Professional Support for Bacula
The following people are independent contractors.
We list their names here as a service only without any guarantees.

Please read that short 'licence' for further details: Listing licence
All names have been reviewed and approved.

All email-addresses are extended with a 'NOSPAM'-tag, please remove it before sending an email.

Alixen Gilles Polart-Donat
2 rue Jean Rostand
91893 Orsay CEDEX, France
+33 01 69 85 24 13

Axiom Networking Angus Jordan
9235 215th St, Langley BC, Canada

We offer all types of IT related support services. Platform support: Linux,
Windows 2000/2003 etc. Lots of experience with Bacula, DBMail, Nagios,
Postfix, Qmail, qpopper, BIND (8/9), and MANY others.

BSDCan Dan Langille
46D Whelan Drive
Nepean, ON, K2J 3K7
+1 613 863 9741

Instant Root HB Info-Mail
Box 1823
SE-58117 Linköping, Sweden

Instant Root HB is a company specialized in Unix systems administration, network design and implementation, as well as education in various computer-related fields.

KDB Konsult AB Mats Vilhelmsson
Tel: +46 708 901042

Backup hosting - internet backups, Bacula traings, installations and support.

L. Strappazon Ludovic Strappazon
Strasbourg, France
+33 660 954735

I offer engineering services and training around storage and Backup. Planning and scaling of your hardware installation, Bacula implementation.

MATRIX-Computer MATRIX-Computer GmbH
Dachauer Str. 44
80335 München
+49-89-922 996 80

We are a team of software developers with experience in C++, Windows, PHP, Linux and more. We have done lots of the Think Tools software.

Sine Nomine Associates Services Sales Dept.
  43596 Blacksmith Square
  Ashburn, VA 20147 USA
  +1 703 723 6673

  Na Dvorcich 17/Na Vrasni 18
  CZ - Praha 4, 14000
  Czech Republic

Design and implementation of system management tools and infrastructure,
from small systems to enterprise-wide implementations on global scale.
Special focus on Bacula for enterprise-class systems and mainframe.