- /* We need to call con_focus() to fix the focus stack "above" the container
- * we just inserted the focused container into (otherwise, the parent
- * container(s) would still point to the old container(s)). */
- con_focus(con);
/* force re-painting the indicators */
ok(!$source_ws->{urgent}, 'Source workspace is no longer marked urgent');
is($target_ws->{urgent}, 1, 'Target workspace is now marked urgent');
+# Test that moving an unfocused container doesn't reset its urgency hint.
+ $tmp = fresh_workspace;
+ $win1 = open_window;
+ $win2 = open_window;
+ cmd 'split v';
+ $win3 = open_window;
+ set_urgency($win1, 1, $type);
+ sync_with_i3;
+ my $win1_info;
+ @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
+ $win1_info = first { $_->{window} == $win1->id } @content;
+ ok($win1_info->{urgent}, 'win1 window is marked urgent');
+ cmd '[id="' . $win1->id . '"] move right';
+ cmd '[id="' . $win1->id . '"] move right';
+ @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
+ $win1_info = first { $_->{window} == $win1->id } @content;
+ ok($win1_info->{urgent}, 'win1 window is still marked urgent after moving');
+ cmd '[id="' . $win1->id . '"] focus';
+ @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
+ $win1_info = first { $_->{window} == $win1->id } @content;
+ ok(!$win1_info->{urgent}, 'win1 window is not marked urgent after focusing');
cmd 'move left';
confirm_focus('split-v + move');
+# Test that moving an unfocused container maintains the correct focus
+# order.
+# Layout: H [ A V1 [ B C D ] ]
+$windows[3] = open_window;
+$windows[2] = open_window;
+cmd 'split v';
+$windows[1] = open_window;
+$windows[0] = open_window;
+cmd '[id=' . $windows[3]->id . '] move right';
+confirm_focus('split-v + unfocused move');