Kako natisnemo svoje nalepke, kartončke in vizitke. Jim Evins evins@snaught.com Mario Blättermann mariobl@gnome.org

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Tiskanje nalepk, kartončkov in vizitk

To print labels or cards, choose FilePrint to display the Print dialog. Once print options have been selected, click Print to print the labels or cards. To simply preview the results, click Print Preview instead.

Pogovorno okno Natisni ponuja določitev naslednjih možnosti tiskanja:

Zavihek Nalepke pogovornega okna Natisni
Print control (Simple)

For simple labels or cards (no document merge), the job tabbed section contains the following copy controls.

Print Copy Controls

The number of copies of the label can be selected by choosing the number of full sheets to print, or a specific subset of labels on a single sheet.

The mini-preview can also be used to graphically select the subset of labels by clicking the first label on the mini-preview and dragging to the last label.

Print control (Merge)

For labels or cards using the document merge (also known as "mail merge") capability, the job tabbed section contains the following merge controls instead of copy controls.

Print Document Merge Controls

The total number of labels or cards printed is the product of the number of records in the merge source and the number of copies selected. If multiple copies are selected, these can be either collated (copies of the same record grouped together) or un-collated (one copy each record is printed before next copy).

Tiskanje lahko pričnete pri poljubni nalepki na prvi strani. Slednjo izberete s sukalnim gumbom Začni z nalepko.

The mini-preview can also be used to graphically select this first label, by clicking on the desired label in the mini-preview.


Izberete lahko tudi naslednje možnosti.

print outlines

Print outlines of labels. This option is useful for dry-runs, to test printer alignment.

print in reverse

Natisne nalepke zrcalno. To je uporabno pri tiskanju prosojnih nalepk, ki bodo vidne z druge strani (npr. na vetrobranskem steklu).

natisni oznake obrezave

Natisne oznake za obrezavo na robu lista. Uporabno za tiskanje na prazen papir, ki ga je potrebno po tiskanju obrezati. Ta možnost ni enako primerna za vse predloge.