]> git.sur5r.net Git - i3/i3/shortlog
2015-12-25 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2113 from Airblader/bug-2111
2015-12-25 Michael Stapelbergi3bar: explicitly set cursor using libxcursor if available
2015-12-25 Michael Stapelbergmake: should be XCB_CURSOR, not XCURSOR
2015-12-22 Michael StapelbergBugfix: don’t remove SubstructureRedirect event mask...
2015-12-20 Michael Stapelberguserguide: faq has moved to reddit
2015-12-17 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2121 from Airblader/bug-base-10
2015-12-17 Ingo BürkDon't force base 10 for parsing id. 2121/head
2015-12-17 Ingo BürkMatch on all criteria even if con_id or con_mark are... 2113/head
2015-12-16 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2102 from ccryx/next
2015-12-16 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2112 from Airblader/feature-multipl...
2015-12-15 Florian MerkelSupport matching _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION 2102/head
2015-12-15 Ingo BürkAvoid rendering the tree twice in a row 2112/head
2015-12-15 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2108 from Airblader/feature-2097
2015-12-14 Ingo BürkAllow mouse bindings to run on the root window. 2108/head
2015-12-14 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2105 from Airblader/bug-2099
2015-12-14 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2103 from Airblader/bug-2091
2015-12-11 Ingo BürkReject empty swallow definitions 2105/head
2015-12-09 Michael Stapelbergtravis: install git 1.9.1 from trusty for git fetch...
2015-12-09 Ingo BürkReject invalid match criteria with an error. 2103/head
2015-12-04 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2095 from Airblader/bug-2090
2015-12-04 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2096 from Airblader/bug-2094
2015-12-03 Ingo BürkFail gracefully when the gc cannot be created 2096/head
2015-12-03 Ingo BürkCast unsigned to signed before comparison
2015-12-03 Ingo BürkAllow "move position center" to operate on matched... 2095/head
2015-11-30 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2087 from tbu-/pr_sensible_quote_vars
2015-11-30 Tobias BucherQuote the variables in i3-sensible-* correctly 2087/head
2015-11-30 Michael Stapelbergtravis: call git fetch --unshallow, so that git describ...
2015-11-23 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2065 from Airblader/feature-1278
2015-11-23 Ingo BürkMake freeing surfaces idempotent 2065/head
2015-11-23 Ingo BürkUse 32-bit visual by default if available.
2015-11-23 Ingo BürkDon't create a pixmap for CT_ROOT and CT_OUTPUT containers.
2015-11-23 Ingo BürkParse colors as color_t instead of colorpixel.
2015-11-23 Ingo BürkSkip drawing for uninitialized surfaces.
2015-11-23 Ingo BürkMigrate i3 rendering to cairo.
2015-11-23 Ingo BürkFix draw_util_copy_surface.
2015-11-23 Ingo BürkMove draw_util.c to libi3.
2015-11-23 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2078 from acrisci/bug/detect-base16...
2015-11-22 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2079 from tyll/contact
2015-11-22 Till MaasFix contact information 2079/head
2015-11-22 Tony CrisciBug: parse con_id base 16 2078/head
2015-11-21 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2074 from Airblader/feature-2064
2015-11-21 Ingo BürkSupport _NET_WM_USER_TIME. 2074/head
2015-11-21 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2076 from Airblader/feature-documen...
2015-11-21 Ingo BürkDocument rect, window_rect and deco_rect. 2076/head
2015-11-19 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2071 from tyll/https
2015-11-19 Till MaasUse https if possible 2071/head
2015-11-16 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2061 from Airblader/bug-2049
2015-11-16 Michael StapelbergAdd i3test::XTEST, add 2 test cases for key bindings
2015-11-16 Michael StapelbergRevert "Bugfix: set group mask 1 by default, correctly...
2015-11-15 Ingo BürkOnly grab scrollwheel buttons if necessary. 2061/head
2015-11-11 Ingo BürkExtract function to grab buttons when managing a window.
