]> git.sur5r.net Git - contagged/blob - scripts/interface/ifxscale.js
Dynamically decide which attributes to fetch
[contagged] / scripts / interface / ifxscale.js
1 /**\r
2  * Interface Elements for jQuery\r
3  * FX - scale/grow/shrink/puff\r
4  * \r
5  * http://interface.eyecon.ro\r
6  * \r
7  * Copyright (c) 2006 Stefan Petre\r
8  * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) \r
9  * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.\r
10  *   \r
11  *\r
12  */\r
13 /**\r
14  * Applies a scallign animation to element\r
15  */\r
16 jQuery.fn.extend(\r
17         {\r
18                 /**\r
19                  * @name Grow\r
20                  * @description scales the element from 0 to intitial size\r
21                  * @param Mixed speed animation speed, integer for miliseconds, string ['slow' | 'normal' | 'fast']\r
22                  * @param Function callback (optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes.\r
23                  * @param String easing (optional) The name of the easing effect that you want to use.\r
24                  * @type jQuery\r
25                  * @cat Plugins/Interface\r
26                  * @author Stefan Petre\r
27                  */\r
28                 Grow : function(speed, callback, easing) {\r
29                         return this.queue('interfaceFX',function(){\r
30                                 new jQuery.fx.Scale(this, speed, 1, 100, true, callback, 'grow', easing);\r
31                         });\r
32                 },\r
33                 \r
34                 /**\r
35                  * @name Shrink\r
36                  * @description scales the element from intitial size to 0\r
37                  * @param Mixed speed animation speed, integer for miliseconds, string ['slow' | 'normal' | 'fast']\r
38                  * @param Function callback (optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes.\r
39                  * @param String easing (optional) The name of the easing effect that you want to use.\r
40                  * @type jQuery\r
41                  * @cat Plugins/Interface\r
42                  * @author Stefan Petre\r
43                  */\r
44                 Shrink : function(speed, callback, easing) {\r
45                         return this.queue('interfaceFX',function(){\r
46                                 new jQuery.fx.Scale(this, speed, 100, 1, true, callback, 'shrink', easing);\r
47                         });\r
48                 },\r
49                 \r
50                 /**\r
51                  * @name Puff\r
52                  * @description makes element to dispear by scalling to 150% and fading it out\r
53                  * @param Mixed speed animation speed, integer for miliseconds, string ['slow' | 'normal' | 'fast']\r
54                  * @param Function callback (optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes.\r
55                  * @param String easing (optional) The name of the easing effect that you want to use.\r
56                  * @type jQuery\r
57                  * @cat Plugins/Interface\r
58                  * @author Stefan Petre\r
59                  */\r
60                 Puff : function(speed, callback, easing) {\r
61                         return this.queue('interfaceFX',function(){\r
62                                 var easing = easing || 'easeout';\r
63                                 new jQuery.fx.Scale(this, speed, 100, 150, true, callback, 'puff', easing);\r
64                         });\r
65                 },\r
66                 \r
67                 /**\r
68                  * @name Scale\r
69                  * @description scales the element\r
70                  * @param Mixed speed animation speed, integer for miliseconds, string ['slow' | 'normal' | 'fast']\r
71                  * @param Integer from initial scalling procentage\r
72                  * @param Integer to final scalling procentage\r
73                  * @param Boolean reastore whatever to restore the initital scalling procentage when animation ends\r
74                  * @param Function callback (optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes.\r
75                  * @param String easing (optional) The name of the easing effect that you want to use.\r
76                  * @type jQuery\r
77                  * @cat Plugins/Interface\r
78                  * @author Stefan Petre\r
79                  */\r
80                 Scale : function(speed, from, to, restore, callback, easing) {\r
81                         return this.queue('interfaceFX',function(){\r
82                                 new jQuery.fx.Scale(this, speed, from, to, restore, callback, 'Scale', easing);\r
83                         });\r
84                 }\r
85         }\r
86 );\r
87 \r
88 jQuery.fx.Scale = function (e, speed, from, to, restore, callback, type, easing)\r
89 {\r
90         if (!jQuery.fxCheckTag(e)) {\r
91                 jQuery.dequeue(e, 'interfaceFX');\r
92                 return false;\r
93         }\r
94         var z = this;\r
95         z.el = jQuery(e);\r
96         z.from = parseInt(from) || 100;\r
97         z.to = parseInt(to) || 100;\r
98         z.easing = typeof callback == 'string' ? callback : easing||null;\r
99         z.callback = typeof callback == 'function' ? callback : null;\r
100         z.duration = jQuery.speed(speed).duration;\r
101         z.restore = restore|| null;\r
102         z.oldP = jQuery.iUtil.getSize(e);\r
