--- layout: default title: Contact group: Contact ---


If you have any questions which are not answered by the Documentation, please do not hesitate to contact us. The best way to reach us is via IRC:

i3’s IRC channel is irc://chat.freenode.net/i3 (or, #i3 on chat.freenode.net, for those without proper URL handling setup). Feel free to ask questions, please don’t ask to ask and please think before you ask :-).

Mailing lists

If you dislike IRC, you can also post questions etc. to our mailing list.
Subscribe to i3-discuss. You can read old posts in the i3-discuss archives.

If you want to be notified when a new version of i3 is released, please subscribe to the i3-announce mailing list. You can find the old announcements in the i3-announce archives.

Package maintainers

If you are a package maintainer and have any questions, ideas, hints, problems or whatever, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will help you out. Just drop me an e-mail at michael AT i3wm DOT org or ask on our IRC channel (see above).