]> git.sur5r.net Git - freertos/commitdiff
Add support for statically allocated memory protected tasks - previously only dynamic...
authorrtel <rtel@1d2547de-c912-0410-9cb9-b8ca96c0e9e2>
Tue, 20 Sep 2016 13:54:28 +0000 (13:54 +0000)
committerrtel <rtel@1d2547de-c912-0410-9cb9-b8ca96c0e9e2>
Tue, 20 Sep 2016 13:54:28 +0000 (13:54 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/freertos/code/trunk@2471 1d2547de-c912-0410-9cb9-b8ca96c0e9e2

17 files changed:
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/FreeRTOSConfig.h [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/RTOSDemo.uvoptx [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/RTOSDemo.uvprojx [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/RegTest.c [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/sections.ld [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/startup_ARMCM4.S [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/RTOSDemo.sct [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/RTOSDemo.uvoptx [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/RTOSDemo.uvprojx [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/RegTest.c [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/startup_MPS_CM4.S [new file with mode: 0644]
FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/main.c [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/FreeRTOSConfig.h b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/FreeRTOSConfig.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a8df38e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+    FreeRTOS V9.0.0 - Copyright (C) 2016 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
+    All rights reserved\r
+    This file is part of the FreeRTOS distribution.\r
+    FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\r
+    the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the\r
+    Free Software Foundation >>>> AND MODIFIED BY <<<< the FreeRTOS exception.\r
+    ***************************************************************************\r
+    >>!   NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to     !<<\r
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+    ***************************************************************************\r
+    FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY\r
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+    link: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html\r
+    ***************************************************************************\r
+     *                                                                       *\r
+     *    FreeRTOS provides completely free yet professionally developed,    *\r
+     *    robust, strictly quality controlled, supported, and cross          *\r
+     *    platform software that is more than just the market leader, it     *\r
+     *    is the industry's de facto standard.                               *\r
+     *                                                                       *\r
+     *    Help yourself get started quickly while simultaneously helping     *\r
+     *    to support the FreeRTOS project by purchasing a FreeRTOS           *\r
+     *    tutorial book, reference manual, or both:                          *\r
+     *    http://www.FreeRTOS.org/Documentation                              *\r
+     *                                                                       *\r
+    ***************************************************************************\r
+    http://www.FreeRTOS.org/FAQHelp.html - Having a problem?  Start by reading\r
+    the FAQ page "My application does not run, what could be wrong?".  Have you\r
+    defined configASSERT()?\r
+    http://www.FreeRTOS.org/support - In return for receiving this top quality\r
+    embedded software for free we request you assist our global community by\r
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+    http://www.FreeRTOS.org/plus - A selection of FreeRTOS ecosystem products,\r
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+    Come and try FreeRTOS+TCP, our new open source TCP/IP stack for FreeRTOS.\r
+    http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High\r
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+    http://www.SafeRTOS.com - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety\r
+    engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and\r
+    mission critical applications that require provable dependability.\r
+    1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
+#ifdef __cplusplus\r
+extern "C" {\r
+ * Application specific definitions.\r
+ *\r
+ * These definitions should be adjusted for your particular hardware and\r
+ * application requirements.\r
+ *\r
+ *\r
+ * See http://www.freertos.org/a00110.html.\r
+ *----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
+/* The MPU version of port.c includes and excludes functions depending on the\r
+settings within this file.  Therefore, to ensure all the functions in port.c\r
+build, this configuration file has all options turned on. */\r
+#define configUSE_PREEMPTION                                   1\r
+#define configTICK_RATE_HZ                                             ( 1000 )\r
+#define configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION        1\r
+#define configUSE_QUEUE_SETS                                   1\r
+#define configUSE_IDLE_HOOK                                            1\r
+#define configUSE_TICK_HOOK                                            1\r
+#define configCPU_CLOCK_HZ                                             48000000\r
+#define configMAX_PRIORITIES                                   ( 5 )\r
+#define configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE                               ( ( unsigned short ) 120 )\r
+#define configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE                                  ( ( size_t ) ( 16 * 1024 ) )\r
+#define configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN                                        ( 10 )\r
+#define configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY                               1\r
+#define configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS                                 0\r
+#define configIDLE_SHOULD_YIELD                                        1\r
+#define configUSE_MUTEXES                                              1\r
+#define configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE                              5\r
+#define configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW                 2\r
+#define configUSE_RECURSIVE_MUTEXES                            1\r
+#define configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK                   1\r
+#define configUSE_APPLICATION_TASK_TAG                 1\r
+#define configUSE_COUNTING_SEMAPHORES                  1\r
+#define configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE                                        0\r
+#define configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS        2\r
+/* This demo shows the MPU being used without any dynamic memory allocation. */\r
+#define configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION                        1\r
+#define configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION               0\r
+/* Run time stats gathering definitions. */\r
+#define configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS                  1\r
+#define portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE()               0\r
+/* This demo makes use of one or more example stats formatting functions.  These\r
+format the raw data provided by the uxTaskGetSystemState() function in to human\r
+readable ASCII form.  See the notes in the implementation of vTaskList() within\r
+FreeRTOS/Source/tasks.c for limitations. */\r
+/* Co-routine definitions. */\r
+#define configUSE_CO_ROUTINES                   0\r
+#define configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES ( 2 )\r
+/* Software timer definitions. */\r
+#define configUSE_TIMERS                               1\r
+#define configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY              ( 2 )\r
+#define configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH               5\r
+#define configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH   ( configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE )\r
+/* Set the following definitions to 1 to include the API function, or zero\r
+to exclude the API function. */\r
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskPrioritySet                       1\r
+#define INCLUDE_uxTaskPriorityGet                      1\r
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelete                                    1\r
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskCleanUpResources          1\r
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend                           1\r
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelayUntil                                1\r
+#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelay                                     1\r
+#define INCLUDE_eTaskGetState                          1\r
+#define INCLUDE_xTimerPendFunctionCall         0\r
+#define INCLUDE_xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder       1\r
+#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetHandle                         1\r
+#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle      1\r
+#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle         1\r
+#define INCLUDE_xTaskAbortDelay                                1\r
+#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetSchedulerState         1\r
+#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle         1\r
+#define INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark 1\r
+/* Cortex-M specific definitions. */\r
+#ifdef __NVIC_PRIO_BITS\r
+       /* __BVIC_PRIO_BITS will be specified when CMSIS is being used. */\r
+       #define configPRIO_BITS                __NVIC_PRIO_BITS\r
+       #define configPRIO_BITS                4        /* 15 priority levels */\r
+/* The lowest interrupt priority that can be used in a call to a "set priority"\r
+function. */\r
+#define configLIBRARY_LOWEST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY                        0xf\r
+/* The highest interrupt priority that can be used by any interrupt service\r
+routine that makes calls to interrupt safe FreeRTOS API functions.  DO NOT CALL\r
+PRIORITY THAN THIS! (higher priorities are lower numeric values. */\r
+/* Interrupt priorities used by the kernel port layer itself.  These are generic\r
+to all Cortex-M ports, and do not rely on any particular library functions. */\r
+#define configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY                 ( configLIBRARY_LOWEST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY << (8 - configPRIO_BITS) )\r
+/* !!!! configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY must not be set to zero !!!!\r
+See http://www.FreeRTOS.org/RTOS-Cortex-M3-M4.html. */\r
+/* Definitions that map the FreeRTOS port interrupt handlers to their CMSIS\r
+standard names. */\r
+#define xPortPendSVHandler PendSV_Handler\r
+#define vPortSVCHandler SVC_Handler\r
+#define xPortSysTickHandler SysTick_Handler\r
+/* Normal assert() semantics without relying on the provision of an assert.h\r
+header file. */\r
+#define configASSERT( x ) if( ( x ) == 0UL ) { taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); for( ;; ); }\r
+/* LED not used at present, so just increment a variable to keep a count of the\r
+number of times the LED would otherwise have been toggled. */\r
+#define configTOGGLE_LED()     ulLED++\r
+/* Definitions for the messages that can be sent to the check task. */\r
+#define configREG_TEST_1_STILL_EXECUTING       ( 0 )\r
+#define configREG_TEST_2_STILL_EXECUTING       ( 1 )\r
+#define configTIMER_STILL_EXECUTING                    ( 2 )\r
+#define configPRINT_SYSTEM_STATUS                      ( 3 )\r
+/* Parameters that are passed into the third and fourth register check tasks\r
+solely for the purpose of ensuring parameters are passed into tasks correctly. */\r
+#define configREG_TEST_TASK_1_PARAMETER        ( ( void * ) 0x11112222 )\r
+#define configREG_TEST_TASK_3_PARAMETER        ( ( void * ) 0x12345678 )\r
+#define configREG_TEST_TASK_4_PARAMETER        ( ( void * ) 0x87654321 )\r
+#ifdef __cplusplus\r
+#endif /* FREERTOS_CONFIG_H */\r
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/RTOSDemo.uvoptx b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/RTOSDemo.uvoptx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c9679d2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
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+        <DbgClock>10000000</DbgClock>
+      </DebugDescription>
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+  </Target>
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+      <bShared>0</bShared>
+    </File>
+  </Group>
+  <Group>
+    <GroupName>application_and_config</GroupName>
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+      <bShared>0</bShared>
+    </File>
+    <File>
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+      <FilenameWithoutPath>RegTest.c</FilenameWithoutPath>
+      <RteFlg>0</RteFlg>
+      <bShared>0</bShared>
+    </File>
+  </Group>
+  <Group>
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+    <File>
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+    </File>
+    <File>
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+    </File>
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+      <FilenameWithoutPath>tasks.c</FilenameWithoutPath>
+      <RteFlg>0</RteFlg>
+      <bShared>0</bShared>
+    </File>
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+      <FilenameWithoutPath>timers.c</FilenameWithoutPath>
+      <RteFlg>0</RteFlg>
+      <bShared>0</bShared>
+    </File>
+    <File>
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+      <FilenameWithoutPath>mpu_wrappers.c</FilenameWithoutPath>
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+      <bShared>0</bShared>
+    </File>
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+      <PathWithFileName>..\..\..\Source\portable\GCC\ARM_CM4_MPU\port.c</PathWithFileName>
+      <FilenameWithoutPath>port.c</FilenameWithoutPath>
+      <RteFlg>0</RteFlg>
+      <bShared>0</bShared>
+    </File>
+  </Group>
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/RTOSDemo.uvprojx b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/RTOSDemo.uvprojx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..645d482
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
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+  <Header>### uVision Project, (C) Keil Software</Header>
+  <Targets>
+    <Target>
+      <TargetName>RTOSDemo_GCC_MPU</TargetName>
+      <ToolsetNumber>0x3</ToolsetNumber>
+      <ToolsetName>ARM-GNU</ToolsetName>
+      <pCCUsed>5060061::V5.06 update 1 (build 61)::ARMCC</pCCUsed>
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+        <TargetCommonOption>
+          <Device>ARMCM4_FP</Device>
+          <Vendor>ARM</Vendor>
+          <PackID>ARM.CMSIS.5.0.0-Beta4</PackID>
+          <PackURL>http://www.keil.com/pack/</PackURL>
+          <Cpu>IROM(0x00000000,0x80000) IRAM(0x20000000,0x20000) CPUTYPE("Cortex-M4") FPU2 CLOCK(12000000) ESEL ELITTLE</Cpu>
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+            <nStopB2X>0</nStopB2X>
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+          <TargetDllArguments> -MPU</TargetDllArguments>
+          <TargetDlgDll>TCM.DLL</TargetDlgDll>
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+        </Utilities>
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+              </Ocm3>
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+              </Ocm4>
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+              </Ocm5>
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+                <Type>0</Type>
+                <StartAddress>0x0</StartAddress>
+                <Size>0x0</Size>
+              </Ocm6>
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+                <Type>0</Type>
+                <StartAddress>0x20000000</StartAddress>
+                <Size>0x20000</Size>
+              </IRAM>
+              <IROM>
+                <Type>1</Type>
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+              </IROM>
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+                <Type>0</Type>
+                <StartAddress>0x0</StartAddress>
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+              <IRAM2>
+                <Type>0</Type>
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+              </IRAM2>
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+                <Size>0x4000</Size>
+              </IROM2>
+            </OnChipMemories>
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+              <MiscControls>-mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -O0 -g</MiscControls>
+              <Define></Define>
+              <Undefine></Undefine>
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+            </VariousControls>
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+              <MiscControls></MiscControls>
+              <Define></Define>
+              <Undefine></Undefine>
+              <IncludePath></IncludePath>
+            </VariousControls>
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+            <Misc>-Xlinker --gc-sections</Misc>
+            <ScatterFile>.\sections.ld</ScatterFile>
+          </LDarm>
+        </TargetArm>
+      </TargetOption>
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+        <Group>
+          <GroupName>System</GroupName>
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+            <File>
+              <FileName>startup_ARMCM4.S</FileName>
+              <FileType>2</FileType>
+              <FilePath>.\startup_ARMCM4.S</FilePath>
+            </File>
+          </Files>
+        </Group>
+        <Group>
+          <GroupName>application_and_config</GroupName>
+          <Files>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>main.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\main.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>FreeRTOSConfig.h</FileName>
+              <FileType>5</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\FreeRTOSConfig.h</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>RegTest.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>.\RegTest.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+          </Files>
+        </Group>
+        <Group>
+          <GroupName>FreeRTOS_Source</GroupName>
+          <Files>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>event_groups.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\event_groups.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>list.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\list.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>queue.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\queue.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>tasks.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\tasks.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>timers.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\timers.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>mpu_wrappers.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\portable\Common\mpu_wrappers.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
+              <FileName>port.c</FileName>
+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\portable\GCC\ARM_CM4_MPU\port.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+          </Files>
+        </Group>
+      </Groups>
+    </Target>
+  </Targets>
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/RegTest.c b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/RegTest.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5b45ce1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+    FreeRTOS V9.0.0 - Copyright (C) 2015 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
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+    1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
+/* FreeRTOS includes. */\r
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
+#include "queue.h"\r
+ * "Reg test" tasks - These fill the registers with known values, then check\r
+ * that each register maintains its expected value for the lifetime of the\r
+ * task.  Each task uses a different set of values.  The reg test tasks execute\r
+ * with a very low priority, so get preempted very frequently.  A register\r
+ * containing an unexpected value is indicative of an error in the context\r
+ * switching mechanism.\r
+ */\r
+void vRegTest1Implementation( void *pvParameters );\r
+void vRegTest2Implementation( void *pvParameters );\r
+void vRegTest3Implementation( void ) __attribute__ ((naked));\r
