=============================================================================== Developers: =========== Do NOT commit to this module without permission from a maintainer; see the MAINTAINERS file for who they are. You should also discuss any changes on the gLabels developers mail list first: glabels-devel@lists.sourceforge.net To join the list visit: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/glabels-devel The list is moderated for first time posters. See below for additional guidelines. Translators: ============ Translation commits are always welcome. Please recognize any rules from your local team of the GNOME Translation Project. You may add or change the following files: /po/*.po /po/LINGUAS /help/*/*.po /help/Makefile.am Please don't edit the file POTFILES.in without approval from a maintainer. =============================================================================== ROADMAP ======= See the TODO file in this directory. BRANCHES ======== gLabels will typically have 2 active branches: a stable branch and a development branch. A branch represents a series of releases with a fixed major and minor version. The minor version will be an even number for a stable branch and will be an odd number for a development branch. For example the "2.2.5" release would be from a stable branch and "2.3.5" would be a development release. Stable branch ------------- Some characteristics of a stable branch: - Prerequisites are fixed for the lifetime of the branch. - The primary purpose of releases within a branch is to fix bugs. - Besides bug fixes, releases may also include new and updated translations, updated documentation, and new label templates. - Generally, no new features will be introduced by a release within a stable branch unless it is necessary to fix a bug. Such a fix should not introduce new prerequisites. - Nor will code be refactored unless it is necessary to fix a bug. - The Git branch will be named glabels_major_minor. E.g. "glabels_2_2". Unstable/development branch --------------------------- Some characteristics of a development branch: - Prerequisites are volatile and may change release to release. - The primary purpose of releases is to introduce new features and get them in the hands of testers. - Features and file formats may be volatile and change release to release. - No attempt will be made to maintain backwards compatibility with development releases. - The development branch is maintained in the Git master branch.