]> git.sur5r.net Git - cc65/blob - libsrc/geos/inc/geossym.inc
functions that do not modify data take const char* as argument
[cc65] / libsrc / geos / inc / geossym.inc
2 ;GEOS variable memory locations sorted by address
3 ;reassembled by Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
4 ;4-2-99
6 zpage           =       $0000
7 ;
9 CPU_DDR         =       $00
10 CPU_DATA        =       $01
11 ;
12 r0              =       $02
13 r0L             =       $02
14 r0H             =       $03
15 r1              =       $04
16 r1L             =       $04
17 r1H             =       $05
18 r2              =       $06
19 r2L             =       $06
20 r2H             =       $07
21 r3              =       $08
22 r3L             =       $08
23 r3H             =       $09
24 r4              =       $0a
25 r4L             =       $0a
26 r4H             =       $0b
27 r5              =       $0c
28 r5L             =       $0c
29 r5H             =       $0d
30 r6              =       $0e
31 r6L             =       $0e
32 r6H             =       $0f
33 r7              =       $10
34 r7L             =       $10
35 r7H             =       $11
36 r8              =       $12
37 r8L             =       $12
38 r8H             =       $13
39 r9              =       $14
40 r9L             =       $14
41 r9H             =       $15
42 r10             =       $16
43 r10L            =       $16
44 r10H            =       $17
45 r11             =       $18
46 r11L            =       $18
47 r11H            =       $19
48 r12             =       $1a
49 r12L            =       $1a
50 r12H            =       $1b
51 r13             =       $1c
52 r13L            =       $1c
53 r13H            =       $1d
54 r14             =       $1e
55 r14L            =       $1e
56 r14H            =       $1f
57 r15             =       $20
58 r15L            =       $20
59 r15H            =       $21
60 ;
61 a0              =       $fb
62 a0L             =       $fb
63 a0H             =       $fc
64 a1              =       $fd
65 a1L             =       $fd
66 a1H             =       $fe
67 a2              =       $70
68 a2L             =       $70
69 a2H             =       $71
70 a3              =       $72
71 a3L             =       $72
72 a3H             =       $73
73 a4              =       $74
74 a4L             =       $74
75 a4H             =       $75
76 a5              =       $76
77 a5L             =       $76
78 a5H             =       $77
79 a6              =       $78
80 a6L             =       $78
81 a6H             =       $79
82 a7              =       $7a
83 a7L             =       $7a
84 a7H             =       $7b
85 a8              =       $7c
86 a8L             =       $7c
87 a8H             =       $7d
88 a9              =       $7e
89 a9L             =       $7e
90 a9H             =       $7f
92 ;
94 curPattern              =       $22
95 string                  =       $24
96 baselineOffset          =       $26
97 curSetWidth             =       $27
98 curHeight               =       $29
99 curIndexTable           =       $2a
100 cardDataPntr            =       $2c
101 currentMode             =       $2e
102 dispBufferOn            =       $2f
103 mouseOn                 =       $30
104 msePicPtr               =       $31
105 windowTop               =       $33
106 windowBottom            =       $34
107 leftMargin              =       $35
108 rightMargin             =       $37
109 pressFlag               =       $39
110 mouseXPos               =       $3a
111 mouseYPos               =       $3c
112 returnAddress           =       $3d
113 graphMode               =       $3f
114 TURBO_DD00              =       $8e     ; from 1541 turbo
115 TURBO_DD00_CPY          =       $8f     ; from 1541 turbo
116 STATUS                  =       $90
117 curDevice               =       $ba
118 ;
119 irqvec                  =       $0314
120 bkvec                   =       $0316
121 nmivec                  =       $0318
122 ;
123 APP_RAM                 =       $0400
124 BACK_SCR_BASE           =       $6000
125 PRINTBASE               =       $7900
126 OS_VARS                 =       $8000
127 ;
128 diskBlkBuf              =       $8000
129 fileHeader              =       $8100
130 curDirHead              =       $8200
131 fileTrScTab             =       $8300
132 dirEntryBuf             =       $8400
133 DrACurDkNm              =       $841e
134 DrBCurDkNm              =       $8430
135 dataFileName            =       $8442
136 dataDiskName            =       $8453
137 PrntFilename            =       $8465
138 PrntDiskName            =       $8476
139 curDrive                =       $8489
140 diskOpenFlg             =       $848a
141 isGEOS                  =       $848b
142 interleave              =       $848c
143 NUMDRV                  =       $848d
144 driveType               =       $848e
145 _driveType              =       driveType-8
146 turboFlags              =       $8492
147 _turboFlags             =       turboFlags-8
148 curRecord               =       $8496
149 usedRecords             =       $8497
150 fileWritten             =       $8498
151 fileSize                =       $8499
152 appMain                 =       $849b
153 intTopVector            =       $849d
154 intBotVector            =       $849f
155 mouseVector             =       $84a1
156 keyVector               =       $84a3
157 inputVector             =       $84a5
158 mouseFaultVec           =       $84a7
159 otherPressVec           =       $84a9
160 StringFaultVec          =       $84ab
161 alarmTmtVector          =       $84ad
162 BRKVector               =       $84af
163 RecoverVector           =       $84b1
164 selectionFlash          =       $84b3
165 alphaFlag               =       $84b4
166 iconSelFlg              =       $84b5
167 faultData               =       $84b6
168 menuNumber              =       $84b7
169 mouseTop                =       $84b8
170 mouseBottom             =       $84b9
171 mouseLeft               =       $84ba
172 mouseRight              =       $84bc
173 stringX                 =       $84be
174 stringY                 =       $84c0
175 mousePicData            =       $84c1
176 maxMouseSpeed           =       $8501
177 minMouseSpeed           =       $8502
178 mouseAccel              =       $8503
179 keyData                 =       $8504
180 mouseData               =       $8505
181 inputData               =       $8506
182 mouseSpeed              =       $8507
183 random                  =       $850a
184 saveFontTab             =       $850c
185 dblClickCount           =       $8515
186 year                    =       $8516
187 month                   =       $8517
188 day                     =       $8518
189 hour                    =       $8519
190 minutes                 =       $851a
191 seconds                 =       $851b
192 alarmSetFlag            =       $851c
193 sysDBData               =       $851d
194 screencolors            =       $851e
195 dlgBoxRamBuf            =       $851f   ; to $8697
196 ;
197 ;$8698 - $8877 - various system data (keyboard queue, VLIR t&s, DBox, Menu, timers)
198 ;
199 savedmoby2              =       $88bb
200 scr80polar              =       $88bc
201 scr80colors             =       $88bd
202 vdcClrMode              =       $88be
203 driveData               =       $88bf
204 ramExpSize              =       $88c3
205 sysRAMFlg               =       $88c4
206 firstBoot               =       $88c5
207 curType                 =       $88c6
208 ramBase                 =       $88c7
209 inputDevName            =       $88cb
210 memBase                 =       $88cf   ;???