+void vRegTest4Implementation( void ) __attribute__ ((naked));\r
+ * Used as an easy way of deleting a task from inline assembly.\r
+ */\r
+extern void vMainDeleteMe( void ) __attribute__((noinline));\r
+ * Used by the first two reg test tasks and a software timer callback function\r
+ * to send messages to the check task.  The message just lets the check task\r
+ * know that the tasks and timer are still functioning correctly.  If a reg test\r
+ * task detects an error it will delete itself, and in so doing prevent itself\r
+ * from sending any more 'I'm Alive' messages to the check task.\r
+ */\r
+extern void vMainSendImAlive( QueueHandle_t xHandle, uint32_t ulTaskNumber );\r
+/* The queue used to send a message to the check task. */\r
+extern QueueHandle_t xGlobalScopeCheckQueue;\r
+void vRegTest1Implementation( void *pvParameters )\r
+/* This task is created in privileged mode so can access the file scope\r
+queue variable.  Take a stack copy of this before the task is set into user\r
+mode.  Once this task is in user mode the file scope queue variable will no\r
+longer be accessible but the stack copy will. */\r
+QueueHandle_t xQueue = xGlobalScopeCheckQueue;\r
+       /* Now the queue handle has been obtained the task can switch to user\r
+       mode.  This is just one method of passing a handle into a protected\r
+       task, the other reg test task uses the task parameter instead. */\r
+       portSWITCH_TO_USER_MODE();\r
+       /* First check that the parameter value is as expected. */\r
+       if( pvParameters != ( void * ) configREG_TEST_TASK_1_PARAMETER )\r
+       {\r
+               /* Error detected.  Delete the task so it stops communicating with\r
+               the check task. */\r
+               vMainDeleteMe();\r
+       }\r
+       for( ;; )\r
+       {\r
+               /* This task tests the kernel context switch mechanism by reading and\r
+               writing directly to registers - which requires the test to be written\r
+               in assembly code. */\r
+               __asm volatile\r
+               (\r
+                       "               MOV     R4, #104                        \n" /* Set registers to a known value.  R0 to R1 are done in the loop below. */\r
+                       "               MOV     R5, #105                        \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R6, #106                        \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R8, #108                        \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R9, #109                        \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R10, #110                       \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R11, #111                       \n"\r
+                       "reg1loop:                                              \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R0, #100                        \n" /* Set the scratch registers to known values - done inside the loop as they get clobbered. */\r
+                       "               MOV     R1, #101                        \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R2, #102                        \n"\r
+                       "               MOV R3, #103                    \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R12, #112                       \n"\r
+                       "               SVC #1                                  \n" /* Yield just to increase test coverage. */\r
+                       "               CMP     R0, #100                        \n" /* Check all the registers still contain their expected values. */\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n" /* Value was not as expected, delete the task so it stops communicating with the check task. */\r
+                       "               CMP     R1, #101                        \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R2, #102                        \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP R3, #103                    \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R4, #104                        \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R5, #105                        \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R6, #106                        \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R8, #108                        \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R9, #109                        \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R10, #110                       \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R11, #111                       \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R12, #112                       \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       :::"r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12"\r
+               );\r
+               /* Send configREG_TEST_1_STILL_EXECUTING to the check task to indicate that this\r
+               task is still functioning. */\r
+               vMainSendImAlive( xQueue, configREG_TEST_1_STILL_EXECUTING );\r
+               /* Go back to check all the register values again. */\r
+               __asm volatile( "               B reg1loop      " );\r
+       }\r
+void vRegTest2Implementation( void *pvParameters )\r
+/* The queue handle is passed in as the task parameter.  This is one method of\r
+passing data into a protected task, the other reg test task uses a different\r
+method. */\r
+QueueHandle_t xQueue = ( QueueHandle_t ) pvParameters;\r
+       for( ;; )\r
+       {\r
+               /* This task tests the kernel context switch mechanism by reading and\r
+               writing directly to registers - which requires the test to be written\r
+               in assembly code. */\r
+               __asm volatile\r
+               (\r
+                       "               MOV     R4, #4                          \n" /* Set registers to a known value.  R0 to R1 are done in the loop below. */\r
+                       "               MOV     R5, #5                          \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R6, #6                          \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R8, #8                          \n" /* Frame pointer is omitted as it must not be changed. */\r
+                       "               MOV     R9, #9                          \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R10, 10                         \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R11, #11                        \n"\r
+                       "reg2loop:                                              \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R0, #13                         \n" /* Set the scratch registers to known values - done inside the loop as they get clobbered. */\r
+                       "               MOV     R1, #1                          \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R2, #2                          \n"\r
+                       "               MOV R3, #3                              \n"\r
+                       "               MOV     R12, #12                        \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R0, #13                         \n" /* Check all the registers still contain their expected values. */\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n" /* Value was not as expected, delete the task so it stops communicating with the check task */\r
+                       "               CMP     R1, #1                          \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R2, #2                          \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP R3, #3                              \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R4, #4                          \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R5, #5                          \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R6, #6                          \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R8, #8                          \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R9, #9                          \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R10, #10                        \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R11, #11                        \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       "               CMP     R12, #12                        \n"\r
+                       "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                       :::"r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12"\r
+               );\r
+               /* Send configREG_TEST_2_STILL_EXECUTING to the check task to indicate that this\r
+               task is still functioning. */\r
+               vMainSendImAlive( xQueue, configREG_TEST_2_STILL_EXECUTING );\r
+               /* Go back to check all the register values again. */\r
+               __asm volatile( "               B reg2loop      " );\r
+       }\r
+void vRegTest3Implementation( void )\r
+       __asm volatile\r
+       (\r
+               ".extern pulRegTest3LoopCounter \n"\r
+               "/* Fill the core registers with known values. */               \n"\r
+               "mov    r0, #100                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r1, #101                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r2, #102                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r3, #103                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r4, #104                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r5, #105                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r6, #106                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r7, #107                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r8, #108                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r9, #109                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r10, #110                       \n"\r
+               "mov    r11, #111                       \n"\r
+               "mov    r12, #112                       \n"\r
+               "/* Fill the VFP registers with known values. */                \n"\r
+               "vmov   d0, r0, r1                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d1, r2, r3                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d2, r4, r5                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d3, r6, r7                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d4, r8, r9                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d5, r10, r11            \n"\r
+               "vmov   d6, r0, r1                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d7, r2, r3                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d8, r4, r5                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d9, r6, r7                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d10, r8, r9                     \n"\r
+               "vmov   d11, r10, r11           \n"\r
+               "vmov   d12, r0, r1                     \n"\r
+               "vmov   d13, r2, r3                     \n"\r
+               "vmov   d14, r4, r5                     \n"\r
+               "vmov   d15, r6, r7                     \n"\r
+       "reg1_loop:                                             \n"\r
+               "/* Check all the VFP registers still contain the values set above.             \n"\r
+               "First save registers that are clobbered by the test. */                                \n"\r
+               "push { r0-r1 }                         \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d0                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #100                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #101                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d1                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #102                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #103                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d2                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #104                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #105                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d3                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #106                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #107                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d4                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #108                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #109                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d5                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #110                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #111                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d6                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #100                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #101                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d7                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #102                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #103                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d8                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #104                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #105                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d9                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #106                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #107                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d10                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #108                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #109                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d11                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #110                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #111                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d12                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #100                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #101                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d13                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #102                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #103                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d14                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #104                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #105                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d15                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #106                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #107                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "/* Restore the registers that were clobbered by the test. */           \n"\r
+               "pop    {r0-r1}                         \n"\r
+               "/* VFP register test passed.  Jump to the core register test. */       \n"\r
+               "b              reg1_loopf_pass         \n"\r
+       "reg1_error_loopf:                              \n"\r
+               "/* If this line is hit then a VFP register value was found to be incorrect. */         \n"\r
+               "b reg1_error_loopf                     \n"\r
+       "reg1_loopf_pass:                               \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #100                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #101                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r2, #102                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r3, #103                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r4, #104                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r5, #105                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r6, #106                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r7, #107                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r8, #108                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r9, #109                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r10, #110                       \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r11, #111                       \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r12, #112                       \n"\r
+               "bne    reg1_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "/* Everything passed, increment the loop counter. */   \n"\r
+               "push   { r0-r1 }                       \n"\r
+               "ldr    r0, =pulRegTest3LoopCounter     \n"\r
+               "ldr    r0, [r0]                        \n"\r
+               "ldr    r1, [r0]                        \n"\r
+               "adds   r1, r1, #1                      \n"\r
+               "str    r1, [r0]                        \n"\r
+               "pop    { r0-r1 }                       \n"\r
+               "/* Start again. */                     \n"\r
+               "b              reg1_loop                       \n"\r
+       "reg1_error_loop:                               \n"\r
+               "/* If this line is hit then there was an error in a core register value. \n"\r
+               "The loop ensures the loop counter stops incrementing. */       \n"\r
+               "b      reg1_error_loop                 \n"\r
+               "nop                                            "\r
+       ); /* __asm volatile. */\r
+void vRegTest4Implementation( void )\r
+       __asm volatile\r
+       (\r
+               ".extern pulRegTest4LoopCounter \n"\r
+               "/* Set all the core registers to known values. */      \n"\r
+               "mov    r0, #-1                         \n"\r
+               "mov    r1, #1                          \n"\r
+               "mov    r2, #2                          \n"\r
+               "mov    r3, #3                          \n"\r
+               "mov    r4, #4                          \n"\r
+               "mov    r5, #5                          \n"\r
+               "mov    r6, #6                          \n"\r
+               "mov    r7, #7                          \n"\r
+               "mov    r8, #8                          \n"\r
+               "mov    r9, #9                          \n"\r
+               "mov    r10, #10                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r11, #11                        \n"\r
+               "mov    r12, #12                        \n"\r
+               "/* Set all the VFP to known values. */  \n"\r
+               "vmov   d0, r0, r1                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d1, r2, r3                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d2, r4, r5                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d3, r6, r7                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d4, r8, r9                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d5, r10, r11            \n"\r
+               "vmov   d6, r0, r1                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d7, r2, r3                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d8, r4, r5                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d9, r6, r7                      \n"\r
+               "vmov   d10, r8, r9                     \n"\r
+               "vmov   d11, r10, r11           \n"\r
+               "vmov   d12, r0, r1                     \n"\r
+               "vmov   d13, r2, r3                     \n"\r
+               "vmov   d14, r4, r5                     \n"\r
+               "vmov   d15, r6, r7                     \n"\r
+       "reg2_loop:                                             \n"\r
+               "/* Check all the VFP registers still contain the values set above.             \n"\r
+               "First save registers that are clobbered by the test. */                                \n"\r
