1 ;*****************************************************************************/
5 ;* TGI kernel interface */
9 ;* (C) 2002-2012, Ullrich von Bassewitz */
10 ;* Roemerstrasse 52 */
11 ;* D-70794 Filderstadt */
12 ;* EMail: uz@cc65.org */
15 ;* This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied */
16 ;* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages */
17 ;* arising from the use of this software. */
19 ;* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, */
20 ;* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it */
21 ;* freely, subject to the following restrictions: */
23 ;* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not */
24 ;* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software */
25 ;* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be */
26 ;* appreciated but is not required. */
27 ;* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not */
28 ;* be misrepresented as being the original software. */
29 ;* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source */
32 ;*****************************************************************************/
36 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 ID .byte 3 ; Contains 0x74, 0x67, 0x69 ("tgi")
41 VERSION .byte 1 ; Interface version
43 XRES .word 1 ; X resolution
44 YRES .word 1 ; Y resolution
45 COLORCOUNT .byte 1 ; Number of available colors
46 PAGECOUNT .byte 1 ; Number of screens available
47 FONTWIDTH .byte 1 ; System font width in pixel
48 FONTHEIGHT .byte 1 ; System font height in pixel
49 ASPECTRATIO .word 1 ; Fixed point 8.8 format
50 FLAGS .byte 1 ; TGI driver flags
53 INSTALL .addr ; INSTALL routine
54 UNINSTALL .addr ; UNINSTALL routine
55 INIT .addr ; INIT routine
56 DONE .addr ; DONE routine
57 GETERROR .addr ; GETERROR routine
58 CONTROL .addr ; CONTROL routine
59 CLEAR .addr ; CLEAR routine
62 SETCOLOR .addr ; SETCOLOR routine
63 SETPALETTE .addr ; SETPALETTE routine
64 GETPALETTE .addr ; GETPALETTE routine
66 SETPIXEL .addr ; SETPIXEL routine
67 GETPIXEL .addr ; GETPIXEL routine
68 LINE .addr ; LINE routine
69 BAR .addr ; BAR routine
70 TEXTSTYLE .addr ; TEXTSTYLE routine
71 OUTTEXT .addr ; OUTTEXT routine
72 IRQ .addr ; IRQ routine
76 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 ; The TGI API version, stored at TGI_HDR_VERSION
81 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 ; Bitmapped tgi driver flags, stored in TGI_HDR::VARS::FLAGS.
83 ; Beware: Some of the bits are tested using the BIT instruction, so do not
84 ; change the values without checking the code!
86 TGI_BM_FONT_FINESCALE = $80 ; Bitmap fonts are fine grained scalable
88 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 ; Results of tgi_outcode
106 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 ; ASM accessible color constants
109 .global tgi_color_black:zp ; Target-specific value for black
110 .global tgi_color_white:zp ; Target-specific value for white
112 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 ; C accessible variables
115 .global _tgi_drv ; Pointer to driver
116 .global _tgi_error ; Last error code
117 .global _tgi_gmode ; Flag: graphics mode active
118 .global _tgi_curx ; Current drawing cursor X
119 .global _tgi_cury ; Current drawing cursor Y
120 .global _tgi_color ; Current drawing color
121 .global _tgi_font ; Which font to use
122 .global _tgi_textdir ; Current text direction
123 .global _tgi_vectorfont ; Pointer to vector font
124 .global _tgi_textscalew ; Text magnification for the width
125 .global _tgi_textscaleh ; Text magnification for the height
126 .global _tgi_charwidth ; Width of scaled system font char
127 .global _tgi_charheight ; Height of scaled system font char
128 .global _tgi_xres ; X resolution of the current mode
129 .global _tgi_yres ; Y resolution of the current mode
130 .global _tgi_xmax ; Maximum X coordinate
131 .global _tgi_ymax ; Maximum Y coordinate
132 .global _tgi_colorcount ; Number of available colors
133 .global _tgi_pagecount ; Number of available screen pages
134 .global _tgi_fontwidth ; System font width
135 .global _tgi_fontheight ; System font height
136 .global _tgi_aspectratio ; Aspect ratio, fixed point 8.8
137 .global _tgi_flags ; TGI driver flags
139 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 ; ASM accessible variables
142 .global tgi_clip_x1 ; Coordinate for line clipper
143 .global tgi_clip_y1 ; Coordinate for line clipper
144 .global tgi_clip_x2 ; Coordinate for line clipper
145 .global tgi_clip_y2 ; Coordinate for line clipper
147 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
148 ; Driver entry points
151 .global tgi_uninstall
157 .global tgi_setviewpage
158 .global tgi_setdrawpage
160 .global tgi_setpalette
161 .global tgi_getpalette
162 .global tgi_getdefpalette
167 .global tgi_textstyle
170 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
173 .global tgi_clear_ptr
174 .global tgi_clippedline
177 .global tgi_imulround
186 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 ; C callable functions
195 .global _tgi_getaspectratio
196 .global _tgi_getcolor
197 .global _tgi_getcolorcount
198 .global _tgi_getdefpalette
199 .global _tgi_geterror
200 .global _tgi_geterrormsg
201 .global _tgi_getmaxcolor
204 .global _tgi_getpagecount
205 .global _tgi_getpalette
206 .global _tgi_getpixel
207 .global _tgi_gettextheight
208 .global _tgi_gettextwidth
212 .global _tgi_imulround
215 .global _tgi_install_vectorfont
219 .global _tgi_load_driver
221 .global _tgi_outtextxy
222 .global _tgi_pieslice
223 .global _tgi_setaspectratio
224 .global _tgi_setcolor
225 .global _tgi_setdrawpage
226 .global _tgi_setpalette
227 .global _tgi_setpixel
228 .global _tgi_settextdir
229 .global _tgi_settextscale
230 .global _tgi_settextstyle
231 .global _tgi_setviewpage
232 .global _tgi_uninstall