The lglPaper Structure

The lglPaper Structure — Paper size definitions


#include <libglabels/paper.h>

lglPaper *          lgl_paper_new                       (gchar *id,
                                                         gchar *name,
                                                         gdouble width,
                                                         gdouble height,
                                                         gchar *pwg_size);
lglPaper *          lgl_paper_dup                       (const lglPaper *orig);
void                lgl_paper_free                      (lglPaper *paper);


This section describes a structure for representing a paper size definition and related functions.



typedef struct {
	gchar               *id;       /* Unique ID of paper definition */
	gchar               *name;     /* Localized name of paper */
	gdouble              width;    /* Width (in points) */
	gdouble              height;   /* Height (in points) */
	gchar               *pwg_size; /* PWG 5101.1-2002 size name */
} lglPaper;

This structure defines a paper (page) size.

gchar *id;

Paper size ID.

gchar *name;

Localized paper size name.

gdouble width;

Width of paper in points.

gdouble height;

Height of paper in points.

gchar *pwg_size;

PWG 5101.1-2002 size name.

lgl_paper_new ()

lglPaper *          lgl_paper_new                       (gchar *id,
                                                         gchar *name,
                                                         gdouble width,
                                                         gdouble height,
                                                         gchar *pwg_size);

Allocates and constructs a new lglPaper structure.

id :

Id of paper definition. (E.g. US-Letter, A4, etc.) Should be unique.

name :

Localized name of paper.

width :

Width of paper in points.

height :

Height of paper in points.

pwg_size :

PWG 5101.1-2002 size name.

Returns :

a pointer to a newly allocated lglPaper structure.

lgl_paper_dup ()

lglPaper *          lgl_paper_dup                       (const lglPaper *orig);

Duplicates an existing lglPaper structure.

orig :

lglPaper structure to be duplicated.

Returns :

a pointer to a newly allocated lglPaper structure.

lgl_paper_free ()

void                lgl_paper_free                      (lglPaper *paper);

Free all memory associated with an existing lglPaper structure.

paper :

pointer to lglPaper structure to be freed.