+               "push { r0-r1 }                         \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d0                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #-1                         \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #1                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d1                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #2                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #3                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d2                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #4                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #5                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d3                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #6                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #7                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d4                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #8                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #9                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d5                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #10                         \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #11                         \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d6                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #-1                         \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #1                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d7                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #2                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #3                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d8                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #4                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #5                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d9                      \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #6                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #7                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d10                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #8                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #9                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d11                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #10                         \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #11                         \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d12                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #-1                         \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #1                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d13                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #2                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #3                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d14                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #4                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #5                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "vmov   r0, r1, d15                     \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #6                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #7                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loopf        \n"\r
+               "/* Restore the registers that were clobbered by the test. */           \n"\r
+               "pop    {r0-r1}                         \n"\r
+               "/* VFP register test passed.  Jump to the core register test. */               \n"\r
+               "b              reg2_loopf_pass         \n"\r
+       "reg2_error_loopf:                              \n"\r
+               "/* If this line is hit then a VFP register value was found to be               \n"\r
+               "incorrect. */                          \n"\r
+               "b reg2_error_loopf                     \n"\r
+       "reg2_loopf_pass:                               \n"\r
+               "cmp    r0, #-1                         \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r1, #1                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r2, #2                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r3, #3                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r4, #4                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r5, #5                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r6, #6                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r7, #7                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r8, #8                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r9, #9                          \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r10, #10                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r11, #11                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "cmp    r12, #12                        \n"\r
+               "bne    reg2_error_loop         \n"\r
+               "/* Increment the loop counter so the check task knows this task is \n"\r
+               "still running. */                      \n"\r
+               "push   { r0-r1 }                       \n"\r
+               "ldr    r0, =pulRegTest4LoopCounter     \n"\r
+               "ldr    r0, [r0]                        \n"\r
+               "ldr    r1, [r0]                        \n"\r
+               "adds   r1, r1, #1                      \n"\r
+               "str    r1, [r0]                        \n"\r
+               "pop { r0-r1 }                          \n"\r
+               "/* Yield to increase test coverage. */                 \n"\r
+               "SVC #1                                         \n"\r
+               "/* Start again. */                     \n"\r
+               "b reg2_loop                            \n"\r
+       "reg2_error_loop:                               \n"\r
+               "/* If this line is hit then there was an error in a core register value.       \n"\r
+               "This loop ensures the loop counter variable stops incrementing. */                     \n"\r
+               "b reg2_error_loop                      \n"\r
+       ); /* __asm volatile */\r
+/* Fault handlers are here for convenience as they use compiler specific syntax\r
+and this file is specific to the GCC compiler. */\r
+void hard_fault_handler( uint32_t * hardfault_args )\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_r0;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_r1;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_r2;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_r3;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_r12;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_lr;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_pc;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_psr;\r
+       stacked_r0 = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 0 ]);\r
+       stacked_r1 = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 1 ]);\r
+       stacked_r2 = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 2 ]);\r
+       stacked_r3 = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 3 ]);\r
+       stacked_r12 = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 4 ]);\r
+       stacked_lr = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 5 ]);\r
+       stacked_pc = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 6 ]);\r
+       stacked_psr = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 7 ]);\r
+       /* Inspect stacked_pc to locate the offending instruction. */\r
+       for( ;; );\r
+       ( void ) stacked_psr;\r
+       ( void ) stacked_pc;\r
+       ( void ) stacked_lr;\r
+       ( void ) stacked_r12;\r
+    ( void ) stacked_r0;\r
+    ( void ) stacked_r1;\r
+    ( void ) stacked_r2;\r
+    ( void ) stacked_r3;\r
+void HardFault_Handler( void ) __attribute__((naked));\r
+void HardFault_Handler( void )\r
+       __asm volatile\r
+       (\r
+               " tst lr, #4                                                                            \n"\r
+               " ite eq                                                                                        \n"\r
+               " mrseq r0, msp                                                                         \n"\r
+               " mrsne r0, psp                                                                         \n"\r
+               " ldr r1, [r0, #24]                                                                     \n"\r
+               " ldr r2, handler_address_const                                         \n"\r
+               " bx r2                                                                                         \n"\r
+               " handler_address_const: .word hard_fault_handler       \n"\r
+       );\r
+void MemManage_Handler( void ) __attribute__((naked));\r
+void MemManage_Handler( void )\r
+       __asm volatile\r
+       (\r
+               " tst lr, #4                                                                            \n"\r
+               " ite eq                                                                                        \n"\r
+               " mrseq r0, msp                                                                         \n"\r
+               " mrsne r0, psp                                                                         \n"\r
+               " ldr r1, [r0, #24]                                                                     \n"\r
+               " ldr r2, handler2_address_const                                        \n"\r
+               " bx r2                                                                                         \n"\r
+               " handler2_address_const: .word hard_fault_handler      \n"\r
+       );\r
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/sections.ld b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/sections.ld
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5ba4714
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+/* Default memory layout. */\r
+  ROM (rx)         : ORIGIN = 0x00, LENGTH = 0x80000\r
+  RAM (rw)         : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x8000\r
+/* Variables used by FreeRTOS-MPU. */\r
+_Privileged_Functions_Region_Size = 32K;\r
+_Privileged_Data_Region_Size = 2048;\r
+__FLASH_segment_start__ = ORIGIN( ROM );\r
+__FLASH_segment_end__ = __FLASH_segment_start__ + LENGTH( ROM );\r
+__privileged_functions_start__ = ORIGIN( ROM );\r
+__privileged_functions_end__ = __privileged_functions_start__ + _Privileged_Functions_Region_Size;\r
+__SRAM_segment_start__ = ORIGIN( RAM );\r
+__SRAM_segment_end__ = __SRAM_segment_start__ + LENGTH( RAM );\r
+__privileged_data_start__ = ORIGIN( RAM );\r
+__privileged_data_end__ = ORIGIN( RAM ) + _Privileged_Data_Region_Size;\r
+ * The '__stack' definition is required by crt0, do not remove it.\r
+ */\r
+__stack = ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM);\r
+_estack = __stack;\r
+ * Default stack sizes.\r
+ * These are used by the startup in order to allocate stacks\r
+ * for the different modes.\r
+ */\r
+__Main_Stack_Size = 2048 ;\r
+PROVIDE ( _Main_Stack_Size = __Main_Stack_Size ) ;\r
+__Main_Stack_Limit = __stack  - __Main_Stack_Size ;\r
+/*"PROVIDE" allows to easily override these values from an object file or the command line. */\r
+PROVIDE ( _Main_Stack_Limit = __Main_Stack_Limit ) ;\r
+ * There will be a link error if there is not this amount of\r
+ * RAM free at the end.\r
+ */\r
+_Minimum_Stack_Size = 1024 ;\r
+ * Default heap definitions.\r
+ * The heap start immediately after the last statically allocated\r
+ * .sbss/.noinit section, and extends up to the main stack limit.\r
+ */\r
+PROVIDE ( _Heap_Begin = _end_noinit ) ;\r
+PROVIDE ( _Heap_Limit = __stack - __Main_Stack_Size ) ;\r
+ * The entry point is informative, for debuggers and simulators,\r
+ * since the Cortex-M vector points to it anyway.\r
+ */\r
+/* Sections Definitions */\r
+    /*\r
+     * For Cortex-M devices, the beginning of the startup code is stored in\r
+     * the .isr_vector section, which goes to ROM\r
+     */\r
+    privileged_functions :\r
+    {\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        _isr_vector = .;\r
+        KEEP(*(.isr_vector))\r
+        *(privileged_functions)\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        /* Non privileged code is after _Privileged_Functions_Region_Size. */\r
+        __privileged_functions_actual_end__ = .;\r
+        . = _Privileged_Functions_Region_Size;\r
+    } > ROM\r
+    .text :\r
+    {\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        /*\r
+         * This section is here for convenience, to store the\r
+         * startup code at the beginning of the flash area, hoping that\r
+         * this will increase the readability of the listing.\r
+         */\r
+        KEEP(*(.after_vectors .after_vectors.*))    /* Startup code and ISR */\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        /*\r
+         * These are the old initialisation sections, intended to contain\r
+         * naked code, with the prologue/epilogue added by crti.o/crtn.o\r
+         * when linking with startup files. The standalone startup code\r
+         * currently does not run these, better use the init arrays below.\r
+         */\r
+        KEEP(*(.init))\r
+        KEEP(*(.fini))\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        /*\r
+         * The preinit code, i.e. an array of pointers to initialisation\r
+         * functions to be performed before constructors.\r
+         */\r
+        PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_start = .);\r
+        /*\r
+         * Used to run the SystemInit() before anything else.\r
+         */\r
+        KEEP(*(.preinit_array_sysinit .preinit_array_sysinit.*))\r
+        /*\r
+         * Used for other platform inits.\r
+         */\r
+        KEEP(*(.preinit_array_platform .preinit_array_platform.*))\r
+        /*\r
+         * The application inits. If you need to enforce some order in\r
+         * execution, create new sections, as before.\r
+         */\r
+        KEEP(*(.preinit_array .preinit_array.*))\r
+        PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__preinit_array_end = .);\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        /*\r
+         * The init code, i.e. an array of pointers to static constructors.\r
+         */\r
+        PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);\r
+        KEEP(*(SORT(.init_array.*)))\r
+        KEEP(*(.init_array))\r
+        PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        /*\r
+         * The fini code, i.e. an array of pointers to static destructors.\r
+         */\r
+        PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_start = .);\r
+        KEEP(*(SORT(.fini_array.*)))\r
+        KEEP(*(.fini_array))\r
+        PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__fini_array_end = .);\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        *(.text*)            /* all remaining code */\r
+        *(vtable)                   /* C++ virtual tables */\r
+    } >ROM\r
+    .rodata :\r
+    {\r
+        *(.rodata*)        /* read-only data (constants) */\r
+    } >ROM\r
+    .glue :\r
+    {\r
+        KEEP(*(.eh_frame*))\r
+        /*\r
+        * Stub sections generated by the linker, to glue together\r
+        * ARM and Thumb code. .glue_7 is used for ARM code calling\r
+        * Thumb code, and .glue_7t is used for Thumb code calling\r
+        * ARM code. Apparently always generated by the linker, for some\r
+        * architectures, so better leave them here.\r
+        */\r
+        *(.glue_7)\r
+        *(.glue_7t)\r
+    } >ROM\r
+    /* ARM magic sections */\r
+    .ARM.extab :\r
+    {\r
+       *(.ARM.extab* .gnu.linkonce.armextab.*)\r
+    } > ROM\r
+    __exidx_start = .;\r
+    .ARM.exidx :\r
+    {\r
+       *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*)\r
+    } > ROM\r
+    __exidx_end = .;\r
+    . = ALIGN(4);\r
+    _etext = .;\r
+    __etext = .;\r
+    /*\r
+     * This address is used by the startup code to\r
+     * initialise the .data section.\r
+     */\r
+    _sidata = _etext;\r
+    /* MEMORY_ARRAY */\r
+    /*\r
+    .ROarraySection :\r
+    {\r
+        *(.ROarraySection .ROarraySection.*)\r
+    } >MEMORY_ARRAY\r
+    */\r
+    privileged_data :\r
+    {\r
+        *(privileged_data)\r
+        /* Non kernel data is kept out of the first _Privileged_Data_Region_Size\r
+        bytes of SRAM. */\r
+        __privileged_data_actual_end__ = .;\r
+        . = _Privileged_Data_Region_Size;\r
+    } > RAM\r
+    /*\r
+     * The initialised data section.\r
+     * The program executes knowing that the data is in the RAM\r
+     * but the loader puts the initial values in the ROM (inidata).\r
+     * It is one task of the startup to copy the initial values from\r
+     * ROM to RAM.\r
+     */\r
+    .data  : AT ( _sidata )\r
+    {\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        /* This is used by the startup code to initialise the .data section */\r
+        _sdata = . ;            /* STM specific definition */\r
+        __data_start__ = . ;\r
+        *(.data_begin .data_begin.*)\r
+        *(.data .data.*)\r
+        *(.data_end .data_end.*)\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        /* This is used by the startup code to initialise the .data section */\r
+        _edata = . ;            /* STM specific definition */\r
+        __data_end__ = . ;\r
+    } >RAM\r
+    /*\r
+     * The uninitialised data section. NOLOAD is used to avoid\r
+     * the "section `.bss' type changed to PROGBITS" warning\r
+     */\r
+    .bss (NOLOAD) :\r
+    {\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        __bss_start__ = .;      /* standard newlib definition */\r
+        _sbss = .;              /* STM specific definition */\r
+        *(.bss_begin .bss_begin.*)\r
+        *(.bss .bss.*)\r
+        *(COMMON)\r
+        *(.bss_end .bss_end.*)\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        __bss_end__ = .;        /* standard newlib definition */\r
+        _ebss = . ;             /* STM specific definition */\r
+    } >RAM\r
+    .noinit (NOLOAD) :\r
+    {\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        _noinit = .;\r
+        *(.noinit .noinit.*)\r
+         . = ALIGN(4) ;\r
+        _end_noinit = .;\r
+    } > RAM\r
+    /* Mandatory to be word aligned, _sbrk assumes this */\r
+    PROVIDE ( end = _end_noinit ); /* was _ebss */\r
+    PROVIDE ( _end = _end_noinit );\r
+    PROVIDE ( __end = _end_noinit );\r
+    PROVIDE ( __end__ = _end_noinit );\r
+    PROVIDE ( ROM_DATA_START = __data_start__ );\r
+    /*\r
+     * Used for validation only, do not allocate anything here!\r
+     *\r
+     * This is just to check that there is enough RAM left for the Main\r
+     * stack. It should generate an error if it's full.\r
+     */\r
+    ._check_stack :\r
+    {\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+        . = . + _Minimum_Stack_Size ;\r
+        . = ALIGN(4);\r
+    } >RAM\r
+    /* After that there are only debugging sections. */\r
+    /* This can remove the debugging information from the standard libraries */\r
+    /*\r
+    DISCARD :\r
+    {\r
+     libc.a ( * )\r
+     libm.a ( * )\r
+     libgcc.a ( * )\r
+     }\r
+     */\r
+    /* Stabs debugging sections.  */\r
+    .stab          0 : { *(.stab) }\r
+    .stabstr       0 : { *(.stabstr) }\r
+    .stab.excl     0 : { *(.stab.excl) }\r
+    .stab.exclstr  0 : { *(.stab.exclstr) }\r
+    .stab.index    0 : { *(.stab.index) }\r
+    .stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) }\r
+    .comment       0 : { *(.comment) }\r
+    /*\r
+     * DWARF debug sections.\r
+     * Symbols in the DWARF debugging sections are relative to the beginning\r
+     * of the section so we begin them at 0.\r
+     */\r
+    /* DWARF 1 */\r
+    .debug          0 : { *(.debug) }\r
+    .line           0 : { *(.line) }\r
+    /* GNU DWARF 1 extensions */\r
+    .debug_srcinfo  0 : { *(.debug_srcinfo) }\r
+    .debug_sfnames  0 : { *(.debug_sfnames) }\r
+    /* DWARF 1.1 and DWARF 2 */\r
+    .debug_aranges  0 : { *(.debug_aranges) }\r
+    .debug_pubnames 0 : { *(.debug_pubnames) }\r
+    /* DWARF 2 */\r
+    .debug_info     0 : { *(.debug_info .gnu.linkonce.wi.*) }\r
+    .debug_abbrev   0 : { *(.debug_abbrev) }\r
+    .debug_line     0 : { *(.debug_line) }\r
+    .debug_frame    0 : { *(.debug_frame) }\r
+    .debug_str      0 : { *(.debug_str) }\r
+    .debug_loc      0 : { *(.debug_loc) }\r
+    .debug_macinfo  0 : { *(.debug_macinfo) }\r
+    /* SGI/MIPS DWARF 2 extensions */\r
+    .debug_weaknames 0 : { *(.debug_weaknames) }\r
+    .debug_funcnames 0 : { *(.debug_funcnames) }\r
+    .debug_typenames 0 : { *(.debug_typenames) }\r
+    .debug_varnames  0 : { *(.debug_varnames) }\r
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/startup_ARMCM4.S b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/GCC_Specific/startup_ARMCM4.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fb2af49
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+/* File: startup_ARMCM4.S
+ * Purpose: startup file for Cortex-M4 devices. Should use with
+ *   GCC for ARM Embedded Processors
+ * Version: V2.0
+ * Date: 16 August 2013
+ *
+/* Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013 ARM LIMITED
+   All rights reserved.
