Interrupt Handlers ================== The Interrupt Heirarchy ----------------------- Freedom Metal conceptualizes interrupts as a heirarchy of interrupt controllers. This heirarchy is established by the interrupt heirarchy of the target platform itself. Presently, the interrupt heirarchy for a given platform is best documented by the target's DeviceTree representation, which can be found in ``bsp//design.dts``. In Freedom Metal, the heirarchy is a tree. The nodes of the tree consist of ``struct metal_interrupt``: .. doxygenstruct:: metal_interrupt :project: metal And the vertices of the tree consist of interrupt ``id``. .. digraph:: int_heirarchy_graph cpu [label="CPU"]; cpu_int [label="CPU Interrupt Controller", shape=box]; timer_int [label="Timer Interrupt Controller", shape=box]; soft_int [label="Software Interrupt Controller", shape=box]; cpu -> cpu_int [label="ID = 0"]; cpu_int -> timer_int [label="ID = timer_id"]; cpu_int -> soft_int [label="ID = software_id"]; The CPU Interrupt Controller ---------------------------- The CPU interrupt controller is the top of the interrupt heirarchy. It must be initialized before any other interrupt controllers are initialized. In example: .. code-block:: C struct metal_cpu *cpu0 = metal_get_cpu(0); if(!cpu) { /* Unable to get CPU handle */ } struct metal_interrupt *cpu_int = metal_cpu_interrupt_controller(cpu0); if(!cpu_int) { /* Unable to get CPU interrupt handle */ } metal_interrupt_init(cpu_int); The CPU interrupt must be enabled for the CPU to receive any interrupts, and any enabled interrupts can be masked by disabling the CPU interrupt. .. code-block:: C int rc = 0; /* Enable the CPU interrupt */ rc = metal_interrupt_enable(cpu_int, 0); if(rc != 0) { /* Failed to enable the CPU interrupt */ } /* Disable the CPU interrupt */ rc = metal_interrupt_disable(cpu_int, 0); if(rc != 0) { /* Failed to disable the CPU interrupt */ } Interrupt Handlers ------------------ Interrupt handlers must conform to the following function signature: .. doxygentypedef:: metal_interrupt_handler_t :project: metal Therefore, an interrupt handler might look like: .. code-block:: C void my_interrupt_handler(int id, void *priv_data) { /* Contents of handler */ } Registering an Interrupt Handler -------------------------------- Interrupt handlers are registered with the interrupt controller for the interrupt they are servicing. For example, if we want to register a CPU timer interrupt: .. code-block:: C struct metal_interrupt *timer_int = metal_cpu_timer_interrupt_controller(cpu0); if(!timer_int) { /* Failed to get timer interrupt controller */ } metal_interrupt_init(timer_int); int timer_id = metal_cpu_timer_get_interrupt_id(cpu0); int rc = metal_interrupt_register_handler(timer_int, timer_id, my_interrupt_handler, cpu0); if(rc != 0) { /* Failed to register interrupt handler */ } Additional Documentation ------------------------ Additional documentation for the interrupt handler API can be found in :doc:`the CPU API reference ` and :doc:`the Interrupt API reference `.