# Minitube to do list ## Major features - Snapshots (Cannot be done with Phonon) - Channel subscriptions - Favorite videos - Info view Displays video metadata. Could be somewhat linked with related videos... - Subtitles, see http://google2srt.sourceforge.net/ ## Minor Features - Search for playlists http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_protocol.html#Searching_for_Playlists - Safe search levels (in the status bar beside the video definition option) - Show more thumbs on hover with animated crossfade - Accept any URL and scrape web pages searching for YouTube videos. ## Unsure features - Restore status when a recent keyword is clicked: skipped videos, sortBar and play time - Add menu entries for Most relevant, Most recent, Most viewed (Playlist => ...) - Saved playlists ## Phonon bugs - Phonon::MediaSource does not work with QIODevices (this needs to work to implement seeking)