+   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+   - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+   - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
+     to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+     specific prior written permission.
+   *
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+       .syntax unified
+       .arch   armv7e-m
+       .extern __SRAM_segment_end__
+       .section .isr_vector
+       .align  4
+       .globl  __isr_vector
+       .long   __SRAM_segment_end__ - 4  /* Top of Stack at top of RAM*/
+       .long   Reset_Handler         /* Reset Handler */
+       .long   NMI_Handler           /* NMI Handler */
+       .long   HardFault_Handler     /* Hard Fault Handler */
+       .long   MemManage_Handler     /* MPU Fault Handler */
+       .long   BusFault_Handler      /* Bus Fault Handler */
+       .long   UsageFault_Handler    /* Usage Fault Handler */
+       .long   0                     /* Reserved */
+       .long   0                     /* Reserved */
+       .long   0                     /* Reserved */
+       .long   0                     /* Reserved */
+       .long   SVC_Handler           /* SVCall Handler */
+       .long   DebugMon_Handler      /* Debug Monitor Handler */
+       .long   0                     /* Reserved */
+       .long   PendSV_Handler        /* PendSV Handler */
+       .long   SysTick_Handler       /* SysTick Handler */
+       /* External interrupts */
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .long   DummyHandler
+       .text
+       .thumb
+       .thumb_func
+       .align  2
+       .globl _start
+       .extern main
+       .globl  Reset_Handler
+       .type   Reset_Handler, %function
+/*  Firstly it copies data from read only memory to RAM. There are two schemes
+ *  to copy. One can copy more than one sections. Another can only copy
+ *  one section.  The former scheme needs more instructions and read-only
+ *  data to implement than the latter.
+ *  Macro __STARTUP_COPY_MULTIPLE is used to choose between two schemes.  */
+/*  Single section scheme.
+ *
+ *  The ranges of copy from/to are specified by following symbols
+ *    __etext: LMA of start of the section to copy from. Usually end of text
+ *    __data_start__: VMA of start of the section to copy to
+ *    __data_end__: VMA of end of the section to copy to
+ *
+ *  All addresses must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary.
+ */
+       ldr     r1, =__etext
+       ldr     r2, =__data_start__
+       ldr     r3, =__data_end__
+       cmp     r2, r3
+       ittt    lt
+       ldrlt   r0, [r1], #4
+       strlt   r0, [r2], #4
+       blt     .L_loop1
+/*  This part of work usually is done in C library startup code. Otherwise,
+ *  define this macro to enable it in this startup.
+ *
+ *  There are two schemes too. One can clear multiple BSS sections. Another
+ *  can only clear one section. The former is more size expensive than the
+ *  latter.
+ *
+ *  Define macro __STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS_MULTIPLE to choose the former.
+ *  Otherwise efine macro __STARTUP_CLEAR_BSS to choose the later.
+ */
+ /*  Single BSS section scheme.
+ *
+ *  The BSS section is specified by following symbols
+ *    __bss_start__: start of the BSS section.
+ *    __bss_end__: end of the BSS section.
+ *
+ *  Both addresses must be aligned to 4 bytes boundary.
+ */
+       ldr     r1, =__bss_start__
+       ldr     r2, =__bss_end__
+       movs    r0, 0
+       cmp     r1, r2
+       itt     lt
+       strlt   r0, [r1], #4
+       blt     .L_loop3
+#ifndef __NO_SYSTEM_INIT
+/*     bl      SystemInit */
+       bl      main
+       .pool
+       .size   Reset_Handler, . - Reset_Handler
+       .align  1
+       .thumb_func
+       .weak   Default_Handler
+       .type   Default_Handler, %function
+       b       .
+       .size   Default_Handler, . - Default_Handler
+/*    Macro to define default handlers. Default handler
+ *    will be weak symbol and just dead loops. They can be
+ *    overwritten by other handlers */
+       .macro  def_irq_handler handler_name
+       .weak   \handler_name
+       .set    \handler_name, Default_Handler
+       .endm
+       def_irq_handler NMI_Handler
+       def_irq_handler HardFault_Handler
+       def_irq_handler MemManage_Handler
+       def_irq_handler BusFault_Handler
+       def_irq_handler UsageFault_Handler
+       def_irq_handler SVC_Handler
+       def_irq_handler DebugMon_Handler
+       def_irq_handler PendSV_Handler
+       def_irq_handler SysTick_Handler
+       def_irq_handler DEF_IRQHandler
+       def_irq_handler DummyHandler
+       .end
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/RTOSDemo.sct b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/RTOSDemo.sct
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ee30fbd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+; *************************************************************\r
+; *** Scatter-Loading Description File generated by uVision ***\r
+; *************************************************************\r
+LR_IROM1 0x00000000  {    ; load region size_region\r
+  ER_IROM1 0x00000000  {  ; load address = execution address\r
+   *.o (RESET, +First)\r
+   *(InRoot$$Sections)\r
+   *( privileged_functions )\r
+  }\r
+  ER_IROM2 0x8000 FIXED {\r
+    .ANY (+RO)\r
+  }\r
+  RW_IRAM1 0x20000000  {  ; RW data\r
+   *( privileged_data )\r
+  }\r
+  RW_IRAM2 0x20000800 {  ; RW data\r
+   .ANY (+RW +ZI)\r
+  }\r
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/RTOSDemo.uvoptx b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/RTOSDemo.uvoptx
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@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
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+            </File>
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+            </File>
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+              <FileType>5</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\FreeRTOSConfig.h</FilePath>
+            </File>
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+            </File>
+            <File>
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+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\list.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
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+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\queue.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
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+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\tasks.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
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+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\timers.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
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+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\portable\RVDS\ARM_CM4_MPU\port.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+            <File>
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+              <FileType>1</FileType>
+              <FilePath>..\..\..\Source\portable\Common\mpu_wrappers.c</FilePath>
+            </File>
+          </Files>
+        </Group>
+      </Groups>
+    </Target>
+  </Targets>
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/RegTest.c b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/RegTest.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..90e1625
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
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+    http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High\r
+    Integrity Systems ltd. to sell under the OpenRTOS brand.  Low cost OpenRTOS\r
+    licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and commercial middleware.\r
+    http://www.SafeRTOS.com - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety\r
+    engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and\r
+    mission critical applications that require provable dependability.\r
+    1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
+/* FreeRTOS includes. */\r
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
+#include "queue.h"\r
+#include "task.h"\r
+ * "Reg test" tasks - These fill the registers with known values, then check\r
+ * that each register maintains its expected value for the lifetime of the\r
+ * task.  Each task uses a different set of values.  The reg test tasks execute\r
+ * with a very low priority, so get preempted very frequently.  A register\r
+ * containing an unexpected value is indicative of an error in the context\r
+ * switching mechanism.\r
+ */\r
+void vRegTest1Implementation( void *pvParameters );\r
+void vRegTest2Implementation( void *pvParameters );\r
+void vRegTest3Implementation( void );\r
+void vRegTest4Implementation( void );\r
+ * Used as an easy way of deleting a task from inline assembly.\r
+ */\r
+extern void vMainDeleteMe( void ) __attribute__((noinline));\r
+ * Used by the first two reg test tasks and a software timer callback function\r
+ * to send messages to the check task.  The message just lets the check task\r
+ * know that the tasks and timer are still functioning correctly.  If a reg test\r
+ * task detects an error it will delete itself, and in so doing prevent itself\r
+ * from sending any more 'I'm Alive' messages to the check task.\r
+ */\r
+extern void vMainSendImAlive( QueueHandle_t xHandle, uint32_t ulTaskNumber );\r
+/* The queue used to send a message to the check task. */\r
+extern QueueHandle_t xGlobalScopeCheckQueue;\r
+void vRegTest1Implementation( void *pvParameters )\r
+/* This task is created in privileged mode so can access the file scope\r
+queue variable.  Take a stack copy of this before the task is set into user\r
+mode.  Once this task is in user mode the file scope queue variable will no\r
+longer be accessible but the stack copy will. */\r
+QueueHandle_t xQueue = xGlobalScopeCheckQueue;\r
+const TickType_t xDelayTime = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 100UL );\r
+       /* Now the queue handle has been obtained the task can switch to user\r
+       mode.  This is just one method of passing a handle into a protected\r
+       task, the other reg test task uses the task parameter instead. */\r
+       portSWITCH_TO_USER_MODE();\r
+       /* First check that the parameter value is as expected. */\r
+       if( pvParameters != ( void * ) configREG_TEST_TASK_1_PARAMETER )\r
+       {\r
+               /* Error detected.  Delete the task so it stops communicating with\r
+               the check task. */\r
+               vMainDeleteMe();\r
+       }\r
+       for( ;; )\r
+       {\r
+               #if defined ( __GNUC__ )\r
+               {\r
+                       /* This task tests the kernel context switch mechanism by reading and\r
+                       writing directly to registers - which requires the test to be written\r
+                       in assembly code. */\r
+                       __asm volatile\r
+                       (\r
+                               "               MOV     R4, #104                        \n" /* Set registers to a known value.  R0 to R1 are done in the loop below. */\r
+                               "               MOV     R5, #105                        \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R6, #106                        \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R8, #108                        \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R9, #109                        \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R10, #110                       \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R11, #111                       \n"\r
+                               "reg1loop:                                              \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R0, #100                        \n" /* Set the scratch registers to known values - done inside the loop as they get clobbered. */\r
+                               "               MOV     R1, #101                        \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R2, #102                        \n"\r
+                               "               MOV R3, #103                    \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R12, #112                       \n"\r
+                               "               SVC #1                                  \n" /* Yield just to increase test coverage. */\r
+                               "               CMP     R0, #100                        \n" /* Check all the registers still contain their expected values. */\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n" /* Value was not as expected, delete the task so it stops communicating with the check task. */\r
+                               "               CMP     R1, #101                        \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R2, #102                        \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP R3, #103                    \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R4, #104                        \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R5, #105                        \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R6, #106                        \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R8, #108                        \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R9, #109                        \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R10, #110                       \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R11, #111                       \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R12, #112                       \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               :::"r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12"\r
+                       );\r
+               }\r
+               #endif /* __GNUC__ */\r
+               /* Send configREG_TEST_1_STILL_EXECUTING to the check task to indicate that this\r
+               task is still functioning. */\r
+               vMainSendImAlive( xQueue, configREG_TEST_1_STILL_EXECUTING );\r
+               vTaskDelay( xDelayTime );\r
+               #if defined ( __GNUC__ )\r
+               {\r
+                       /* Go back to check all the register values again. */\r
+                       __asm volatile( "               B reg1loop      " );\r
+               }\r
+               #endif /* __GNUC__ */\r
+       }\r
+void vRegTest2Implementation( void *pvParameters )\r
+/* The queue handle is passed in as the task parameter.  This is one method of\r
+passing data into a protected task, the other reg test task uses a different\r
+method. */\r
+QueueHandle_t xQueue = ( QueueHandle_t ) pvParameters;\r
+const TickType_t xDelayTime = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 100UL );\r
+       for( ;; )\r
+       {\r
+               #if defined ( __GNUC__ )\r
+               {\r
+                       /* This task tests the kernel context switch mechanism by reading and\r
+                       writing directly to registers - which requires the test to be written\r
+                       in assembly code. */\r
