From ce778c4bb8315f03f4aa25c6823b1db90f1e67b0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ""
-The builtin configurations are part of the linker source. They are also -distributed together with the machine specific binary packages (usually in the -doc directory) and don't have a special format. So if you need a special -configuration, it's a good idea to start with the builtin configuration for -your system. In a first step, just replace Secondary configurations
+ +Several machine specific binary packages are distributed together with secondary +configurations (in the cfg directory). These configurations can be used with +Special segments
The builtin config files do contain segments that have a special meaning for
@@ -983,10 +990,11 @@ This segment contains the startup code which initializes the C software stack
and the libraries. It is placed in its own segment because it needs to be
loaded at the lowest possible program address on several platforms.
-This segment defines the location of the memory heap used by the malloc
+The ZPSAVE segment contains the original values of the zeropage locations used
+by the ZEROPAGE segment. It is placed in its own segment because it must not be