2015-11-09 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2058 from Airblader/feature-rename...
2015-11-07 Ingo BürkRename I3BAR_CAIRO to CAIRO_SUPPORT. 2058/head
2015-11-03 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2053 from Airblader/feature-2048
2015-11-02 Ingo BürkRaise dependency to cairo 1.14.4. 2053/head
2015-11-02 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2054 from hwangcc23/fix-2051
2015-11-02 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2055 from Airblader/bug-2044
2015-11-02 Ingo BürkRemove autostart commands after they have been executed. 2055/head
2015-11-02 hwangcc23Fix config validation fail when no new line from end... 2054/head
2015-11-02 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2001 from Airblader/feature-multipl...
2015-11-01 Ingo BürkFix memory leaks in modes and bar bindings. 2001/head
2015-11-01 Ingo BürkAllow multiple tray_output directives.
2015-10-30 Michael StapelbergBugfix: ignore XKB group bits in floating_modifier
2015-10-29 Michael StapelbergBugfix: set group mask 1 by default, correctly compare...
2015-10-28 Michael StapelbergBugfix: correctly compare modifier mask when identifyin...
2015-10-28 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2043 from Airblader/bug-regex-mem...
2015-10-28 Ingo BürkFix multiple memory leaks with regular expressions. 2043/head
2015-10-27 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2030 from DavidMikeSimon/focus...
2015-10-27 David SimonOptionally change i3bar color on focused output, implem... 2030/head
2015-10-27 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2040 from Airblader/bug-2034
2015-10-27 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2041 from Airblader/feature-2028-2
2015-10-26 Ingo BürkAdd --no-auto-back-and-forth for moving windows. 2041/head
2015-10-26 Ingo BürkFix crash when trying to split and float a dock container. 2040/head
2015-10-26 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2039 from DavidMikeSimon/fix-1824
2015-10-26 David SimonUse separate buffers for i3bar statusline for each... 2039/head
2015-10-26 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2036 from Airblader/bug-2015
2015-10-25 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2031 from Airblader/feature-2028
2015-10-25 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2037 from Airblader/bug-run-assignments
2015-10-25 Ingo BürkMark assignment as run before executing it. 2037/head
2015-10-25 Ingo BürkFixed logging statement.
2015-10-25 Ingo BürkMake resize grow|shrink width|height work for a nested... 2036/head
2015-10-23 Ingo BürkAdded --no-auto-back-and-forth to workspace commands. 2031/head
2015-10-23 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2027 from Airblader/feature-cleanup-1
2015-10-22 Ingo BürkRemove broken and unused debug borders. 2027/head
2015-10-22 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2025 from Airblader/feature-2022
2015-10-22 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2018 from Airblader/feature-2014
2015-10-22 Ingo BürkAdded background and border keys to the i3bar protocol. 2025/head
2015-10-22 Ingo BürkIntroduce special value __focused__ for criterion con_id. 2018/head
2015-10-22 Ingo BürkMake 'unmark' aware of matched windows.
2015-10-22 Ingo BürkIntroduce "--add" for marking windows.
2015-10-22 Ingo BürkAllow multiple marks on windows.
2015-10-22 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2017 from Airblader/bug-2011
2015-10-22 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2023 from Adaephon-GH/next
2015-10-21 Ingo BürkActivate root output if RandR request fails. 2017/head
2015-10-21 Adaephon-GHMake rendering of key bindings more consistent 2023/head
2015-10-21 Adaephon-GHImprove placement of explicit IDs for headings
2015-10-21 Adaephon-GHQuote __focused__ to prevent parsing by asciidoc
2015-10-19 Michael Stapelbergfix a memory leak in handle_get_bar_config
2015-10-19 Michael StapelbergFix memleak in translate_keysyms
2015-10-19 Michael StapelbergMerge pull request #2013 from Adaephon-GH/next