X-Git-Url: https://git.sur5r.net/?p=minitube;a=blobdiff_plain;f=minitube.pro;h=c38d9f736c2cf515239d39b1ccaeb9ad60939e9a;hp=1ba822f3d8013ee7566da8e5247e6d4ac7d26ae9;hb=HEAD;hpb=c7f317d082cb0fc53b86746dbcca2f7b1bb91c6e diff --git a/minitube.pro b/minitube.pro index 1ba822f..646dd4e 100644 --- a/minitube.pro +++ b/minitube.pro @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -CONFIG += release +CONFIG += c++17 exceptions_off rtti_off object_parallel_to_source + TEMPLATE = app -VERSION = 1.8 +VERSION = 3.9.3 DEFINES += APP_VERSION="$$VERSION" APP_NAME = Minitube @@ -9,42 +10,57 @@ DEFINES += APP_NAME="$$APP_NAME" APP_UNIX_NAME = minitube DEFINES += APP_UNIX_NAME="$$APP_UNIX_NAME" -DEFINES += QT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION -DEFINES += QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS +message(Building $${APP_NAME} $${VERSION}) +message(Qt $$[QT_VERSION] in $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]) + +DEFINES += APP_SNAPSHOT + +CONFIG -= debug_and_release +CONFIG(debug, debug|release): { + message(Building for debug) +} +CONFIG(release, debug|release): { + message(Building for release) + DEFINES *= QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT + CONFIG += optimize_full +} + +DEFINES *= QT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER QT_STRICT_ITERATORS QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS + +#!contains(DEFINES, APP_GOOGLE_API_KEY=.+) { +# warning("You need to specify a Google API Key, refer to the README.md file for details") +#} + +TARGET = $${APP_UNIX_NAME} + +QT += widgets network sql qml + +include(lib/http/http.pri) +include(lib/idle/idle.pri) +include(lib/js/js.pri) +include(lib/promises/promises.pri) + +DEFINES += MEDIA_MPV +include(lib/media/media.pri) -# TODO Saner string behaviour -# DEFINES += QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII QT_STRICT_ITERATORS -TARGET = minitube -QT += network \ - xml \ - phonon include(src/qtsingleapplication/qtsingleapplication.pri) -HEADERS += src/MainWindow.h \ - src/SearchView.h \ - src/MediaView.h \ - src/AboutView.h \ - src/youtubesearch.h \ - src/video.h \ - src/youtubestreamreader.h \ - src/View.h \ - src/searchlineedit.h \ - src/urllineedit.h \ +include(src/yt/yt.pri) + +INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/src + +HEADERS += src/video.h \ + src/messagebar.h \ src/spacer.h \ src/constants.h \ - src/iconloader/qticonloader.h \ - src/ListModel.h \ - src/playlist/PrettyItemDelegate.h \ - src/networkaccess.h \ + src/playlistitemdelegate.h \ + src/subscriptionimportview.h \ + src/updateutils.h \ + src/videoapi.h \ src/videomimedata.h \ - src/global.h \ - src/updatechecker.h \ - src/playlistwidget.h \ src/searchparams.h \ src/minisplitter.h \ src/loadingwidget.h \ - src/videoareawidget.h \ src/autocomplete.h \ - src/videowidget.h \ src/videodefinition.h \ src/fontutils.h \ src/globalshortcuts.h \ @@ -55,36 +71,73 @@ HEADERS += src/MainWindow.h \ src/downloadmodel.h \ src/downloadlistview.h \ src/downloadsettings.h \ - src/youtubesuggest.h \ src/suggester.h \ src/channelsuggest.h \ src/temporary.h \ src/segmentedcontrol.h \ - src/playlistview.h + src/playlistview.h \ + src/refinesearchwidget.h \ + src/refinesearchbutton.h \ + src/sidebarwidget.h \ + src/homeview.h \ + src/aboutview.h \ + src/mainwindow.h \ + src/mediaview.h \ + src/searchview.h \ + src/view.h \ + src/playlistmodel.h \ + src/videosource.h \ + src/waitingspinnerwidget.h \ + src/ytsearch.h \ + src/ytstandardfeed.h \ + src/standardfeedsview.h \ + src/ytregions.h \ + src/ytcategories.h \ + src/ytsuggester.h \ + src/videosourcewidget.h \ + src/regionsview.h \ + src/ytsinglevideosource.h \ + src/sidebarheader.h \ + src/iconutils.h \ + src/diskcache.h \ + src/gridwidget.h \ + src/painterutils.h \ + src/database.h \ + src/channelaggregator.h \ + src/channelmodel.h \ + src/aggregatevideosource.h \ + src/channelview.h \ + src/channelitemdelegate.h \ + src/jsfunctions.h \ + src/seekslider.h \ + src/snapshotsettings.h \ + src/snapshotpreview.h \ + src/datautils.h \ + src/yt3listparser.h \ + src/ytchannel.h \ + src/yt3.h \ + src/paginatedvideosource.h \ + src/searchwidget.h \ + src/channellistview.h \ + src/httputils.h \ + src/appwidget.h \ + src/clickablelabel.h \ + src/ytvideo.h \ + src/toolbarmenu.h \ + src/sharetoolbar.h \ + src/videoarea.h \ + src/searchlineedit.h SOURCES += src/main.cpp \ - src/MainWindow.cpp \ - src/SearchView.cpp \ - src/MediaView.cpp \ - src/AboutView.cpp \ - src/youtubesearch.cpp \ - src/youtubestreamreader.cpp \ - src/searchlineedit.cpp \ - src/urllineedit.cpp \ + src/messagebar.cpp \ src/spacer.cpp \ + src/subscriptionimportview.cpp \ + src/updateutils.cpp \ src/video.cpp \ - src/iconloader/qticonloader.cpp \ - src/ListModel.cpp \ - src/playlist/PrettyItemDelegate.cpp \ src/videomimedata.cpp \ - src/updatechecker.cpp \ - src/networkaccess.cpp \ - src/playlistwidget.cpp \ src/searchparams.cpp \ src/minisplitter.cpp \ src/loadingwidget.cpp \ - src/videoareawidget.cpp \ src/autocomplete.cpp \ - src/videowidget.cpp \ src/videodefinition.cpp \ src/constants.cpp \ src/fontutils.cpp \ @@ -96,12 +149,64 @@ SOURCES += src/main.cpp \ src/downloadmodel.cpp \ src/downloadlistview.cpp \ src/downloadsettings.cpp \ - src/youtubesuggest.cpp \ src/channelsuggest.cpp \ src/temporary.cpp \ src/segmentedcontrol.cpp \ - src/playlistview.cpp + src/playlistview.cpp \ + src/refinesearchwidget.cpp \ + src/refinesearchbutton.cpp \ + src/sidebarwidget.cpp \ + src/homeview.cpp \ + src/mainwindow.cpp \ + src/mediaview.cpp \ + src/aboutview.cpp \ + src/searchview.cpp \ + src/playlistitemdelegate.cpp \ + src/playlistmodel.cpp \ + src/videosource.cpp \ + src/waitingspinnerwidget.cpp \ + src/ytsearch.cpp \ + src/ytstandardfeed.cpp \ + src/standardfeedsview.cpp \ + src/ytregions.cpp \ + src/ytcategories.cpp \ + src/ytsuggester.cpp \ + src/videosourcewidget.cpp \ + src/regionsview.cpp \ + src/ytsinglevideosource.cpp \ + src/sidebarheader.cpp \ + src/iconutils.cpp \ + src/diskcache.cpp \ + src/gridwidget.cpp \ + src/painterutils.cpp \ + src/database.cpp \ + src/channelaggregator.cpp \ + src/channelmodel.cpp \ + src/aggregatevideosource.cpp \ + src/channelview.cpp \ + src/channelitemdelegate.cpp \ + src/jsfunctions.cpp \ + src/seekslider.cpp \ + src/snapshotsettings.cpp \ + src/snapshotpreview.cpp \ + src/datautils.cpp \ + src/yt3listparser.cpp \ + src/ytchannel.cpp \ + src/yt3.cpp \ + src/paginatedvideosource.cpp \ + src/channellistview.cpp \ + src/httputils.cpp \ + src/appwidget.cpp \ + src/clickablelabel.cpp \ + src/ytvideo.cpp \ + src/toolbarmenu.cpp \ + src/sharetoolbar.cpp \ + src/videoarea.cpp \ + src/searchlineedit.cpp + RESOURCES += resources.qrc +RESOURCES += $$files(icons/*.png, true) + DESTDIR = build/target/ OBJECTS_DIR = build/obj/ MOC_DIR = build/moc/ @@ -110,26 +215,32 @@ RCC_DIR = build/rcc/ # Tell Qt Linguist that we use UTF-8 strings in our sources CODECFORTR = UTF-8 CODECFORSRC = UTF-8 + include(locale/locale.pri) # deploy -DISTFILES += CHANGES \ - COPYING +DISTFILES += CHANGES COPYING unix:!mac { - INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/phonon + DEFINES += APP_LINUX QT += dbus HEADERS += src/gnomeglobalshortcutbackend.h SOURCES += src/gnomeglobalshortcutbackend.cpp + isEmpty(PREFIX):PREFIX = /usr + BINDIR = $$PREFIX/bin INSTALLS += target target.path = $$BINDIR + DATADIR = $$PREFIX/share PKGDATADIR = $$DATADIR/minitube DEFINES += DATADIR=\\\"$$DATADIR\\\" \ PKGDATADIR=\\\"$$PKGDATADIR\\\" + INSTALLS += translations \ + sounds \ desktop \ + appdata \ iconsvg \ icon16 \ icon22 \ @@ -141,8 +252,12 @@ unix:!mac { icon512 translations.path = $$PKGDATADIR translations.files += $$DESTDIR/locale + sounds.path = $$PKGDATADIR + sounds.files += sounds/ desktop.path = $$DATADIR/applications desktop.files += minitube.desktop + appdata.path = $$DATADIR/metainfo + appdata.files += org.tordini.flavio.minitube.metainfo.xml iconsvg.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps iconsvg.files += data/minitube.svg icon16.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps @@ -162,4 +277,11 @@ unix:!mac { icon512.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps icon512.files += data/512x512/minitube.png } -mac|win32:include(local/local.pri) + +mac|win32|contains(DEFINES, APP_UBUNTU):include(local/local.pri) + +message(QT: $$QT) +message(CONFIG: $$CONFIG) +message(DEFINES: $$DEFINES) +message(QMAKE_CXXFLAGS: $$QMAKE_CXXFLAGS) +message(QMAKE_LFLAGS: $$QMAKE_LFLAGS)