]> git.sur5r.net Git - contagged/blob - scripts/interface/carousel.js
JavaScript updates (migration to JQuery + Interface)
[contagged] / scripts / interface / carousel.js
1 /**
2  * Interface Elements for jQuery
3  * 3D Carousel
4  * 
5  * http://interface.eyecon.ro
6  * 
7  * Copyright (c) 2006 Stefan Petre
8  * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) 
9  * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
10  *
11  */
12 /**
13  * Created a 3D Carousel from a list of images, with reflections and animated by mouse position
14  * 
15  * @example window.onload = 
16  *                      function()
17  *                      {
18  *                              $('#carousel').Carousel(
19  *                                      {
20  *                                              itemWidth: 110,
21  *                                              itemHeight: 62,
22  *                                              itemMinWidth: 50,
23  *                                              items: 'a',
24  *                                              reflections: .5,
25  *                                              rotationSpeed: 1.8
26  *                                      }
27  *                              );
28  *                      }
29  * HTML
30  *                      <div id="carousel">
31  *                              <a href="" title=""><img src="" width="100%" /></a>
32  *                              <a href="" title=""><img src="" width="100%" /></a>
33  *                              <a href="" title=""><img src="" width="100%" /></a>
34  *                              <a href="" title=""><img src="" width="100%" /></a>
35  *                              <a href="" title=""><img src="" width="100%" /></a>
36  *                      </div>
37  * CSS
38  *                      #carousel
39  *                      {
40  *                              width: 700px;
41  *                              height: 150px;
42  *                              background-color: #111;
43  *                              position: absolute;
44  *                              top: 200px;
45  *                              left: 100px;
46  *                      }
47  *                      #carousel a
48  *                      {
49  *                              position: absolute;
50  *                              width: 110px;
51  *                      }
52  *
53  * @desc Creates a 3D carousel from all images inside div tag with id 'carousel'
54  *
55  *
56  * @name 3D Carousel
57  * @description Created a 3D Carousel from a list of images, with reflections and animated by mouse position
58  * @param Hash hash A hash of parameters
59  * @option String items items selection
60  * @option Integer itemWidth the max width for each item
61  * @option Integer itemHeight the max height for each item
62  * @option Integer itemMinWidth the minimum width for each item, the height is automaticaly calculated to keep proportions
63  * @option Float rotationSpeed the speed for rotation animation
64  * @option Float reflectionSize the reflection size a fraction from items' height
65  *
66  * @type jQuery
67  * @cat Plugins/Interface
68  * @author Stefan Petre
69  */
70 jQuery.iCarousel = {
72         build : function(options)
73         {
74                 return this.each(
75                         function()
76                         {
77                                 var el = this;
78                                 var increment = 2*Math.PI/360;
79                                 var maxRotation = 2*Math.PI;
80                                 if(jQuery(el).css('position') != 'relative' && jQuery(el).css('position') != 'absolute') {
81                                         jQuery(el).css('position', 'relative');
82                                 }
83                                 el.carouselCfg = {
84                                         items : jQuery(options.items, this),
85                                         itemWidth : options.itemWidth,
86                                         itemHeight : options.itemHeight,
87                                         itemMinWidth : options.itemMinWidth,
88                                         maxRotation : maxRotation,
89                                         size : jQuery.iUtil.getSize(this),
90                                         position : jQuery.iUtil.getPosition(this),
91                                         start : Math.PI/2,
92                                         rotationSpeed : options.rotationSpeed,
93                                         reflectionSize : options.reflections,
94                                         reflections : [],
95                                         protectRotation : false,
96                                         increment: 2*Math.PI/360
97                                 };
98                                 el.carouselCfg.radiusX = (el.carouselCfg.size.w - el.carouselCfg.itemWidth)/2;
99                                 el.carouselCfg.radiusY =  (el.carouselCfg.size.h - el.carouselCfg.itemHeight - el.carouselCfg.itemHeight * el.carouselCfg.reflectionSize)/2;
100                                 el.carouselCfg.step =  2*Math.PI/el.carouselCfg.items.size();
101                                 el.carouselCfg.paddingX = el.carouselCfg.size.w/2;
102                                 el.carouselCfg.paddingY = el.carouselCfg.size.h/2 - el.carouselCfg.itemHeight * el.carouselCfg.reflectionSize;
103                                 var reflexions = document.createElement('div');
104                                 jQuery(reflexions)
105                                         .css(
106                                                 {
107                                                         position: 'absolute',
108                                                         zIndex: 1,
109                                                         top: 0,
110                                                         left: 0
111                                                 }
112                                         );
113                                 jQuery(el).append(reflexions);
114                                 el.carouselCfg.items
115                                         .each(
116                                                 function(nr)
117                                                 {
118                                                         image = jQuery('img', this).get(0);
119                                                         height = parseInt(el.carouselCfg.itemHeight*el.carouselCfg.reflectionSize);
120                                                         if (jQuery.browser.msie) {
121                                                                 canvas = document.createElement('img');
122                                                                 jQuery(canvas).css('position', 'absolute');
123                                                                 canvas.src = image.src;                         
124                                                                 canvas.style.filter = 'flipv progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=60, style=1, finishOpacity=0, startx=0, starty=0, finishx=0)';
126                                                         } else {
127                                                                 canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
128                                                                 if (canvas.getContext) {
129                                                                         context = canvas.getContext("2d");
130                                                                         canvas.style.position = 'absolute';
131                                                                         canvas.style.height = height +'px';
132                                                                         canvas.style.width = el.carouselCfg.itemWidth+'px';
133                                                                         canvas.height = height;
134                                                                         canvas.width = el.carouselCfg.itemWidth;
135                                                                         context.save();
137                                                                         context.translate(0,height);
138                                                                         context.scale(1,-1);
140                                                                         context.drawImage(
