assign('error','No dn was given'); $template = 'error.tpl'; } }elseif($_REQUEST[del]){ _delEntry($dn); }elseif(!_fetchData($dn)){ $smarty->assign('error',"The requested entry '$dn' was not found"); $template = 'error.tpl'; } //prepare templates $smarty->assign('dn',$dn); $smarty->assign('managers',$users); tpl_std(); tpl_orgs(); tpl_markers(); //display templates if($_REQUEST[mode]=='vcf'){ $entry = $smarty->get_template_vars('entry'); $filename = $entry[givenname].'_'.$entry[name].'.vcf'; header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\""); header("Content-type: text/x-vcard; name=\"$filename\""); $smarty->display($template); }else{ $smarty->display('header.tpl'); $smarty->display($template); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- /** * fetches the Data from the LDAP directory and assigns it to * the global smarty object using tpl_entry() */ function _fetchData($dn){ global $LDAP_CON; global $conf; global $smarty; global $users; //contains the users for manager role $sr = ldap_search($LDAP_CON,$dn,'(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)'); if(!ldap_count_entries($LDAP_CON,$sr)){ return false; } $result = ldap_get_binentries($LDAP_CON, $sr); $entry = $result[0]; //remove dn from entry when copy if($_REQUEST[mode] == 'copy'){ $entry[dn]=''; } //assign entry to template: tpl_entry($entry); /*print '
print '
';*/ // make username from dn for manager: $smarty->assign('managername',$users[$entry[manager][0]]); return true; } /** * saves the data from $_REQUEST[entry] to the LDAP directory * * returns given or constructed dn */ function _saveData(){ global $LDAP_CON; global $conf; $entries = namedentries(); $entries['mail']='mail'; //special field mail isn't in entries so we add it here if($conf[extended]){ $entries['marker']='marker'; //same for marker inextended schema } $entry = $_REQUEST[entry]; $dn = $_REQUEST[dn]; //construct new dn $now = time(); $newdn = 'uid='.$now; if($_REQUEST[type] == 'private'){ $newdn .= ', '.$conf[privatebook].', '.$_SESSION[ldapab][binddn]; }else{ $newdn .= ', '.$conf[publicbook]; } $entry[cn] = $entry[givenname].' '.$entry[name];; $entry = prepare_ldap_entry($entry); /*print '
print '
';*/ if(empty($dn)){ //new entry $entry[uid][] = $now; $r = ldap_add($LDAP_CON,$newdn,$entry); tpl_ldaperror(); return $newdn; }else{ // in extended mode we have to make sure the right classes are set if($conf[extended]){ ldap_store_objectclasses($dn,array('inetOrgPerson','contactPerson')); } //modify entry (touches only our attributes) foreach (array_keys($entries) as $key){ if($key == 'dn'){ continue; }elseif(empty($entry[$key])){ if($key == 'jpegPhoto' && !$_REQUEST['delphoto']){ continue; } unset($del); $del[$key]=array(); $r = @ldap_mod_replace($LDAP_CON,$dn,$del); tpl_ldaperror("del $key"); }else{ unset($add); $add[$key]=$entry[$key]; $r = @ldap_mod_replace($LDAP_CON,$dn,$add); tpl_ldaperror("mod $key"); } } return $dn; } } /** * does as the name says - delete the whole entry */ function _delEntry($dn){ global $LDAP_CON; if(ldap_full_delete($LDAP_CON,$dn,true)){ header("Location: index.php"); exit; } } /** * gets the binary data from an uploaded file */ function _getUploadData(){ $file = $_FILES[photoupload]; if (is_uploaded_file($file[tmp_name])) { if(preg_match('=image/p?jpe?g=',$file[type])){ $fh = fopen($file[tmp_name],'r'); $data = fread($fh,$file[size]); fclose($fh); unlink($file[tmp_name]); return $data; } } return ''; } ?>