103         z.oldStyle = {\r
104                 width: z.el.css('width'),\r
105                 height: z.el.css('height'),\r
106                 fontSize: z.el.css('fontSize')||'100%',\r
107                 position : z.el.css('position'),\r
108                 display : z.el.css('display'),\r
109                 top : z.el.css('top'),\r
110                 left : z.el.css('left'),\r
111                 overflow : z.el.css('overflow'),\r
112                 borderTopWidth : z.el.css('borderTopWidth'),\r
113                 borderRightWidth : z.el.css('borderRightWidth'),\r
114                 borderBottomWidth : z.el.css('borderBottomWidth'),\r
115                 borderLeftWidth : z.el.css('borderLeftWidth'),\r
116                 paddingTop : z.el.css('paddingTop'),\r
117                 paddingRight : z.el.css('paddingRight'),\r
118                 paddingBottom : z.el.css('paddingBottom'),\r
119                 paddingLeft : z.el.css('paddingLeft')\r
120         };\r
121         z.width = parseInt(z.oldStyle.width)||e.offsetWidth||0;\r
122         z.height = parseInt(z.oldStyle.height)||e.offsetHeight||0;\r
123         z.top = parseInt(z.oldStyle.top)||0;\r
124         z.left = parseInt(z.oldStyle.left)||0;\r
125         sizes = ['em','px','pt','%'];\r
126         for(i in sizes) {\r
127                 if (z.oldStyle.fontSize.indexOf(sizes[i])>0) {\r
128                         z.fontUnit = sizes[i];\r
129                         z.fontSize = parseFloat(z.oldStyle.fontSize);\r
130                 }\r
131                 if (z.oldStyle.borderTopWidth.indexOf(sizes[i])>0) {\r
132                         z.borderTopUnit = sizes[i];\r
133                         z.borderTopSize = parseFloat(z.oldStyle.borderTopWidth)||0;\r
134                 }\r
135                 if (z.oldStyle.borderRightWidth.indexOf(sizes[i])>0) {\r
136                         z.borderRightUnit = sizes[i];\r
137                         z.borderRightSize = parseFloat(z.oldStyle.borderRightWidth)||0;\r
138                 }\r
139                 if (z.oldStyle.borderBottomWidth.indexOf(sizes[i])>0) {\r
140                         z.borderBottomUnit = sizes[i];\r
141                         z.borderBottomSize = parseFloat(z.oldStyle.borderBottomWidth)||0;\r
142                 }\r
143                 if (z.oldStyle.borderLeftWidth.indexOf(sizes[i])>0) {\r
144                         z.borderLeftUnit = sizes[i];\r
145                         z.borderLeftSize = parseFloat(z.oldStyle.borderLeftWidth)||0;\r
146                 }\r
147                 if (z.oldStyle.paddingTop.indexOf(sizes[i])>0) {\r
148                         z.paddingTopUnit = sizes[i];\r
149                         z.paddingTopSize = parseFloat(z.oldStyle.paddingTop)||0;\r
150                 }\r
151                 if (z.oldStyle.paddingRight.indexOf(sizes[i])>0) {\r
152                         z.paddingRightUnit = sizes[i];\r
153                         z.paddingRightSize = parseFloat(z.oldStyle.paddingRight)||0;\r
154                 }\r
155                 if (z.oldStyle.paddingBottom.indexOf(sizes[i])>0) {\r
156                         z.paddingBottomUnit = sizes[i];\r
157                         z.paddingBottomSize = parseFloat(z.oldStyle.paddingBottom)||0;\r
158                 }\r
159                 if (z.oldStyle.paddingLeft.indexOf(sizes[i])>0) {\r
160                         z.paddingLeftUnit = sizes[i];\r
161                         z.paddingLeftSize = parseFloat(z.oldStyle.paddingLeft)||0;\r
162                 }\r
163         }\r
164         \r
165         \r
166         if (z.oldStyle.position != 'relative' && z.oldStyle.position != 'absolute') {\r
167                 z.el.css('position', 'relative');\r
168         }\r
169         z.el.css('overflow', 'hidden');\r
170         z.type = type;\r
171         switch(z.type)\r
172         {\r
173                 case 'grow':\r
174                         z.startTop = z.top + z.oldP.h/2;\r
175                         z.endTop = z.top;\r
176                         z.startLeft = z.left + z.oldP.w/2;\r
177                         z.endLeft = z.left;\r
178                         break;\r
179                 case 'shrink':\r
180                         z.endTop = z.top + z.oldP.h/2;\r
181                         z.startTop = z.top;\r
182                         z.endLeft = z.left + z.oldP.w/2;\r
183                         z.startLeft = z.left;\r
184                         break;\r
185                 case 'puff':\r
186                         z.endTop = z.top - z.oldP.h/4;\r
187                         z.startTop = z.top;\r
188                         z.endLeft = z.left - z.oldP.w/4;\r
189                         z.startLeft = z.left;\r
190                         break;\r
191         }\r
192         z.firstStep = false;\r
193         z.t=(new Date).getTime();\r
194         z.clear = function(){clearInterval(z.timer);z.timer=null;};\r
195         z.step = function(){\r
196                 if (z.firstStep == false) {\r
197                         z.el.show();\r
198                         z.firstStep = true;\r
199                 }\r
200                 var t = (new Date).getTime();\r
201                 var n = t - z.t;\r
202                 var p = n / z.duration;\r
203                 if (t >= z.duration+z.t) {\r
204                         setTimeout(\r
205                                 function(){\r
206                                                 o = 1;  \r