+                       __asm volatile\r
+                       (\r
+                               "               MOV     R4, #4                          \n" /* Set registers to a known value.  R0 to R1 are done in the loop below. */\r
+                               "               MOV     R5, #5                          \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R6, #6                          \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R8, #8                          \n" /* Frame pointer is omitted as it must not be changed. */\r
+                               "               MOV     R9, #9                          \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R10, 10                         \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R11, #11                        \n"\r
+                               "reg2loop:                                              \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R0, #13                         \n" /* Set the scratch registers to known values - done inside the loop as they get clobbered. */\r
+                               "               MOV     R1, #1                          \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R2, #2                          \n"\r
+                               "               MOV R3, #3                              \n"\r
+                               "               MOV     R12, #12                        \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R0, #13                         \n" /* Check all the registers still contain their expected values. */\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n" /* Value was not as expected, delete the task so it stops communicating with the check task */\r
+                               "               CMP     R1, #1                          \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R2, #2                          \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP R3, #3                              \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R4, #4                          \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R5, #5                          \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R6, #6                          \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R8, #8                          \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R9, #9                          \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R10, #10                        \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R11, #11                        \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               "               CMP     R12, #12                        \n"\r
+                               "               BNE     vMainDeleteMe           \n"\r
+                               :::"r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12"\r
+                       );\r
+               }\r
+               #endif /* __GNUC__ */\r
+               /* Send configREG_TEST_2_STILL_EXECUTING to the check task to indicate\r
+               that this task is still functioning. */\r
+               vMainSendImAlive( xQueue, configREG_TEST_2_STILL_EXECUTING );\r
+               vTaskDelay( xDelayTime );\r
+               #if defined ( __GNUC__ )\r
+               {\r
+                       /* Go back to check all the register values again. */\r
+                       __asm volatile( "               B reg2loop      " );\r
+               }\r
+               #endif /* __GNUC__ */\r
+       }\r
+__asm void vRegTest3Implementation( void )\r
+       extern pulRegTest3LoopCounter\r
+       PRESERVE8\r
+       /* Fill the core registers with known values. */\r
+       mov     r0, #100\r
+       mov     r1, #101\r
+       mov     r2, #102\r
+       mov     r3, #103\r
+       mov     r4, #104\r
+       mov     r5, #105\r
+       mov     r6, #106\r
+       mov     r7, #107\r
+       mov     r8, #108\r
+       mov     r9, #109\r
+       mov     r10, #110\r
+       mov     r11, #111\r
+       mov     r12, #112\r
+       /* Fill the VFP registers with known values. */\r
+       vmov    d0, r0, r1\r
+       vmov    d1, r2, r3\r
+       vmov    d2, r4, r5\r
+       vmov    d3, r6, r7\r
+       vmov    d4, r8, r9\r
+       vmov    d5, r10, r11\r
+       vmov    d6, r0, r1\r
+       vmov    d7, r2, r3\r
+       vmov    d8, r4, r5\r
+       vmov    d9, r6, r7\r
+       vmov    d10, r8, r9\r
+       vmov    d11, r10, r11\r
+       vmov    d12, r0, r1\r
+       vmov    d13, r2, r3\r
+       vmov    d14, r4, r5\r
+       vmov    d15, r6, r7\r
+       /* Check all the VFP registers still contain the values set above.\r
+       First save registers that are clobbered by the test. */\r
+       push { r0-r1 }\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d0\r
+       cmp     r0, #100\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #101\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d1\r
+       cmp     r0, #102\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #103\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d2\r
+       cmp     r0, #104\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #105\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d3\r
+       cmp     r0, #106\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #107\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d4\r
+       cmp     r0, #108\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #109\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d5\r
+       cmp     r0, #110\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #111\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d6\r
+       cmp     r0, #100\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #101\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d7\r
+       cmp     r0, #102\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #103\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d8\r
+       cmp     r0, #104\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #105\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d9\r
+       cmp     r0, #106\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #107\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d10\r
+       cmp     r0, #108\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #109\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d11\r
+       cmp     r0, #110\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #111\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d12\r
+       cmp     r0, #100\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #101\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d13\r
+       cmp     r0, #102\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #103\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d14\r
+       cmp     r0, #104\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #105\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d15\r
+       cmp     r0, #106\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #107\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loopf\r
+       /* Restore the registers that were clobbered by the test. */\r
+       pop     {r0-r1}\r
+       /* VFP register test passed.  Jump to the core register test. */\r
+       b               reg1_loopf_pass\r
+       /* If this line is hit then a VFP register value was found to be incorrect. */\r
+       b reg1_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r0, #100\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r1, #101\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r2, #102\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r3, #103\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r4, #104\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r5, #105\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r6, #106\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r7, #107\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r8, #108\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r9, #109\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r10, #110\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r11, #111\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r12, #112\r
+       bne     reg1_error_loop\r
+       /* Everything passed, increment the loop counter. */\r
+       push    { r0-r1 }\r
+       ldr     r0, =pulRegTest3LoopCounter\r
+       ldr     r0, [r0]\r
+       ldr     r1, [r0]\r
+       adds    r1, r1, #1\r
+       str     r1, [r0]\r
+       pop     { r0-r1 }\r
+       /* Start again. */\r
+       b               reg1_loop\r
+       /* If this line is hit then there was an error in a core register value.\r
+       The loop ensures the loop counter stops incrementing. */\r
+       b       reg1_error_loop\r
+       nop\r
+       nop\r
+__asm void vRegTest4Implementation( void )\r
+       extern pulRegTest4LoopCounter;\r
+       PRESERVE8\r
+       /* Set all the core registers to known values. */\r
+       mov     r0, #-1\r
+       mov     r1, #1\r
+       mov     r2, #2\r
+       mov     r3, #3\r
+       mov     r4, #4\r
+       mov     r5, #5\r
+       mov     r6, #6\r
+       mov     r7, #7\r
+       mov     r8, #8\r
+       mov     r9, #9\r
+       mov     r10, #10\r
+       mov     r11, #11\r
+       mov     r12, #12\r
+       /* Set all the VFP to known values. */\r
+       vmov    d0, r0, r1\r
+       vmov    d1, r2, r3\r
+       vmov    d2, r4, r5\r
+       vmov    d3, r6, r7\r
+       vmov    d4, r8, r9\r
+       vmov    d5, r10, r11\r
+       vmov    d6, r0, r1\r
+       vmov    d7, r2, r3\r
+       vmov    d8, r4, r5\r
+       vmov    d9, r6, r7\r
+       vmov    d10, r8, r9\r
+       vmov    d11, r10, r11\r
+       vmov    d12, r0, r1\r
+       vmov    d13, r2, r3\r
+       vmov    d14, r4, r5\r
+       vmov    d15, r6, r7\r
+       /* Check all the VFP registers still contain the values set above.\r
+       First save registers that are clobbered by the test. */\r
+       push { r0-r1 }\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d0\r
+       cmp     r0, #-1\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #1\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d1\r
+       cmp     r0, #2\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #3\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d2\r
+       cmp     r0, #4\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #5\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d3\r
+       cmp     r0, #6\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #7\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d4\r
+       cmp     r0, #8\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #9\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d5\r
+       cmp     r0, #10\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #11\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d6\r
+       cmp     r0, #-1\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #1\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d7\r
+       cmp     r0, #2\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #3\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d8\r
+       cmp     r0, #4\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #5\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d9\r
+       cmp     r0, #6\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #7\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d10\r
+       cmp     r0, #8\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #9\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d11\r
+       cmp     r0, #10\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #11\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d12\r
+       cmp     r0, #-1\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #1\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d13\r
+       cmp     r0, #2\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #3\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d14\r
+       cmp     r0, #4\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #5\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       vmov    r0, r1, d15\r
+       cmp     r0, #6\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r1, #7\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loopf\r
+       /* Restore the registers that were clobbered by the test. */\r
+       pop     {r0-r1}\r
+       /* VFP register test passed.  Jump to the core register test. */\r
+       b               reg2_loopf_pass\r
+       /* If this line is hit then a VFP register value was found to be\r
+       incorrect. */\r
+       b reg2_error_loopf\r
+       cmp     r0, #-1\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r1, #1\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r2, #2\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r3, #3\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r4, #4\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r5, #5\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r6, #6\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r7, #7\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r8, #8\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r9, #9\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r10, #10\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r11, #11\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       cmp     r12, #12\r
+       bne     reg2_error_loop\r
+       /* Increment the loop counter so the check task knows this task is\r
+       still running. */\r
+       push    { r0-r1 }\r
+       ldr     r0, =pulRegTest4LoopCounter\r
+       ldr     r0, [r0]\r
+       ldr     r1, [r0]\r
+       adds    r1, r1, #1\r
+       str     r1, [r0]\r
+       pop { r0-r1 }\r
+       /* Yield to increase test coverage. */\r
+       SVC #1\r
+       /* Start again. */\r
+       b reg2_loop\r
+       /* If this line is hit then there was an error in a core register value.\r
+       This loop ensures the loop counter variable stops incrementing. */\r
+       b reg2_error_loop\r
+       nop\r
+/* Fault handlers are here for convenience as they use compiler specific syntax\r
+and this file is specific to the Keil compiler. */\r
+void hard_fault_handler( uint32_t * hardfault_args )\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_r0;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_r1;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_r2;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_r3;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_r12;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_lr;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_pc;\r
+volatile uint32_t stacked_psr;\r
+       stacked_r0 = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 0 ]);\r
+       stacked_r1 = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 1 ]);\r
+       stacked_r2 = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 2 ]);\r
+       stacked_r3 = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 3 ]);\r
+       stacked_r12 = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 4 ]);\r
+       stacked_lr = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 5 ]);\r
+       stacked_pc = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 6 ]);\r
