Changes between 160112 and 160908 releases NOTE: The 160908 release is a maintenance release for the 160112 single interface labs release - not a release of the current development branch. + ff-deltree() now correctly handles deleted file entries. + Simplified mapping of standard library functions to their Visual Studio equivalents. + ffconfigMIN_CLUSTERS_FAT32 and ffconfigMIN_CLUSTERS_FAT16 introduced to allow the minimum disk sizes for the two FAT file system types to be smaller than is permitted by Windows. Changes between 150825 and 160111 releases + New device support: Demo applications and example drivers are provided for Atmel SAM4E and ST STM32F4 microcontrollers. + Various updates to improve compliance with the FreeRTOS coding standard. + Modified the stdio tests so they can be executed on SD cards, where the test files might already exists on power on - previously the tests were only executed on RAM disks which are always known to be empty on power on. + Added ff_deltree() implementation, with note of caution about its use as it uses recursion ( ff_deltree() recursively removes a directory and everything contained by it). + Update the Zynq project to use version 2015.4 of the Xilinx SDK. This driver dynamically recognises all types of memory cards. + The path cache is cleared when a disk is re-mounted, allowing a disk to be hot swapped. Bug fixes resulting from testing performed while converting the acquired component to be FreeRTOS+ compliant: + Fix bug in FF_FindNext() when using 'ffconfigFINDAPI_ALLOW_WILDCARDS'. + Fix bug in ff_fat.c when using 'ffconfigFSINFO_TRUSTED' and when the stored free cluster count equals ~0ul (which means: not filled in) as this was interpreted as having 4294967295 free clusters. + FF_Open() now checks file permissions before truncating a file, previously the file was truncated first. + Fix typo in source of FF_isEOF(). + FF_ExtendFile() now only attempts to reserve new clusters if it is actually necessary. + FF_Format() now correctly fills in the number of free clusters for FAT32. + FF_Partition() has been updated to use ffconfigMAX_PARTITIONS in all cases, whereas previously some legacy code was assuming a fixed maximum number of partitions. + FF_DeleteIOManager() now deletes the IO manager! Changes for 150825 (?) + Issue fixed in FF_Move(). + Improved handling of files and directories that start with a '.' character. + Changed the locking mechanisms from mutexes to an event group. + Add FF_ERR_DRIVER_NOMEDIUM to better handle media being removed and re-inserted. + Fix re-entrancy issue in FF_CheckValid(). + Remove hashes for deleted files. + General structural work.