/* * FreeRTOS Kernel V10.2.1 * Copyright (C) 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * http://www.FreeRTOS.org * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos * * 1 tab == 4 spaces! */ EXTERN pxCurrentTCB EXTERN xSecureContext EXTERN vTaskSwitchContext EXTERN vPortSVCHandler_C EXTERN SecureContext_SaveContext EXTERN SecureContext_LoadContext PUBLIC xIsPrivileged PUBLIC vResetPrivilege PUBLIC vPortAllocateSecureContext PUBLIC vRestoreContextOfFirstTask PUBLIC vRaisePrivilege PUBLIC vStartFirstTask PUBLIC ulSetInterruptMaskFromISR PUBLIC vClearInterruptMaskFromISR PUBLIC PendSV_Handler PUBLIC SVC_Handler PUBLIC vPortFreeSecureContext #if ( configENABLE_FPU == 1 ) #error Cortex-M23 does not have a Floating Point Unit (FPU) and therefore configENABLE_FPU must be set to 0. #endif /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------- Unprivileged Functions -------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ SECTION .text:CODE:NOROOT(2) THUMB /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ xIsPrivileged: mrs r0, control /* r0 = CONTROL. */ movs r1, #1 /* r1 = 1. */ tst r0, r1 /* Perform r0 & r1 (bitwise AND) and update the conditions flag. */ beq running_privileged /* If the result of previous AND operation was 0, branch. */ movs r0, #0 /* CONTROL[0]!=0. Return false to indicate that the processor is not privileged. */ bx lr /* Return. */ running_privileged: movs r0, #1 /* CONTROL[0]==0. Return true to indicate that the processor is privileged. */ bx lr /* Return. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ vResetPrivilege: mrs r0, control /* r0 = CONTROL. */ movs r1, #1 /* r1 = 1. */ orrs r0, r1 /* r0 = r0 | r1. */ msr control, r0 /* CONTROL = r0. */ bx lr /* Return to the caller. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ vPortAllocateSecureContext: svc 0 /* Secure context is allocated in the supervisor call. portSVC_ALLOCATE_SECURE_CONTEXT = 0. */ bx lr /* Return. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------- Privileged Functions --------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ SECTION privileged_functions:CODE:NOROOT(2) THUMB /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ vRestoreContextOfFirstTask: ldr r2, =pxCurrentTCB /* Read the location of pxCurrentTCB i.e. &( pxCurrentTCB ). */ ldr r3, [r2] /* Read pxCurrentTCB. */ ldr r0, [r3] /* Read top of stack from TCB - The first item in pxCurrentTCB is the task top of stack. */ #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) dmb /* Complete outstanding transfers before disabling MPU. */ ldr r2, =0xe000ed94 /* r2 = 0xe000ed94 [Location of MPU_CTRL]. */ ldr r4, [r2] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */ movs r5, #1 /* r5 = 1. */ bics r4, r5 /* r4 = r4 & ~r5 i.e. Clear the bit 0 in r4. */ str r4, [r2] /* Disable MPU. */ adds r3, #4 /* r3 = r3 + 4. r3 now points to MAIR0 in TCB. */ ldr r4, [r3] /* r4 = *r3 i.e. r4 = MAIR0. */ ldr r2, =0xe000edc0 /* r2 = 0xe000edc0 [Location of MAIR0]. */ str r4, [r2] /* Program MAIR0. */ ldr r2, =0xe000ed98 /* r2 = 0xe000ed98 [Location of RNR]. */ adds r3, #4 /* r3 = r3 + 4. r3 now points to first RBAR in TCB. */ movs r5, #4 /* r5 = 4. */ str r5, [r2] /* Program RNR = 4. */ ldmia r3!, {r6,r7} /* Read first set of RBAR/RLAR from TCB. */ ldr r4, =0xe000ed9c /* r4 = 0xe000ed9c [Location of RBAR]. */ stmia r4!, {r6,r7} /* Write first set of RBAR/RLAR registers. */ movs r5, #5 /* r5 = 5. */ str r5, [r2] /* Program RNR = 5. */ ldmia r3!, {r6,r7} /* Read second set of RBAR/RLAR from TCB. */ ldr r4, =0xe000ed9c /* r4 = 0xe000ed9c [Location of RBAR]. */ stmia r4!, {r6,r7} /* Write second set of RBAR/RLAR registers. */ movs r5, #6 /* r5 = 6. */ str r5, [r2] /* Program RNR = 6. */ ldmia r3!, {r6,r7} /* Read third set of RBAR/RLAR from TCB. */ ldr r4, =0xe000ed9c /* r4 = 0xe000ed9c [Location