+       stacked_psr = ((uint32_t) hardfault_args[ 7 ]);\r
+       /* Inspect stacked_pc to locate the offending instruction. */\r
+       for( ;; );\r
+void HardFault_Handler( void );\r
+__asm void HardFault_Handler( void )\r
+       extern hard_fault_handler\r
+       tst lr, #4\r
+       ite eq\r
+       mrseq r0, msp\r
+       mrsne r0, psp\r
+       ldr r1, [r0, #24]\r
+       ldr r2, hard_fault_handler\r
+       bx r2\r
+void MemManage_Handler( void );\r
+__asm void MemManage_Handler( void )\r
+       extern hard_fault_handler\r
+       tst lr, #4\r
+       ite eq\r
+       mrseq r0, msp\r
+       mrsne r0, psp\r
+       ldr r1, [r0, #24]\r
+       ldr r2, hard_fault_handler\r
+       bx r2\r
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/startup_MPS_CM4.S b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/Keil_Specific/startup_MPS_CM4.S
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8534aa2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+; * @file:    startup_MPS_CM4.s\r
+; * @purpose: CMSIS Cortex-M4 Core Device Startup File\r
+; *           for the ARM 'Microcontroller Prototyping System'\r
+; * @version: V1.00\r
+; * @date:    1. Jun. 2010\r
+; *------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ------------------\r
+; *\r
+; * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.\r
+; * ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M4\r
+; * processor based microcontrollers.  This file can be freely distributed\r
+; * within development tools that are supporting such ARM based processors.\r
+; *\r
+; *\r
+; ****************************************************************************/\r
+; <h> Stack Configuration\r
+;   <o> Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>\r
+; </h>\r
+Stack_Size      EQU     0x00000800\r
+                AREA    STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3\r
+Stack_Mem       SPACE   Stack_Size\r
+; <h> Heap Configuration\r
+;   <o>  Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>\r
+; </h>\r
+Heap_Size       EQU     0x00000000\r
+                AREA    HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3\r
+Heap_Mem        SPACE   Heap_Size\r
+                PRESERVE8\r
+                THUMB\r
+; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset\r
+                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY\r
+                EXPORT  __Vectors\r
+__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp              ; Top of Stack\r
+                DCD     Reset_Handler             ; Reset Handler\r
+                DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler\r
+                DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler\r
+                DCD     MemManage_Handler         ; MPU Fault Handler\r
+                DCD     BusFault_Handler          ; Bus Fault Handler\r
+                DCD     UsageFault_Handler        ; Usage Fault Handler\r
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved\r
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved\r
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved\r
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved\r
+                DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler\r
+                DCD     DebugMon_Handler          ; Debug Monitor Handler\r
+                DCD     0                         ; Reserved\r
+                DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler\r
+                DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler\r
+                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY\r
+;                AREA    RESET, CODE, READONLY\r
+; Reset Handler\r
+Reset_Handler   PROC\r
+                EXPORT  Reset_Handler             [WEAK]\r
+                IMPORT  __main\r
+                ; Remap vector table\r
+                LDR     R0, =__Vectors\r
+                LDR     R1, =0xE000ED08\r
+                STR     R0,  [r1]\r
+                NOP\r
+                IF      {CPU} = "Cortex-M4.fp"\r
+                LDR     R0, =0xE000ED88           ; Enable CP10,CP11\r
+                LDR     R1,[R0]\r
+                ORR     R1,R1,#(0xF << 20)\r
+                STR     R1,[R0]\r
+                ENDIF\r
+                LDR     R0, =__main\r
+                BX      R0\r
+                ENDP\r
+; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)\r
+NMI_Handler     PROC\r
+                EXPORT  NMI_Handler               [WEAK]\r
+                B       .\r
+                ENDP\r
+                PROC\r
+                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler         [WEAK]\r
+                B       .\r
+                ENDP\r
+                PROC\r
+                EXPORT  MemManage_Handler         [WEAK]\r
+                B       .\r
+                ENDP\r
+                PROC\r
+                EXPORT  BusFault_Handler          [WEAK]\r
+                B       .\r
+                ENDP\r
+                PROC\r
+                EXPORT  UsageFault_Handler        [WEAK]\r
+                B       .\r
+                ENDP\r
+SVC_Handler     PROC\r
+                EXPORT  SVC_Handler               [WEAK]\r
+                B       .\r
+                ENDP\r
+                PROC\r
+                EXPORT  DebugMon_Handler          [WEAK]\r
+                B       .\r
+                ENDP\r
+PendSV_Handler  PROC\r
+                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler            [WEAK]\r
+                B       .\r
+                ENDP\r
+SysTick_Handler PROC\r
+                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler           [WEAK]\r
+                B       .\r
+                ENDP\r
+                ALIGN\r
+; User Initial Stack & Heap\r
+                IF      :DEF:__MICROLIB\r
+                EXPORT  __initial_sp\r
+                EXPORT  __heap_base\r
+                EXPORT  __heap_limit\r
+                ELSE\r
+                IMPORT  __use_two_region_memory\r
+                EXPORT  __user_initial_stackheap\r
+                LDR     R0, =  Heap_Mem\r
+                LDR     R1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size)\r
+                LDR     R2, = (Heap_Mem +  Heap_Size)\r
+                LDR     R3, = Stack_Mem\r
+                BX      LR\r
+                ALIGN\r
+                ENDIF\r
+                END\r
diff --git a/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/main.c b/FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEX_MPU_Static_Simulator_Keil_GCC/main.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cbaaaba
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1196 @@
+    FreeRTOS V9.0.0 - Copyright (C) 2016 Real Time Engineers Ltd.\r
+    All rights reserved\r
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+    http://www.OpenRTOS.com - Real Time Engineers ltd. license FreeRTOS to High\r
+    Integrity Systems ltd. to sell under the OpenRTOS brand.  Low cost OpenRTOS\r
+    licenses offer ticketed support, indemnification and commercial middleware.\r
+    http://www.SafeRTOS.com - High Integrity Systems also provide a safety\r
+    engineered and independently SIL3 certified version for use in safety and\r
+    mission critical applications that require provable dependability.\r
+    1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
+ * This file demonstrates the use of FreeRTOS-MPU in a completely statically\r
+ * allocated application (with configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION set to 0).  It\r
+ * creates tasks in both User mode and Privileged mode, and using both the\r
+ * xTaskCreateStatic() and xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic() API functions.  The\r
+ * purpose of each created task is documented in the comments above the task\r
+ * function prototype (in this file), with the task behaviour demonstrated and\r
+ * documented within the task function itself.\r
+ *\r
+ * In addition a queue is used to demonstrate passing data between\r
+ * protected/restricted tasks as well as passing data between an interrupt and\r
+ * a protected/restricted task.  A software timer is also used.\r
+ */\r
+/* Standard includes. */\r
+#include "string.h"\r
+/* Scheduler includes. */\r
+#include "FreeRTOS.h"\r
+#include "task.h"\r
+#include "queue.h"\r
+#include "semphr.h"\r
+#include "timers.h"\r
+#include "event_groups.h"\r
+/* Misc constants. */\r
+#define mainDONT_BLOCK                                 ( 0 )\r
+/* GCC specifics. */\r
+#define mainALIGN_TO( x )                              __attribute__((aligned(x)))\r
+/* Hardware register addresses. */\r
+#define mainVTOR                                               ( * ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xE000ED08 )\r
+/* The period of the timer must be less than the rate at which\r
+configPRINT_SYSTEM_STATUS messages are sent to the check task - otherwise the\r
+check task will think the timer has stopped. */\r
+#define mainTIMER_PERIOD                               pdMS_TO_TICKS( 200 )\r
+/* The name of the task that is deleted by the Idle task is used in a couple of\r
+places, so is #defined. */\r
+#define mainTASK_TO_DELETE_NAME                        "DeleteMe"\r
+/* Prototypes for functions that implement tasks. -----------*/\r
+ * NOTE:  The filling and checking of the registers in the following two tasks\r
+ *        is only actually performed when the GCC compiler is used.  Use of the\r
+ *        queue to communicate with the check task is done with all compilers.\r
+ *\r
+ * Prototype for the first two register test tasks, which execute in User mode.\r
+ * Amongst other things, these fill the CPU registers (other than the FPU\r
+ * registers) with known values before checking that the registers still contain\r
+ * the expected values.  Each of the two tasks use different values so an error\r
+ * in the context switch mechanism can be caught.  Both tasks execute at the\r
+ * idle priority so will get preempted regularly.  Each task repeatedly sends a\r
+ * message on a queue to a 'check' task so the check task knows the register\r
+ * check task is still executing and has not detected any errors.  If an error\r
+ * is detected within the task the task is simply deleted so it no longer sends\r
+ * messages.\r
+ *\r
+ * For demonstration and test purposes, both tasks obtain access to the queue\r
+ * handle in different ways; vRegTest1Implementation() is created in Privileged\r
+ * mode and copies the queue handle to its local stack before setting itself to\r
+ * User mode, and vRegTest2Implementation() receives the task handle using its\r
+ * parameter.\r
+ */\r
+extern void vRegTest1Implementation( void *pvParameters );\r
+extern void vRegTest2Implementation( void *pvParameters );\r
+ * The second two register test tasks are similar to the first two, but do test\r
+ * the floating point registers, execute in Privileged mode, and signal their\r
+ * execution status to the 'check' task by incrementing a loop counter on each\r
+ * iteration instead of sending a message on a queue.  The loop counters use a\r
+ * memory region to which the User mode 'check' task has read access.\r
+ *\r
+ * The functions ending 'Implementation' are called by the register check tasks.\r
+ *\r
+ * The tasks are created with xTaskCreateStatic(), so the stack and variables\r
+ * used to hold the task's data structures also have to be provided.\r
+ */\r
+static StackType_t xRegTest3Stack[ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ], xRegTest4Stack[ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ];\r
+static StaticTask_t xRegTest3Buffer, xRegTest4Buffer;\r
+static void prvRegTest3Task( void *pvParameters );\r
+extern void vRegTest3Implementation( void );\r
+static void prvRegTest4Task( void *pvParameters );\r
+extern void vRegTest4Implementation( void );\r
+ * Prototype for the check task.  The check task demonstrates various features\r
+ * of the MPU before entering a loop where it waits for messages to arrive on a\r
+ * queue.\r
+ *\r
+ * Two types of messages can be processes:\r
+ *\r
+ * 1) "I'm Alive" messages sent from the first two register test tasks and a\r
+ *    software timer callback, as described above.\r
+ *\r
+ * 2) "Print Status commands" sent periodically by the tick hook function (and\r
+ *    therefore from within an interrupt) which commands the check task to write\r
+ *    either pass or fail to the terminal, depending on the status of the reg\r
+ *    test tasks (no write is performed in the simulator!).\r
+ */\r
+static void prvCheckTask( void *pvParameters );\r
+ * Prototype for a task created in User mode using vTaskCreateStatic() API\r
+ * function.  The task demonstrates the characteristics of such a task,\r
+ * before simply deleting itself.  As the task is created without using any\r
+ * dynamic memory allocate the stack and variable in which the task's data\r
+ * structure will be stored must also be provided - however the task is\r
+ * unprivileged so the stack cannot be in a privileged section.\r
+ */\r
+static StackType_t xUserModeTaskStack[ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ];\r
+static PRIVILEGED_DATA StaticTask_t xUserModeTaskBuffer;\r
+static void prvOldStyleUserModeTask( void *pvParameters );\r
+ * Prototype for a task created in Privileged mode using the\r
+ * xTaskCreateStatic() API function.  The task demonstrates the characteristics\r
+ * of such a task, before simply deleting itself.  As no dynamic memory\r
+ * allocation is used the stack and variable used to hold the task's data\r
+ * structure must also be provided.  The task is privileged, so the stack can\r
+ * be in a privileged section.\r
+ */\r
+static PRIVILEGED_DATA StackType_t xPrivilegedModeTaskStack[ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ];\r
+static PRIVILEGED_DATA StaticTask_t xPrivilegedModeTaskBuffer;\r
+static void prvOldStylePrivilegedModeTask( void *pvParameters );\r
+ * A task that exercises the API of various RTOS objects before being deleted by\r
+ * the Idle task.  This is done for MPU API code coverage test purposes.\r
+ */\r
+static void prvTaskToDelete( void *pvParameters );\r
+ * Functions called by prvTaskToDelete() to exercise the MPU API.\r
+ */\r
+static void prvExerciseEventGroupAPI( void );\r
+static void prvExerciseSemaphoreAPI( void );\r
+static void prvExerciseTaskNotificationAPI( void );\r
+ * Just configures any clocks and IO necessary.\r
+ */\r
+static void prvSetupHardware( void );\r
+ * Simply deletes the calling task.  The function is provided only because it\r
+ * is simpler to call from asm code than the normal vTaskDelete() API function.\r
+ * It has the noinline attribute because it is called from asm code.\r
+ */\r
+void vMainDeleteMe( void ) __attribute__((noinline));\r
+ * Used by the first two reg test tasks and a software timer callback function\r
+ * to send messages to the check task.  The message just lets the check task\r
+ * know that the tasks and timer are still functioning correctly.  If a reg test\r
+ * task detects an error it will delete itself, and in so doing prevent itself\r
+ * from sending any more 'I'm Alive' messages to the check task.\r
+ */\r
+void vMainSendImAlive( QueueHandle_t xHandle, uint32_t ulTaskNumber );\r
+ * The check task is created with access to three memory regions (plus its\r
