+++ /dev/null
-;* Creativision Joystick Function
-;* unsigned char __fastcall__ joystate(unsigned char joy);
-;* JOY_1 -> Return Left Joystick direction
-;* JOY_2 -> Return Right Joystick direction
-;* JOY_3 -> Return Left Joystick buttons
-;* JOY_4 -> Return Right Joystick buttons
-;* Will only work if interrupts are enabled.
- .export _joystate
- .include "creativision.inc"
- cmp #1 ; Left Direction
- bne l1
- lda $11
- beq l5
- and #$0F
- lsr a
- tax
- inx
- txa
- rts
-l1: cmp #2 ; Right Direction
- bne l2
- lda $13
- beq l5
- and #$0F
- lsr a
- tax
- inx
- txa
- rts
-l2: cmp #3 ; Left Buttons
- bne l3
- lda $16
- beq l5
- and #$0F
- rts
-l3: cmp #4
- bne l4
- lda $17
- beq l5
- and #$0F
- rts
-l4: lda #0
-l5: rts