207                                         if (z.type) {\r
208                                                 t = z.endTop;\r
209                                                 l = z.endLeft;\r
210                                                 if (z.type == 'puff')\r
211                                                         o = 0;\r
212                                         }\r
213                                         z.zoom(z.to, l, t, true, o);\r
214                                 },\r
215                                 13\r
216                         );\r
217                         z.clear();\r
218                 } else {\r
219                         o = 1;\r
220                         if (!jQuery.easing || !jQuery.easing[z.easing]) {\r
221                                 s = ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * (z.to-z.from) + z.from;\r
222                         } else {\r
223                                 s = jQuery.easing[z.easing](p, n, z.from, (z.to-z.from), z.duration);\r
224                         }\r
225                         if (z.type) {\r
226                                 if (!jQuery.easing || !jQuery.easing[z.easing]) {\r
227                                         t = ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * (z.endTop-z.startTop) + z.startTop;\r
228                                         l = ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * (z.endLeft-z.startLeft) + z.startLeft;\r
229                                         if (z.type == 'puff')\r
230                                                 o = ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * (-0.9999) + 0.9999;\r
231                                 } else {\r
232                                         t = jQuery.easing[z.easing](p, n, z.startTop, (z.endTop-z.startTop), z.duration);\r
233                                         l = jQuery.easing[z.easing](p, n, z.startLeft, (z.endLeft-z.startLeft), z.duration);\r
234                                         if (z.type == 'puff')\r
235                                                 o = jQuery.easing[z.easing](p, n, 0.9999, -0.9999, z.duration);\r
236                                 }\r
237                         }\r
238                         z.zoom(s, l, t, false, o);\r
239                 }\r
240         };\r
241         z.timer=setInterval(function(){z.step();},13);\r
242         z.zoom = function(percent, left, top, finish, opacity)\r
243         {\r
244                 z.el\r
245                         .css('height', z.height * percent/100 + 'px')\r
246                         .css('width', z.width * percent/100 + 'px')\r
247                         .css('left', left + 'px')\r
248                         .css('top', top + 'px')\r
249                         .css('fontSize', z.fontSize * percent /100 + z.fontUnit);\r
250                 if (z.borderTopSize)\r
251                         z.el.css('borderTopWidth', z.borderTopSize * percent /100 + z.borderTopUnit);\r
252                 if (z.borderRightSize)\r
253                         z.el.css('borderRightWidth', z.borderRightSize * percent /100 + z.borderRightUnit);\r
254                 if (z.borderBottomSize)\r
255                         z.el.css('borderBottomWidth', z.borderBottomSize * percent /100 + z.borderBottomUnit);\r
256                 if (z.borderLeftSize)\r
257                         z.el.css('borderLeftWidth', z.borderLeftSize * percent /100 + z.borderLeftUnit);\r
258                 if (z.paddingTopSize)\r
259                         z.el.css('paddingTop', z.paddingTopSize * percent /100 + z.paddingTopUnit);\r
260                 if (z.paddingRightSize)\r
261                         z.el.css('paddingRight', z.paddingRightSize * percent /100 + z.paddingRightUnit);\r
262                 if (z.paddingBottomSize)\r
263                         z.el.css('paddingBottom', z.paddingBottomSize * percent /100 + z.paddingBottomUnit);\r
264                 if (z.paddingLeftSize)\r
265                         z.el.css('paddingLeft', z.paddingLeftSize * percent /100 + z.paddingLeftUnit);\r
266                 if (z.type == 'puff') {\r
267                         if (window.ActiveXObject)\r
268                                 z.el.get(0).style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + opacity*100 + ")";\r
269                         z.el.get(0).style.opacity = opacity;\r
270                 }\r
271                 if (finish){\r
272                         if (z.restore){\r
273                                 z.el.css(z.oldStyle);\r
274                         }\r
275                         if (z.type == 'shrink' || z.type == 'puff'){\r
276                                 z.el.css('display', 'none');\r
277                                 if (z.type == 'puff') {\r
278                                         if (window.ActiveXObject)\r
279                                                 z.el.get(0).style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + 100 + ")";\r
280                                         z.el.get(0).style.opacity = 1;\r
281                                 }\r
282                         }else \r
283                                 z.el.css('display', 'block');\r
284                         if (z.callback)\r
285                                 z.callback.apply(z.el.get(0));\r
286                         \r
287                         jQuery.dequeue(z.el.get(0), 'interfaceFX');\r
288                 }\r
289         };\r
290 };