+ * stack).  Each memory region is configured with different parameters and\r
+ * prvTestMemoryRegions() demonstrates what can and cannot be accessed for each\r
+ * region.  prvTestMemoryRegions() also demonstrates a task that was created\r
+ * as a privileged task settings its own privilege level down to that of a user\r
+ * task.\r
+ */\r
+static void prvTestMemoryRegions( void );\r
+ * Callback function used with the timer that uses the queue to send messages\r
+ * to the check task.\r
+ */\r
+static void prvTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t xExpiredTimer );\r
+/* The handle of the queue used to communicate between tasks and between tasks\r
+and interrupts.  Note that this is a global scope variable that falls outside of\r
+any MPU region.  As such other techniques have to be used to allow the tasks\r
+to gain access to the queue.  See the comments in the tasks themselves for\r
+further information. */\r
+QueueHandle_t xGlobalScopeCheckQueue = NULL;\r
+/* xGlobalScopeCheckQueue is created using xQueueCreateStatic(), so the storage\r
+area and variable used to hold the queue data structure must also be provided.\r
+These are placed in a prviliged segment. */\r
+static PRIVILEGED_DATA StaticQueue_t xGlobalScopeQueueBuffer;\r
+uint8_t PRIVILEGED_DATA ucGlobalScopeQueueStorageArea[ 1 * sizeof( uint32_t ) ];\r
+/* Holds the handle of a task that is deleted in the idle task hook - this is\r
+done for code coverage test purposes only. */\r
+static TaskHandle_t xTaskToDelete = NULL;\r
+/* The timer that periodically sends data to the check task on the queue.  This\r
+is created with xTimerCreateStatic(), so the variable in which the timer's data\r
+structure will be stored must also be provided.  The structure is placed in the\r
+kernel's privileged data region. */\r
+static TimerHandle_t xTimer = NULL;\r
+static PRIVILEGED_DATA StaticTimer_t xTimerBuffer;\r
+#if defined ( __GNUC__ )\r
+       extern uint32_t __FLASH_segment_start__[];\r
+       extern uint32_t __FLASH_segment_end__[];\r
+       extern uint32_t __SRAM_segment_start__[];\r
+       extern uint32_t __SRAM_segment_end__[];\r
+       extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];\r
+       extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];\r
+       extern uint32_t __privileged_data_start__[];\r
+       extern uint32_t __privileged_data_end__[];\r
+       extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_actual_end__[];\r
+       extern uint32_t __privileged_data_actual_end__[];\r
+       const uint32_t * __FLASH_segment_start__ = ( uint32_t * ) 0x00UL;\r
+       const uint32_t * __FLASH_segment_end__ = ( uint32_t * ) 0x00080000UL;\r
+       const uint32_t * __SRAM_segment_start__ = ( uint32_t * ) 0x20000000UL;\r
+       const uint32_t * __SRAM_segment_end__ = ( uint32_t * ) 0x20008000UL;\r
+       const uint32_t * __privileged_functions_start__ = ( uint32_t * ) 0x00UL;\r
+       const uint32_t * __privileged_functions_end__ = ( uint32_t * ) 0x8000UL;\r
+       const uint32_t * __privileged_data_start__ = ( uint32_t * ) 0x20000000UL;\r
+       const uint32_t * __privileged_data_end__ = ( uint32_t * ) 0x20000800UL;\r
+/* Data used by the 'check' task. ---------------------------*/\r
+/* Define the constants used to allocate the check task stack.  Note that the\r
+stack size is defined in words, not bytes. */\r
+#define mainCHECK_TASK_STACK_SIZE_WORDS        128\r
+/* Declare the stack that will be used by the check task.  The kernel will\r
+automatically create an MPU region for the stack.  The stack alignment must\r
+match its size, so if 128 words are reserved for the stack then it must be\r
+aligned to ( 128 * 4 ) bytes. */\r
+/* Declare the variable in which the check task's data structures will be\r
+stored.  PRIVILEGED_DATA is used to place this in the kernel's RAM segment. */\r
+static PRIVILEGED_DATA StaticTask_t xCheckTaskBuffer;\r
+/* Declare three arrays - an MPU region will be created for each array\r
+using the TaskParameters_t structure below.  THIS IS JUST TO DEMONSTRATE THE\r
+MPU FUNCTIONALITY, the data is not used by the check tasks primary function\r
+of monitoring the reg test tasks and printing out status information.\r
+Note that the arrays allocate slightly more RAM than is actually assigned to\r
+the MPU region.  This is to permit writes off the end of the array to be\r
+detected even when the arrays are placed in adjacent memory locations (with no\r
+gaps between them).  The align size must be a power of two. */\r
+#define mainREAD_WRITE_ARRAY_SIZE 130\r
+#define mainREAD_WRITE_ALIGN_SIZE 128\r
+char cReadWriteArray[ mainREAD_WRITE_ARRAY_SIZE ] mainALIGN_TO( mainREAD_WRITE_ALIGN_SIZE );\r
+#define mainREAD_ONLY_ARRAY_SIZE 260\r
+#define mainREAD_ONLY_ALIGN_SIZE 256\r
+char cReadOnlyArray[ mainREAD_ONLY_ARRAY_SIZE ] mainALIGN_TO( mainREAD_ONLY_ALIGN_SIZE );\r
+/* The following two variables are used to communicate the status of the second\r
+two register check tasks (tasks 3 and 4) to the check task.  If the variables\r
+keep incrementing, then the register check tasks have not discovered any errors.\r
+If a variable stops incrementing, then an error has been found.  The variables\r
+overlay the array that the check task has access to so they can be read by the\r
+check task without causing a memory fault.  The check task has the highest\r
+priority so will have finished with the array before the register test tasks\r
+start to access it. */\r
+volatile uint32_t *pulRegTest3LoopCounter = ( uint32_t * ) &( cReadWriteArray[ 0 ] ), *pulRegTest4LoopCounter = ( uint32_t * ) &( cReadWriteArray[ 4 ] );\r
+/* Fill in a TaskParameters_t structure to define the check task - this is the\r
+structure passed to the xTaskCreateRestricted() function. */\r
+static const TaskParameters_t xCheckTaskParameters =\r
+       prvCheckTask,                                                           /* pvTaskCode - the function that implements the task. */\r
+       "Check",                                                                        /* pcName */\r
+       mainCHECK_TASK_STACK_SIZE_WORDS,                        /* usStackDepth - defined in words, not bytes. */\r
+       ( void * ) 0x12121212,                                          /* pvParameters - this value is just to test that the parameter is being passed into the task correctly. */\r
+       ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 ) | portPRIVILEGE_BIT,/* uxPriority - this is the highest priority task in the system.  The task is created in privileged mode to demonstrate accessing the privileged only data. */\r
+       xCheckTaskStack,                                                        /* puxStackBuffer - the array to use as the task stack, as declared above. */\r
+       /* xRegions - In this case the xRegions array is used to create MPU regions\r
+       for all three of the arrays declared directly above.  Each MPU region is\r
+       created with different parameters.  Again, THIS IS JUST TO DEMONSTRATE THE\r
+       MPU FUNCTIONALITY, the data is not used by the check tasks primary function\r
+       of monitoring the reg test tasks and printing out status information.*/\r
+       {\r
+               /* Base address                                 Length                                                                  Parameters */\r
+               { cReadWriteArray,                              mainREAD_WRITE_ALIGN_SIZE,                              portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE },\r
+               { cReadOnlyArray,                               mainREAD_ONLY_ALIGN_SIZE,                               portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY },\r
+               { cPrivilegedOnlyAccessArray,   mainPRIVILEGED_ONLY_ACCESS_ALIGN_SIZE,  portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE }\r
+       },\r
+       &xCheckTaskBuffer                                                       /* Additional structure member present when the task is being created without any dynamic memory allocation. */\r
+/* Data used by the 'reg test' tasks. -----------------------*/\r
+/* Define the constants used to allocate the reg test task stacks.  Note that\r
+that stack size is defined in words, not bytes. */\r
+#define mainREG_TEST_STACK_SIZE_WORDS  128\r
+#define mainREG_TEST_STACK_ALIGNMENT   ( mainREG_TEST_STACK_SIZE_WORDS * sizeof( portSTACK_TYPE ) )\r
+/* Declare the stacks that will be used by the reg test tasks.  The kernel will\r
+automatically create an MPU region for the stack.  The stack alignment must\r
+match its size, so if 128 words are reserved for the stack then it must be\r
+aligned to ( 128 * 4 ) bytes. */\r
+/* The reg test tasks are created using the xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic() API\r
+function, so variables that hold the task's data structures must also be\r
+provided.  The are placed in the kernel's privileged memory section. */\r
+static PRIVILEGED_DATA StaticTask_t xRegTest1TaskBuffer, xRegTest2TaskBuffer;\r
+/* Fill in a TaskParameters_t structure per reg test task to define the tasks. */\r
+static const TaskParameters_t xRegTest1Parameters =\r
+       vRegTest1Implementation,                                                        /* pvTaskCode - the function that implements the task. */\r
+       "RegTest1",                                                                     /* pcName                       */\r
+       mainREG_TEST_STACK_SIZE_WORDS,                          /* usStackDepth         */\r
+       ( void * ) configREG_TEST_TASK_1_PARAMETER,     /* pvParameters - this value is just to test that the parameter is being passed into the task correctly. */\r
+       tskIDLE_PRIORITY | portPRIVILEGE_BIT,           /* uxPriority - note that this task is created with privileges to demonstrate one method of passing a queue handle into the task. */\r
+       xRegTest1Stack,                                                         /* puxStackBuffer - the array to use as the task stack, as declared above. */\r
+       {                                                                                       /* xRegions - this task does not use any non-stack data hence all members are zero. */\r
+               /* Base address         Length          Parameters */\r
+               { 0x00,                         0x00,                   0x00 },\r
+               { 0x00,                         0x00,                   0x00 },\r
+               { 0x00,                         0x00,                   0x00 }\r
+       },\r
+       &xRegTest1TaskBuffer                                            /* Additional parameter required when the task is created with xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic(). */\r
+static TaskParameters_t xRegTest2Parameters =\r
+       vRegTest2Implementation,                                /* pvTaskCode - the function that implements the task. */\r
+       "RegTest2",                                             /* pcName                       */\r
+       mainREG_TEST_STACK_SIZE_WORDS,  /* usStackDepth         */\r
+       ( void * ) NULL,                                /* pvParameters - this task uses the parameter to pass in a queue handle, but the queue is not created yet. */\r
+       tskIDLE_PRIORITY,                               /* uxPriority           */\r
+       xRegTest2Stack,                                 /* puxStackBuffer - the array to use as the task stack, as declared above. */\r
+       {                                                               /* xRegions - this task does not use any non-stack data hence all members are zero. */\r
+               /* Base address         Length          Parameters */\r
+               { 0x00,                         0x00,                   0x00 },\r
+               { 0x00,                         0x00,                   0x00 },\r
+               { 0x00,                         0x00,                   0x00 }\r
+       },\r
+       &xRegTest2TaskBuffer                    /* Additional parameter required when the task is created with xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic(). */\r
+/* Configures the task that is deleted. ---------------------*/\r
+/* Define the constants used to allocate the stack of the task that is\r
+deleted.  Note that the stack size is defined in words, not bytes. */\r
+#define mainDELETE_TASK_STACK_SIZE_WORDS       128\r
+/* Declare the stack that will be used by the task that gets deleted.  The\r
+kernel will automatically create an MPU region for the stack.  The stack\r
+alignment must match its size, so if 128 words are reserved for the stack\r
+then it must be aligned to ( 128 * 4 ) bytes. */\r
+/* The task that gets deleted is created using xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic(),\r
+so the variable that stores the task's data structure must also be provided.\r
+This is placed in the kernel's privileged data segment. */\r
+static PRIVILEGED_DATA StaticTask_t xStaticDeleteTaskBuffer;\r
+static TaskParameters_t xTaskToDeleteParameters =\r
+       prvTaskToDelete,                                        /* pvTaskCode - the function that implements the task. */\r
+       mainTASK_TO_DELETE_NAME,                        /* pcName */\r
+       mainDELETE_TASK_STACK_SIZE_WORDS,       /* usStackDepth */\r
+       ( void * ) NULL,                                        /* pvParameters - this task uses the parameter to pass in a queue handle, but the queue is not created yet. */\r
+       tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1,                           /* uxPriority */\r
+       xDeleteTaskStack,                                       /* puxStackBuffer - the array to use as the task stack, as declared above. */\r
+       {                                                                       /* xRegions - this task does not use any non-stack data hence all members are zero. */\r
+               /* Base address         Length          Parameters */\r
+               { 0x00,                         0x00,                   0x00 },\r
+               { 0x00,                         0x00,                   0x00 },\r
+               { 0x00,                         0x00,                   0x00 }\r
+       },\r
+       &xStaticDeleteTaskBuffer                        /* Additional parameter required when xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic() is used. */\r
+volatile uint32_t ul1 = 0x123, ul2 = 0;\r
+int main( void )\r
+       configASSERT( ul1 == 0x123 );\r
+       configASSERT( ul2 == 0 );\r
+       prvSetupHardware();\r
+       /* Create the queue used to pass "I'm alive" messages to the check task. */\r
+       xGlobalScopeCheckQueue = xQueueCreateStatic( 1, sizeof( uint32_t ), ucGlobalScopeQueueStorageArea, &xGlobalScopeQueueBuffer );\r
+       /* One check task uses the task parameter to receive the queue handle.\r
+       This allows the file scope variable to be accessed from within the task.\r
+       The pvParameters member of xRegTest2Parameters can only be set after the\r
+       queue has been created so is set here. */\r
+       xRegTest2Parameters.pvParameters = xGlobalScopeCheckQueue;\r
+       /* Create three test tasks.  Handles to the created tasks are not required,\r