211 DrCCurDkNm              =       $88dc
212 DrDCurDkNm              =       $88ee
213 dir2Head                =       $8900
214 ;
215 SPRITE_PICS             =       $8a00
216 spr0pic                 =       $8a00
217 spr1pic                 =       $8a40
218 spr2pic                 =       $8a80
219 spr3pic                 =       $8ac0
220 spr4pic                 =       $8b00
221 spr5pic                 =       $8b40
222 spr6pic                 =       $8b80
223 spr7pic                 =       $8bc0
224 COLOR_MATRIX            =       $8c00
225 ;
226 obj0Pointer             =       $8ff8
227 obj1Pointer             =       $8ff9
228 obj2Pointer             =       $8ffa
229 obj3Pointer             =       $8ffb
230 obj4Pointer             =       $8ffc
231 obj5Pointer             =       $8ffd
232 obj6Pointer             =       $8ffe
233 obj7Pointer             =       $8fff
234 ;
235 DISK_BASE               =       $9000
236 SCREEN_BASE             =       $a000
237 OS_ROM                  =       $c000
238 OS_JUMPTAB              =       $c100
239 RAMC_BASE               =       $de00
240 RAMC_WINDOW             =       $df00
241 EXP_BASE                =       $df00
242 MOUSE_BASE_128          =       $fd00
243 MOUSE_JMP_128           =       $fd00
244 END_MOUSE_128           =       $fe80
245 MOUSE_BASE              =       $fe80
246 MOUSE_JMP               =       $fe80
247 config                  =       $ff00
248 END_MOUSE               =       $fffa
249 NMI_VECTOR              =       $fffa
250 RESET_VECTOR            =       $fffc
251 IRQ_VECTOR              =       $fffe
252 ;
253 vicbase                 =       $d000
254 sidbase                 =       $d400
255 mmu                     =       $d500
256 VDC                     =       $d600
257 ctab                    =       $d800
258 cia1base                =       $dc00
259 cia2base                =       $dd00
260 ;
261 mob0xpos                =       $d000
262 mob0ypos                =       $d001
263 mob1xpos                =       $d002
264 mob1ypos                =       $d003
265 mob2xpos                =       $d004
266 mob2ypos                =       $d005
267 mob3xpos                =       $d006
268 mob3ypos                =       $d007
269 mob4xpos                =       $d008
270 mob4ypos                =       $d009
271 mob5xpos                =       $d00a
272 mob5ypos                =       $d00b
273 mob6xpos                =       $d00c
274 mob6ypos                =       $d00d
275 mob7xpos                =       $d00e
276 mob7ypos                =       $d00f
277 msbxpos                 =       $d010
278 grcntrl1                =       $d011
279 rasreg                  =       $d012
280 lpxpos                  =       $d013
281 lpypos                  =       $d014
282 mobenble                =       $d015
283 grcntrl2                =       $d016
284 grmemptr                =       $d018
285 grirq                   =       $d019
286 grirqen                 =       $d01a
287 moby2                   =       $d017
288 mobprior                =       $d01b
289 mobmcm                  =       $d01c
290 mobx2                   =       $d01d
291 mobmobcol               =       $d01e
292 mobbakcol               =       $d01f
293 extclr                  =       $d020
294 bakclr0                 =       $d021
295 bakclr1                 =       $d022
296 bakclr2                 =       $d023
297 bakclr3                 =       $d024
298 mcmclr0                 =       $d025
299 mcmclr1                 =       $d026
300 mob0clr                 =       $d027
301 mob1clr                 =       $d028
302 mob2clr                 =       $d029
303 mob3clr                 =       $d02a
304 mob4clr                 =       $d02b
305 mob5clr                 =       $d02c
306 mob6clr                 =       $d02d
307 mob7clr                 =       $d02e
308 keyreg                  =       $d02f
309 clkreg                  =       $d030
311 ;
312 vdcreg                  =       $d600
313 vdcdata                 =       $d601
314 ;