fromFile($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']); }else{ $error = "Only *.vcf accepted"; } }else{ switch($_FILES['userfile']['error']){ case 0: //no error; possible file attack! $error = "There was a problem with your upload."; break; case 1: //uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini $error = "The file you are trying to upload is too big."; break; case 2: //uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the html form $error = "The file you are trying to upload is too big."; break; case 3: //uploaded file was only partially uploaded $error = "The file you are trying upload was only partially uploaded."; break; case 4: //no file was uploaded $error = "You must select a VCF file for upload."; break; default: //a default error, just in case! :) $error = "There was a problem with your upload."; break; } } } //prepare templates for all found entries $list = ''; if(count($vcards)){ foreach ($vcards as $vcard){ $entry = vcard_entry($vcard); $smarty->clear_all_assign(); tpl_std(); $smarty->assign('entry',$entry); $list .= $smarty->fetch('import_entry.tpl'); } } //prepare templates tpl_std(); tpl_orgs(); tpl_markers(); $smarty->assign('error',$error); $smarty->assign('list',$list); //display templates $smarty->display('header.tpl'); $smarty->display('import.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); function vcard_entry($vcf){ $entry['name'] = $vcf['N'][0]['value'][0][0]; $entry['givenname'] = trim($vcf['N'][0]['value'][1][0].' '.$vcf['N'][0]['value'][2][0]); $entry['title'] = $vcf['N'][0]['value'][3][0]; $entry['organization'] = $vcf['ORG'][0]['value'][0][0]; $entry['office'] = $vcf['ORG'][0]['value'][1][0]; $entry['note'] = $vcf['NOTE'][0]['value'][0][0]; $entry['url'] = $vcf['URL'][0]['value'][0][0]; $bday = $vcf['BDAY'][0]['value'][0][0]; $entry['anniversary'] = substr($bday,0,4).'-'.substr($bday,4,2).'-'.substr($bday,6,2); foreach($vcf['TEL'] as $tel){ if( empty($entry['phone']) && array_search('WORK',$tel['param']['TYPE']) !== FALSE && array_search('VOICE',$tel['param']['TYPE']) !== FALSE){ // Work phone $entry['phone'] = $tel['value'][0][0]; }elseif(empty($entry['fax']) && array_search('FAX',$tel['param']['TYPE']) !== FALSE){ $entry['fax'] = $tel['value'][0][0]; }elseif(empty($entry['mobile']) && array_search('CELL',$tel['param']['TYPE']) !== FALSE){ $entry['mobile'] = $tel['value'][0][0]; }elseif(empty($entry['pager']) && array_search('PAGER',$tel['param']['TYPE']) !== FALSE){ $entry['pager'] = $tel['value'][0][0]; }elseif(empty($entry['homephone']) && array_search('HOME',$tel['param']['TYPE']) !== FALSE && array_search('VOICE',$tel['param']['TYPE']) !== FALSE){ $entry['homephone'] = $tel['value'][0][0]; } } foreach($vcf['EMAIL'] as $mail){ $entry['mail'][] = $mail['value'][0][0]; } foreach($vcf['ADR'] as $adr){ if(array_search('HOME',$adr['param']['TYPE']) !== FALSE){ $entry['homestreet'] = $adr['value'][2][0]."\n". //str $adr['value'][5][0]." ". //plz $adr['value'][3][0]; //ort }elseif(array_search('WORK',$adr['param']['TYPE']) !== FALSE){ $entry['street'] = $adr['value'][2][0]; $entry['location'] = $adr['value'][3][0]; $entry['zip'] = $adr['value'][5][0]; } } /* print '
print '
'; */ return $entry; } ?>