<%@ MasterClass="Application.Web.Layouts.Wizard" Theme="Baculum-v1"%>
getPage()->first_run === false ? 'class="button-prev-next"' : ''%>>
getPage()->first_run === false ? 'class="button-prev-next"' : ''%>>
getPage()->first_run === false ? 'class="button-prev-next"' : ''%>>

<%[ Baculum web interface requires to add at least one Baculum API instance with shared Catalog access. Please add API instance. ]%>

<%[ Authorization to Baculum API ]%>
<%[ Protocol: ]%>
<%[ IP Address/Hostname: ]%>
<%[ Auth Type: ]%>
HTTP Basic
<%[ Port: ]%>
<%[ API Login: ]%>
<%[ API Password: ]%>
<%=preg_replace('/.{1}/', '*', $this->AddNewHost->APIBasicPassword->Text)%>
<%[ Auth Type: ]%>
<%[ OAuth2 Client ID: ]%>
<%[ OAuth2 Client Secret: ]%>
<%=preg_replace('/.{1}/', '*', $this->AddNewHost->APIOAuth2ClientSecret->Text)%>
<%[ OAuth2 Redirect URI: ]%>
<%[ OAuth2 Scope: ]%>
<%[ Authorization to Baculum Web ]%>
<%[ Administration login: ]%>
<%[ Administration password: ]%>
<%=preg_replace('/.{1}/', '*', $this->WebPassword->Text)%>