=== tio - a simple TTY terminal I/O application === 1. Introduction "tio" is a simple TTY terminal application which features a straightforward commandline interface to easily connect to TTY devices for basic input/output. It was created because the author needed a simple no-nonsense TTY terminal application to easily connect to various terminal TTY devices. 2. Usage The commandline interface is straightforward as reflected in the output from 'tio --help': Usage: tio [] Options: -b, --baudrate Baud rate (default: 115200) -d, --databits 5|6|7|8 Data bits (default: 8) -f, --flow hard|soft|none Flow control (default: none) -s, --stopbits 1|2 Stop bits (default: 1) -p, --parity even|odd|none Parity (default: none) -o, --output-delay Output delay (default: 0) -n, --no-autoconnect Disable automatic connect -l, --log Log to file -v, --version Display version -h, --help Display help In session, press ctrl-t + q to quit. The only option which requires a bit of elaboration is perhaps the --no-autoconnect option. By default tio automatically connects to the provided device if present. If the device is not present it will wait for it to appear and then connect. If the connection is lost (eg. device disconnects) it will wait for the device to reappear and then reconnect. However, if the --no-autoconnect option is provided tio will exit if the device is not present or exit if an established connection is lost. Tio features full bash autocompletion support. 3. Download Find the latest release tarball at https://tio.github.io The latest source is available on github: https://github.com/tio/tio 4. Installation Install steps: $ ./configure $ make $ make install See INSTALL file for installation details. 5. Contributing Tio is open source. Any contributions (bug fixes, doc, ideas, etc.) are welcome. 6. Support Submit bug reports on github: https://github.com/tio/tio/issues 7. License Tio is GPLv2+. See COPYING file for license details. 8. Authors Created by Martin Lund See the AUTHORS file for full list of authors.