141                                                                                 image, 
142                                                                                 0, 
143                                                                                 0, 
144                                                                                 el.carouselCfg.itemWidth, 
145                                                                                 height
146                                                                         );
148                                                                         context.restore();
150                                                                         context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
151                                                                         var gradient = context.createLinearGradient(
152                                                                                 0, 
153                                                                                 0, 
154                                                                                 0, 
155                                                                                 height
156                                                                         );
158                                                                         gradient.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)");
159                                                                         gradient.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)");
161                                                                         context.fillStyle = gradient;
162                                                                         if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf('WebKit') != -1) {
163                                                                                 context.fill();
164                                                                         } else {
165                                                                                 context.fillRect(
166                                                                                         0, 
167                                                                                         0, 
168                                                                                         el.carouselCfg.itemWidth, 
169                                                                                         height
170                                                                                 );
171                                                                         }
172                                                                 }
173                                                         }
175                                                         el.carouselCfg.reflections[nr] = canvas;
176                                                         jQuery(reflexions).append(canvas);
177                                                 }
178                                         )
179                                         .bind(
180                                                 'mouseover',
181                                                 function(e)
182                                                 {
183                                                         el.carouselCfg.protectRotation = true;
184                                                         el.carouselCfg.speed = el.carouselCfg.increment*0.1 * el.carouselCfg.speed / Math.abs(el.carouselCfg.speed);
185                                                         return false;
186                                                 }
187                                         )
188                                         .bind(
189                                                 'mouseout',
190                                                 function(e)
191                                                 {
192                                                         el.carouselCfg.protectRotation = false;
193                                                         return false;
194                                                 }
195                                         );
196                                 jQuery.iCarousel.positionItems(el);
197                                 el.carouselCfg.speed = el.carouselCfg.increment*0.2;
198                                 el.carouselCfg.rotationTimer = window.setInterval(
199                                         function()
200                                         {
201                                                 el.carouselCfg.start += el.carouselCfg.speed;
202                                                 if (el.carouselCfg.start > maxRotation)
203                                                         el.carouselCfg.start = 0;
204                                                 jQuery.iCarousel.positionItems(el);
205                                         },
206                                         20
207                                 );
208                                 jQuery(el)
209                                         .bind(
210                                                 'mouseout',
211                                                 function()
212                                                 {
213                                                         el.carouselCfg.speed = el.carouselCfg.increment*0.2 * el.carouselCfg.speed / Math.abs(el.carouselCfg.speed);
214                                                 }
215                                         )
216                                         .bind(
217                                                 'mousemove',
218                                                 function(e)
219                                                 {
220                                                         if (el.carouselCfg.protectRotation == false) {
221                                                                 pointer = jQuery.iUtil.getPointer(e);
222                                                                 mousex =  el.carouselCfg.size.w - pointer.x + el.carouselCfg.position.x;
223                                                                 el.carouselCfg.speed = el.carouselCfg.rotationSpeed * el.carouselCfg.increment * (el.carouselCfg.size.w/2 - mousex) / (el.carouselCfg.size.w/2);
224                                                         }
225                                                 }
226                                         );
227                         }
228                 );
229         },
231         positionItems : function(el)
232         {
233                 el.carouselCfg.items.each(
234                         function (nr)
235                         {
236                                 angle = el.carouselCfg.start+nr*el.carouselCfg.step;
237                                 x = el.carouselCfg.radiusX*Math.cos(angle);
238                                 y = el.carouselCfg.radiusY*Math.sin(angle) ;
239                                 itemZIndex = parseInt(100*(el.carouselCfg.radiusY+y)/(2*el.carouselCfg.radiusY));
240                                 parte = (el.carouselCfg.radiusY+y)/(2*el.carouselCfg.radiusY);
242                                 width = parseInt((el.carouselCfg.itemWidth - el.carouselCfg.itemMinWidth) * parte + el.carouselCfg.itemMinWidth);
243                                 height = parseInt(width * el.carouselCfg.itemHeight / el.carouselCfg.itemWidth);
244                                 this.style.top = el.carouselCfg.paddingY + y - height/2 + "px";
245                         this.style.left = el.carouselCfg.paddingX + x - width/2 + "px";
246                         this.style.width = width + "px";
247                         this.style.height = height + "px";
248                         this.style.zIndex = itemZIndex;
249                                 el.carouselCfg.reflections[nr].style.top = parseInt(el.carouselCfg.paddingY + y + height - 1 - height/2) + "px";
250                                 el.carouselCfg.reflections[nr].style.left = parseInt(el.carouselCfg.paddingX + x - width/2) + "px";
251                                 el.carouselCfg.reflections[nr].style.width = width + "px";
252                                 el.carouselCfg.reflections[nr].style.height = parseInt(height * el.carouselCfg.reflectionSize) + "px";
253                         }
254                 );
255         }
256 };
257 jQuery.fn.Carousel = jQuery.iCarousel.build;