CURS_Y := $D8 ; Cursor row
FNADR := $DA ; Pointer to file name
+; 80-Column CBMs
BASIC_BUF := $200 ; Location of command-line
BASIC_BUF_LEN = 81 ; Maximum length of command-line
KEY_BUF := $26F ; Keyboard buffer
-;FIXME: we must somehow handle the difference between the two - how?
-; 40-Column PETs
-;KBDREPEAT := $3ee
-; 80-Column PETs
+; 40-Column PETs/CBMs
; PET ROM type detection
VIA_PRA := $E841
VIA_DDRB := $E842
VIA_DDRA := $E843
<title>cc65 function reference
-<author><url url="" name="Ullrich von Bassewitz">
+<author><url url="" name="Ullrich von Bassewitz">,<newline>
+<url url="" name="Greg King">
cc65 is a C compiler for 6502 based systems. This function reference describes
-<sect1>kbrepeat<label id="kbrepeat"><p>
-<tag/Function/Set keyboard repeat mode
-<tag/Header/<tt/<ref id="cbm.h" name="cbm.h">/
-<tag/Declaration/<tt/unsigned char __fastcall__ kbrepeat (unsigned char mode);/
-<tag/Description/This function changes which keys have automatic repeat when
-being hold down for a certain time. Possible values are KBREPEAT_CURSOR (repeat
-only cursor-related keys), KBREPEAT_NONE (no repeat for any keys) and
-KBREPEAT_ALL (repeat all keys). The old mode is returned so it can be restored
-<item>The function is available only as a fastcall function; so, it may be used
-only in the presence of a prototype.
<sect1>cclear<label id="cclear"><p>
+<sect1>kbrepeat<label id="kbrepeat"><p>
+<tag/Function/Set the keyboard repeat mode.
+<tag/Header/<tt/<ref id="cbm.h" name="cbm.h">/
+<tag/Declaration/<tt/unsigned char __fastcall__ kbrepeat (unsigned char mode);/
+<tag/Description/This function changes which keys have automatic repeat when
+being held down for a certain time. Possible values are <tt/KBREPEAT_CURSOR/
+(repeat only cursor-related keys), <tt/KBREPEAT_NONE/ (no repeat for any
+keys), and <tt/KBREPEAT_ALL/ (repeat all keys). The old mode is returned, so
+it can be restored later.
+<item>The function is available only as a fastcall function; so, it may be used
+only in the presence of a prototype.
<sect1>labs<label id="labs"><p>
; unsigned char __fastcall__ kbrepeat (unsigned char mode);
+; 2017-06-16, Groepaz
+; 2017-09-05, Greg King
- .export _kbrepeat
+ .export _kbrepeat
.include ""
- ldx KBDREPEAT ; get old value
- sta KBDREPEAT ; store new value
- txa ; return old value
- ldx #0
+ ldx #>$0000
+ cpy #40 + 1
+ bcc L1 ; branch if screen is 40 columns wide
+ ldy KBDREPEAT80 ; get old value
+ sta KBDREPEAT80 ; store new value
+ tya ; return old value
+ rts
+L1: tay
+ lda KBDREPEAT40B ; get REPEAT-key flag (used by some editor ROMs)
+ lsr a ; move bit 0 into bit 7
+ ror a
+ ora KBDREPEAT40 ; combine with old key-REPEAT flags