of RBAR]. */ stmia r4!, {r6,r7} /* Write third set of RBAR/RLAR registers. */ movs r5, #7 /* r5 = 7. */ str r5, [r2] /* Program RNR = 7. */ ldmia r3!, {r6,r7} /* Read fourth set of RBAR/RLAR from TCB. */ ldr r4, =0xe000ed9c /* r4 = 0xe000ed9c [Location of RBAR]. */ stmia r4!, {r6,r7} /* Write fourth set of RBAR/RLAR registers. */ ldr r2, =0xe000ed94 /* r2 = 0xe000ed94 [Location of MPU_CTRL]. */ ldr r4, [r2] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */ movs r5, #1 /* r5 = 1. */ orrs r4, r5 /* r4 = r4 | r5 i.e. Set the bit 0 in r4. */ str r4, [r2] /* Enable MPU. */ dsb /* Force memory writes before continuing. */ #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */ #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) ldm r0!, {r1-r4} /* Read from stack - r1 = xSecureContext, r2 = PSPLIM, r3 = CONTROL and r4 = EXC_RETURN. */ ldr r5, =xSecureContext str r1, [r5] /* Set xSecureContext to this task's value for the same. */ msr psplim, r2 /* Set this task's PSPLIM value. */ msr control, r3 /* Set this task's CONTROL value. */ adds r0, #32 /* Discard everything up to r0. */ msr psp, r0 /* This is now the new top of stack to use in the task. */ isb bx r4 /* Finally, branch to EXC_RETURN. */ #else /* configENABLE_MPU */ ldm r0!, {r1-r3} /* Read from stack - r1 = xSecureContext, r2 = PSPLIM and r3 = EXC_RETURN. */ ldr r4, =xSecureContext str r1, [r4] /* Set xSecureContext to this task's value for the same. */ msr psplim, r2 /* Set this task's PSPLIM value. */ movs r1, #2 /* r1 = 2. */ msr CONTROL, r1 /* Switch to use PSP in the thread mode. */ adds r0, #32 /* Discard everything up to r0. */ msr psp, r0 /* This is now the new top of stack to use in the task. */ isb bx r3 /* Finally, branch to EXC_RETURN. */ #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ vRaisePrivilege: mrs r0, control /* Read the CONTROL register. */ movs r1, #1 /* r1 = 1. */ bics r0, r1 /* Clear the bit 0. */ msr control, r0 /* Write back the new CONTROL value. */ bx lr /* Return to the caller. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ vStartFirstTask: ldr r0, =0xe000ed08 /* Use the NVIC offset register to locate the stack. */ ldr r0, [r0] /* Read the VTOR register which gives the address of vector table. */ ldr r0, [r0] /* The first entry in vector table is stack pointer. */ msr msp, r0 /* Set the MSP back to the start of the stack. */ cpsie i /* Globally enable interrupts. */ dsb isb svc 2 /* System call to start the first task. portSVC_START_SCHEDULER = 2. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ ulSetInterruptMaskFromISR: mrs r0, PRIMASK cpsid i bx lr /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ vClearInterruptMaskFromISR: msr PRIMASK, r0 bx lr /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ PendSV_Handler: mrs r1, psp /* Read PSP in r1. */ ldr r2, =xSecureContext /* Read the location of xSecureContext i.e. &( xSecureContext ). */ ldr r0, [r2] /* Read xSecureContext - Value of xSecureContext must be in r0 as it is used as a parameter later. */ cbz r0, save_ns_context /* No secure context to save. */ push {r0-r2, r14} bl SecureContext_SaveContext pop {r0-r3} /* LR is now in r3. */ mov lr, r3 /* LR = r3. */ lsls r2, r3, #25 /* r2 = r3 << 25. Bit[6] of EXC_RETURN is 1 if secure stack was used, 0 if non-secure stack was used to store stack frame. */ bpl save_ns_context /* bpl - branch if positive or zero. If r2 >= 0 ==> Bit[6] in EXC_RETURN is 0 i.e. non-secure stack was used. */ ldr r3, =pxCurrentTCB /* Read the location of pxCurrentTCB i.e. &( pxCurrentTCB ). */ ldr r2, [r3] /* Read pxCurrentTCB. */ #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) subs r1, r1, #16 /* Make space for xSecureContext, PSPLIM, CONTROL and LR on the stack. */ str r1, [r2] /* Save the new top of stack in TCB. */ mrs r2, psplim /* r2 = PSPLIM. */ mrs r3, control /* r3 = CONTROL. */ mov r4, lr /* r4 = LR/EXC_RETURN. */ stmia r1!, {r0, r2-r4} /* Store xSecureContext, PSPLIM, CONTROL and LR on the stack. */ #else /* configENABLE_MPU */ subs r1, r1, #12 /* Make space for xSecureContext, PSPLIM and LR on the stack. */ str r1, [r2] /* Save the new top of stack in TCB. */ mrs r2, psplim /* r2 = PSPLIM. */ mov r3, lr /* r3 = LR/EXC_RETURN. */ stmia r1!, {r0, r2-r3} /* Store xSecureContext, PSPLIM and LR on the stack. */ #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */ b select_next_task save_ns_context: ldr r3, =pxCurrentTCB /* Read the location of pxCurrentTCB i.e. &( pxCurrentTCB ). */ ldr r2, [r3] /* Read pxCurrentTCB. */ #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) subs r1, r1, #48 /* Make space for xSecureContext, PSPLIM, CONTROL, LR and the remaining registers on the stack. */ str r1, [r2] /* Save the new top of stack in TCB. */ adds r1, r1, #16 /* r1 = r1 + 16. */ stmia r1!, {r4-r7} /* Store the low registers that are not saved automatically. */ mov r4, r8 /* r4 = r8. */ mov r5, r9 /* r5 = r9. */ mov r6, r10 /* r6 = r10. */ mov r7, r11 /* r7 = r11. */ stmia r1!, {r4-r7} /* Store the high registers that are not saved automatically. */ mrs r2, psplim /* r2 = PSPLIM. */ mrs r3, control /* r3 = CONTROL. */ mov r4, lr /* r4 = LR/EXC_RETURN. */ subs r1, r1, #48 /* r1 = r1 - 48. */ stmia r1!, {r0, r2-r4} /* Store xSecureContext, PSPLIM, CONTROL and LR on the stack. */ #else /* configENABLE_MPU */ subs r1, r1, #44 /* Make space for xSecureContext, PSPLIM, LR and the remaining registers on the stack. */ str r1, [r2] /* Save the new top of stack in TCB. */ mrs r2, psplim /* r2 = PSPLIM. */ mov r3, lr /* r3 = LR/EXC_RETURN. */ stmia r1!, {r0, r2-r7} /* Store xSecureContext, PSPLIM, LR and the low registers that are not saved automatically. */ mov r4, r8 /* r4 = r8. */ mov r5, r9 /* r5 = r9. */ mov r6, r10 /* r6 = r10. */ mov r7, r11 /* r7 = r11. */ stmia r1!, {r4-r7} /* Store the high registers that are not saved automatically. */ #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */ select_next_task: cpsid i bl vTaskSwitchContext cpsie i ldr r2, =pxCurrentTCB /* Read the location of pxCurrentTCB i.e. &( pxCurrentTCB ). */ ldr r3, [r2] /* Read pxCurrentTCB. */ ldr r1, [r3] /* The first item in pxCurrentTCB is the task top of stack. r1 now points to the top of stack. */ #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) dmb /* Complete outstanding transfers before disabling MPU. */ ldr r2, =0xe000ed94 /* r2 = 0xe000ed94 [Location of MPU_CTRL]. */ ldr r4, [r2] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */ movs r5, #1 /* r5 = 1. */ bics r4, r5 /* r4 = r4 & ~r5 i.e. Clear the bit 0 in r4. */ str r4, [r2] /* Disable MPU. */ adds r3, #4 /* r3 = r3 + 4. r3 now points to MAIR0 in TCB. */ ldr r4, [r3] /* r4 = *r3 i.e. r4 = MAIR0. */ ldr r2, =0xe000edc0 /* r2 = 0xe000edc0 [Location of MAIR0]. */ str r4, [r2] /* Program MAIR0. */ ldr r2, =0xe000ed98 /* r2 = 0xe000ed98 [Location of RNR]. */ adds r3, #4 /* r3 = r3 + 4. r3 now points to first RBAR in TCB. */ movs r5, #4 /* r5 = 4. */ str r5, [r2] /* Program RNR = 4. */ ldmia r3!, {r6,r7} /* Read first set of RBAR/RLAR from TCB. */ ldr r4, =0xe000ed9c /* r4 = 0xe000ed9c [Location of RBAR]. */ stmia r4!, {r6,r7} /* Write first set of RBAR/RLAR registers. */ movs r5, #5 /* r5 = 5. */ str r5, [r2] /* Program RNR = 5. */ ldmia r3!, {r6,r7} /* Read second set of RBAR/RLAR from TCB. */ ldr r4, =0xe000ed9c /* r4 = 0xe000ed9c [Location of RBAR]. */ stmia r4!, {r6,r7} /* Write second set of RBAR/RLAR registers. */ movs r5, #6 /* r5 = 6. */ str r5, [r2] /* Program RNR = 6. */ ldmia r3!, {r6,r7} /* Read third set of RBAR/RLAR from TCB. */ ldr r4, =0xe000ed9c /* r4 = 0xe000ed9c [Location of RBAR]. */ stmia r4!, {r6,r7} /* Write third set of RBAR/RLAR registers. */ movs r5, #7 /* r5 = 7. */ str r5, [r2] /* Program RNR = 7. */ ldmia r3!, {r6,r7} /* Read fourth set of RBAR/RLAR from TCB. */ ldr r4, =0xe000ed9c /* r4 = 0xe000ed9c [Location of RBAR]. */ stmia r4!, {r6,r7} /* Write fourth set of RBAR/RLAR registers. */ ldr r2, =0xe000ed94 /* r2 = 0xe000ed94 [Location of MPU_CTRL]. */ ldr r4, [r2] /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */ movs r5, #1 /* r5 = 1. */ orrs r4, r5 /* r4 = r4 | r5 i.e. Set the bit 0 in r4. */ str r4, [r2] /* Enable MPU. */ dsb /* Force memory writes before continuing. */ #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */ #if ( configENABLE_MPU == 1 ) ldmia r1!, {r0, r2-r4} /* Read from stack - r0 = xSecureContext, r2 = PSPLIM, r3 = CONTROL and r4 = LR. */ msr psplim, r2 /* Restore the PSPLIM register value for the task. */ msr control, r3 /* Restore the CONTROL register value for the task. */ mov lr, r4 /* LR = r4. */ ldr r2, =xSecureContext /* Read the location of xSecureContext i.e. &( xSecureContext ). */ str r0, [r2] /* Restore the task's xSecureContext. */ cbz r0, restore_ns_context /* If there is no secure context for the task, restore the non-secure context. */ push {r1,r4} bl SecureContext_LoadContext /* Restore the secure context. */ pop {r1,r4} mov lr, r4 /* LR = r4. */ lsls r2, r4, #25 /* r2 = r4 << 25. Bit[6] of EXC_RETURN is 1 if secure stack was used, 0 if non-secure stack was used to store stack frame. */ bpl restore_ns_context /* bpl - branch if positive or zero. If r2 >= 0 ==> Bit[6] in EXC_RETURN is 0 i.e. non-secure stack was used. */ msr psp, r1 /* Remember the new top of stack for the task. */ bx lr #else /* configENABLE_MPU */ ldmia r1!, {r0, r2-r3} /* Read from stack - r0 = xSecureContext, r2 = PSPLIM and r3 = LR. */ msr psplim, r2 /* Restore the PSPLIM register value for the task. */ mov lr, r3 /* LR = r3. */ ldr r2, =xSecureContext /* Read the location of xSecureContext i.e. &( xSecureContext ). */ str r0, [r2] /* Restore the task's xSecureContext. */ cbz r0, restore_ns_context /* If there is no secure context for the task, restore the non-secure context. */ push {r1,r3} bl SecureContext_LoadContext /* Restore the secure context. */ pop {r1,r3} mov lr, r3 /* LR = r3. */ lsls r2, r3, #25 /* r2 = r3 << 25. Bit[6] of EXC_RETURN is 1 if secure stack was used, 0 if non-secure stack was used to store stack frame. */ bpl restore_ns_context /* bpl - branch if positive or zero. If r2 >= 0 ==> Bit[6] in EXC_RETURN is 0 i.e. non-secure stack was used. */ msr psp, r1 /* Remember the new top of stack for the task. */ bx lr #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */ restore_ns_context: adds r1, r1, #16 /* Move to the high registers. */ ldmia r1!, {r4-r7} /* Restore the high registers that are not automatically restored. */ mov r8, r4 /* r8 = r4. */ mov r9, r5 /* r9 = r5. */ mov r10, r6 /* r10 = r6. */ mov r11, r7 /* r11 = r7. */ msr psp, r1 /* Remember the new top of stack for the task. */ subs r1, r1, #32 /* Go back to the low registers. */ ldmia r1!, {r4-r7} /* Restore the low registers that are not automatically restored. */ bx lr /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ SVC_Handler: movs r0, #4 mov r1, lr tst r0, r1 beq stacking_used_msp mrs r0, psp b vPortSVCHandler_C stacking_used_msp: mrs r0, msp b vPortSVCHandler_C /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ vPortFreeSecureContext: ldr r1, [r0] /* The first item in the TCB is the top of the stack. */ ldr r0, [r1] /* The first item on the stack is the task's xSecureContext. */ cmp r0, #0 /* Raise svc if task's xSecureContext is not NULL. */ beq free_secure_context bx lr /* There is no secure context (xSecureContext is NULL). */ free_secure_context: svc 1 /* Secure context is freed in the supervisor call. portSVC_FREE_SECURE_CONTEXT = 1. */ bx lr /* Return. */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ END