_argv = new_argv;
+ start_argv = add_argument(start_argv, "--restart", restart_filename, "-r");
execvp(start_argv[0], start_argv);
/* not reached */