]> git.sur5r.net Git - openldap/shortlog
2004-03-26 Kurt ZeilengaBreak apart version-info
2004-03-25 Jong Hyuk Choifix for ITS#2995
2004-03-25 Jong Hyuk Choipatch for ITS#2948
2004-03-25 Howard ChuITS#2982 ok, we should NULL out lc after all...
2004-03-25 Howard ChuITS#2982 be sure to use nextlc when calling try_read1msg
2004-03-25 Howard ChuITS#3036 check for syncrepl
2004-03-25 Howard ChuITS#3038 64bit compatibility (oops)
2004-03-24 Kurt Zeilengacleanup
2004-03-24 Kurt ZeilengaUpdate library soname handling
2004-03-24 Howard ChuSilence warning
2004-03-24 Kurt ZeilengaHide x_compile flag (as it doesn't work)
2004-03-23 Kurt ZeilengaITS#2768: configuring slurpd's interval between replog...
2004-03-20 Kurt ZeilengaSeems all overlays are going here (at present)
2004-03-20 Howard ChuA toy/demo overlay for collective attributes.
2004-03-20 Kurt ZeilengaRebuild
2004-03-20 Kurt ZeilengaRebuild
2004-03-20 Howard ChuAdd ppolicy bits
2004-03-20 Howard ChuOverlay API notes. work in progress, please comment.
2004-03-20 Pierangelo... follow search references as well
2004-03-20 Howard ChuReplaced slap_overinfo.oi_bd with oi_orig.
2004-03-20 Howard ChuITS#3033 fix debug msg segv
2004-03-20 Howard ChuMake sure lockout flag is printed
2004-03-20 Howard Chuback-ldbm is supported now
2004-03-20 Howard ChuRestructure to release locks before sending result
2004-03-20 Howard ChuUse REP_MATCHED_MUSTBEFREED reply flag
2004-03-19 Howard ChuFix header
2004-03-19 Howard ChuRename slapd-ppolicy.5 to slapo-ppolicy.5
2004-03-19 Kurt ZeilengaAdd readme.
2004-03-19 Howard ChuITS#2457 Added LUTIL_SLASHPATH macro and func for conve...
2004-03-19 Kurt ZeilengaITS#3032: retry when GSSAPI creds are not available
2004-03-19 Kurt ZeilengaLatest LDAP Sync I-D (this revision was submitted to...
2004-03-19 Kurt ZeilengaUpdate LDAPBIS I-Ds
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... fix nasty subtype bug (too many results)
2004-03-18 Kurt ZeilengaAdd references to new RFCs
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... remove outdated comment
2004-03-18 Kurt ZeilengaAdd RFC3698 implementation to TODO
2004-03-18 Kurt ZeilengaAdd note that some of the unimplemented matching rules are
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... cleanup error messages
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... to be conservative ...
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... oops, I did it again
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... cleanup rwm overlay; init/destroy session cookie; strip...
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... overlays reworking
2004-03-18 Howard ChuFix prev commit
2004-03-18 Howard ChuAdded ppolicy_use_lockout keyword; Default behavior...
2004-03-18 Howard ChuAdded ppolicy_hide_lockout keyword
2004-03-18 Kurt ZeilengaHide noop control until published and code is updated.
2004-03-18 Kurt ZeilengaMore releng cleanup
2004-03-18 Kurt ZeilengaFix typo in commit before last
2004-03-18 Kurt Zeilengacleanup
2004-03-18 Kurt Zeilengacleanup for release engineering
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... typo
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... man page
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... document new tools and remove deprected switches
2004-03-18 Pierangelo... document new tools
2004-03-18 Howard ChuDemote cacheable queries section
2004-03-18 Howard ChuFix typo in prev commit
2004-03-17 Howard ChuITS#3024 add rootdn
2004-03-17 Howard ChuITS#2945 fix typo, add more examples
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... improve previous commit
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... move DN/config test in slapdn/slaptest
2004-03-17 Kurt ZeilengaFix builds with LDAP_GROUPTING_TRANSACTION
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... works in most cases ...
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... add labeledURI to back-ldap databases
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... carefully check the URI
2004-03-17 Kurt Zeilengapassword always replaces old passwords
2004-03-17 Kurt Zeilengacleanup
2004-03-17 Kurt ZeilengaFix typo
2004-03-17 Howard ChuUse LUTIL_PASSWD_{ERR,OK} result codes
2004-03-17 Kurt ZeilengaBe consistent with element separators.
2004-03-17 Howard ChuFix deadlock in remove_query_data
2004-03-17 Howard ChuFix a couple SEGVs
2004-03-17 Howard ChuAdd connection_fake_init()
2004-03-17 Howard ChuFix passing of state info to over_back_response
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... only works with explicit overlay instantiation
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... fix previous commit
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... reset SlapReply flags
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... added callbacks to most of the functions; more cleanup
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... search/unbind works; need to consistently add callbacks...
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... reset flags (need to check consistence across slapd)
2004-03-17 Howard ChuFix prev commit
2004-03-17 Howard ChuFix account lock check
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... need to turn it into a man page, when it freezes
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... slight improvements; doesn't work yet
2004-03-17 Howard ChuSkip test on ldbm, ldbm deadlocks on Bind
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... actually, teh backend could also be selected on a per...
2004-03-17 Howard ChuFix LDBM on Windows
2004-03-17 Howard ChuFix missing LBER_V declaration
2004-03-17 Howard ChuRestore NT4 compatibility, avoid W2K-only API
2004-03-17 Kurt ZeilengaNew T_SRV fix
2004-03-17 Kurt Zeilenga#ifdef txn code
2004-03-17 Kurt Zeilengarebuild
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... add back-relay (doesn't work yet; need to regenerate...
2004-03-17 Pierangelo... add back-relay (doesn't work yet)
2004-03-16 Howard ChuAdd note about overlay directive
2004-03-16 Pierangelo... seeAlso to overlays as well
2004-03-16 Howard ChuDocs for ppolicy overlay
2004-03-16 Howard ChuFix non-standard OIDs
2004-03-16 Pierangelo... add overlay subsystem and connect it to databases
2004-03-16 Pierangelo... add iterator on overlays
2004-03-16 Pierangelo... init 'oi' also when the backend already has overlays...