+       hence the second parameter is NULL. */\r
+       xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( &xRegTest1Parameters, NULL );\r
+    xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( &xRegTest2Parameters, NULL );\r
+       xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( &xCheckTaskParameters, NULL );\r
+       /* Create a task that does nothing but ensure some of the MPU API functions\r
+       can be called correctly, then get deleted.  This is done for code coverage\r
+       test purposes only.  The task's handle is saved in xTaskToDelete so it can\r
+       get deleted in the idle task hook. */\r
+       xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( &xTaskToDeleteParameters, &xTaskToDelete );\r
+       /* Create the tasks that are created using the original xTaskCreate() API\r
+       function. */\r
+       xTaskCreateStatic(      prvOldStyleUserModeTask,        /* The function that implements the task. */\r
+                                               "Task1",                                        /* Text name for the task. */\r
+                                               100,                                            /* Stack depth in words. */\r
+                                               NULL,                                           /* Task parameters. */\r
+                                               3,                                                      /* Priority and mode (user in this case). */\r
+                                               xUserModeTaskStack,                     /* Used as the task's stack. */\r
+                                               &xUserModeTaskBuffer            /* Used to hold the task's data structure. */\r
+                                       );\r
+       xTaskCreateStatic(      prvOldStylePrivilegedModeTask,  /* The function that implements the task. */\r
+                                               "Task2",                                                /* Text name for the task. */\r
+                                               100,                                                    /* Stack depth in words. */\r
+                                               NULL,                                                   /* Task parameters. */\r
+                                               ( 3 | portPRIVILEGE_BIT ),              /* Priority and mode. */\r
+                                               xPrivilegedModeTaskStack,               /* Used as the task's stack. */\r
+                                               &xPrivilegedModeTaskBuffer              /* Used to hold the task's data structure. */\r
+                                       );\r
+       /* Create the third and fourth register check tasks, as described at the top\r
+       of this file. */\r
+       xTaskCreateStatic( prvRegTest3Task, "Reg3", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, configREG_TEST_TASK_3_PARAMETER, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, xRegTest3Stack, &xRegTest3Buffer );\r
+       xTaskCreateStatic( prvRegTest4Task, "Reg4", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, configREG_TEST_TASK_4_PARAMETER, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, xRegTest4Stack, &xRegTest4Buffer );\r
+       /* Create and start the software timer. */\r
+       xTimer = xTimerCreateStatic( "Timer",                   /* Test name for the timer. */\r
+                                                                mainTIMER_PERIOD,      /* Period of the timer. */\r
+                                                                pdTRUE,                        /* The timer will auto-reload itself. */\r
+                                                                ( void * ) 0,          /* The timer's ID is used to count the number of times it expires - initialise this to 0. */\r
+                                                                prvTimerCallback,      /* The function called when the timer expires. */\r
+                                                                &xTimerBuffer );       /* The variable in which the created timer's data structure will be stored. */\r
+       configASSERT( xTimer );\r
+       xTimerStart( xTimer, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       /* Start the scheduler. */\r
+       vTaskStartScheduler();\r
+       /* Will only get here if there was insufficient memory to create the idle\r
+       task. */\r
+       for( ;; );\r
+static void prvCheckTask( void *pvParameters )\r
+/* This task is created in privileged mode so can access the file scope\r
+queue variable.  Take a stack copy of this before the task is set into user\r
+mode.  Once that task is in user mode the file scope queue variable will no\r
+longer be accessible but the stack copy will. */\r
+QueueHandle_t xQueue = xGlobalScopeCheckQueue;\r
+int32_t lMessage;\r
+uint32_t ulStillAliveCounts[ 3 ] = { 0 };\r
+const char *pcStatusMessage = "PASS\r\n";\r
+uint32_t ulLastRegTest3CountValue = 0, ulLastRegTest4Value = 0;\r
+/* The register test tasks that also test the floating point registers increment\r
+a counter on each iteration of their loop.  The counters are inside the array\r
+that this task has access to. */\r
+volatile uint32_t *pulOverlaidCounter3 = ( uint32_t * ) &( cReadWriteArray[ 0 ] ), *pulOverlaidCounter4 = ( uint32_t * ) &( cReadWriteArray[ 4 ] );\r
+/* ulCycleCount is incremented on each cycle of the check task.  It can be\r
+viewed updating in the Keil watch window as the simulator does not print to\r
+the ITM port. */\r
+volatile uint32_t ulCycleCount = 0;\r
+       /* Just to remove compiler warning. */\r
+       ( void ) pvParameters;\r
+       /* Demonstrate how the various memory regions can and can't be accessed.\r
+       The task privilege level is set down to user mode within this function. */\r
+       prvTestMemoryRegions();\r
+       /* Clear overlaid reg test counters before entering the loop below. */\r
+       *pulOverlaidCounter3 = 0UL;\r
+       *pulOverlaidCounter4 = 0UL;\r
+       /* This loop performs the main function of the task, which is blocking\r
+       on a message queue then processing each message as it arrives. */\r
+       for( ;; )\r
+       {\r
+               /* Wait for the next message to arrive. */\r
+               xQueueReceive( xQueue, &lMessage, portMAX_DELAY );\r
+               switch( lMessage )\r
+               {\r
+                       case configREG_TEST_1_STILL_EXECUTING   :\r
+                       case configREG_TEST_2_STILL_EXECUTING   :\r
+                       case configTIMER_STILL_EXECUTING                :\r
+                                       /* Message from the first or second register check task, or\r
+                                       the timer callback function.  Increment the count of the\r
+                                       number of times the message source has sent the message as\r
+                                       the message source must still be executed. */\r
+                                       ( ulStillAliveCounts[ lMessage ] )++;\r
+                                       break;\r
+                       case configPRINT_SYSTEM_STATUS          :\r
+                                       /* Message from tick hook, time to print out the system\r
+                                       status.  If messages have stopped arriving from either of\r
+                                       the first two reg test task or the timer callback then the\r
+                                       status must be set to fail. */\r
+                                       if( ( ulStillAliveCounts[ 0 ] == 0 ) || ( ulStillAliveCounts[ 1 ] == 0 ) || ( ulStillAliveCounts[ 2 ] == 0 ) )\r
+                                       {\r
+                                               /* One or both of the test tasks are no longer sending\r
+                                               'still alive' messages. */\r
+                                               pcStatusMessage = "FAIL\r\n";\r
+                                       }\r
+                                       else\r
+                                       {\r
+                                               /* Reset the count of 'still alive' messages. */\r
+                                               memset( ( void * ) ulStillAliveCounts, 0x00, sizeof( ulStillAliveCounts ) );\r
+                                       }\r
+                                       /* Check that the register test 3 task is still incrementing\r
+                                       its counter, and therefore still running. */\r
+                                       if( ulLastRegTest3CountValue == *pulOverlaidCounter3 )\r
+                                       {\r
+                                               pcStatusMessage = "FAIL\r\n";\r
+                                       }\r
+                                       ulLastRegTest3CountValue = *pulOverlaidCounter3;\r
+                                       /* Check that the register test 4 task is still incrementing\r
+                                       its counter, and therefore still running. */\r
+                                       if( ulLastRegTest4Value == *pulOverlaidCounter4 )\r
+                                       {\r
+                                               pcStatusMessage = "FAIL\r\n";\r
+                                       }\r
+                                       ulLastRegTest4Value = *pulOverlaidCounter4;\r
+                                       /**** Print pcStatusMessage here. ****/\r
+                                       ( void ) pcStatusMessage;\r
+                                       /* The cycle count can be viewed updating in the Keil watch\r
+                                       window if ITM printf is not being used. */\r
+                                       ulCycleCount++;\r
+                                       break;\r
+               default :\r
+                                       /* Something unexpected happened.  Delete this task so the\r
+                                       error is apparent (no output will be displayed). */\r
+                                       vMainDeleteMe();\r
+                                       break;\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+static void prvTestMemoryRegions( void )\r
+int32_t x;\r
+char cTemp;\r
+       /* The check task (from which this function is called) is created in the\r
+       Privileged mode.  The privileged array can be both read from and written\r
+       to while this task is privileged. */\r
+       cPrivilegedOnlyAccessArray[ 0 ] = 'a';\r
+       if( cPrivilegedOnlyAccessArray[ 0 ] != 'a' )\r
+       {\r
+               /* Something unexpected happened.  Delete this task so the error is\r
+               apparent (no output will be displayed). */\r
+               vMainDeleteMe();\r
+       }\r
+       /* Writing off the end of the RAM allocated to this task will *NOT* cause a\r
+       protection fault because the task is still executing in a privileged mode.\r
+       Uncomment the following to test. */\r
+       /*cPrivilegedOnlyAccessArray[ mainPRIVILEGED_ONLY_ACCESS_ALIGN_SIZE ] = 'a';*/\r
+       /* Now set the task into user mode. */\r
+       portSWITCH_TO_USER_MODE();\r
+       /* Accessing the privileged only array will now cause a fault.  Uncomment\r
+       the following line to test. */\r
+       /*cPrivilegedOnlyAccessArray[ 0 ] = 'a';*/\r
+       /* The read/write array can still be successfully read and written. */\r
+       for( x = 0; x < mainREAD_WRITE_ALIGN_SIZE; x++ )\r
+       {\r
+               cReadWriteArray[ x ] = 'a';\r
+               if( cReadWriteArray[ x ] != 'a' )\r
+               {\r
+                       /* Something unexpected happened.  Delete this task so the error is\r
+                       apparent (no output will be displayed). */\r
+                       vMainDeleteMe();\r
+               }\r
+       }\r
+       /* But attempting to read or write off the end of the RAM allocated to this\r
+       task will cause a fault.  Uncomment either of the following two lines to\r
+       test. */\r
+       /* cReadWriteArray[ 0 ] = cReadWriteArray[ -1 ]; */\r
+       /* cReadWriteArray[ mainREAD_WRITE_ALIGN_SIZE ] = 0x00; */\r
+       /* The read only array can be successfully read... */\r
+       for( x = 0; x < mainREAD_ONLY_ALIGN_SIZE; x++ )\r
+       {\r
+               cTemp = cReadOnlyArray[ x ];\r
+       }\r
+       /* ...but cannot be written.  Uncomment the following line to test. */\r
+       /* cReadOnlyArray[ 0 ] = 'a'; */\r
+       /* Writing to the first and last locations in the stack array should not\r
+       cause a protection fault.  Note that doing this will cause the kernel to\r
+       detect a stack overflow if configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW is greater than\r
+       1, hence the test is commented out by default. */\r
+       /* xCheckTaskStack[ 0 ] = 0;\r
+       xCheckTaskStack[ mainCHECK_TASK_STACK_SIZE_WORDS - 1 ] = 0; */\r
+       /* Writing off either end of the stack array should cause a protection\r
+       fault, uncomment either of the following two lines to test. */\r
+       /* xCheckTaskStack[ -1 ] = 0; */\r
+       /* xCheckTaskStack[ mainCHECK_TASK_STACK_SIZE_WORDS ] = 0; */\r
+       ( void ) cTemp;\r
+static void prvExerciseEventGroupAPI( void )\r
+EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroup;\r
+StaticEventGroup_t xEventGroupBuffer;\r
+EventBits_t xBits;\r
+const EventBits_t xBitsToWaitFor = ( EventBits_t ) 0xff, xBitToClear = ( EventBits_t ) 0x01;\r
+       /* Exercise some event group functions. */\r
+       xEventGroup = xEventGroupCreateStatic( &xEventGroupBuffer );\r
+       configASSERT( xEventGroup );\r
+       /* No bits should be set. */\r
+       xBits = xEventGroupWaitBits( xEventGroup, xBitsToWaitFor, pdTRUE, pdFALSE, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       configASSERT( xBits == ( EventBits_t ) 0 );\r
+       /* Set bits and read back to ensure the bits were set. */\r
+       xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroup, xBitsToWaitFor );\r
+       xBits = xEventGroupGetBits( xEventGroup );\r
+       configASSERT( xBits == xBitsToWaitFor );\r
+       /* Clear a bit and read back again using a different API function. */\r
+       xEventGroupClearBits( xEventGroup, xBitToClear );\r
+       xBits = xEventGroupSync( xEventGroup, 0x00, xBitsToWaitFor, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       configASSERT( xBits == ( xBitsToWaitFor & ~xBitToClear ) );\r
+       /* Finished with the event group. */\r
+       vEventGroupDelete( xEventGroup );\r
+static void prvExerciseSemaphoreAPI( void )\r
+SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore;\r
+StaticSemaphore_t xSemaphoreBuffer;\r
+const UBaseType_t uxMaxCount = 5, uxInitialCount = 0;\r
+       /* Most of the semaphore API is common to the queue API and is already being\r
+       used.  This function uses a few semaphore functions that are unique to the\r
+       RTOS objects, rather than generic and used by queues also.\r
+       First create and use a counting semaphore. */\r
+       xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateCountingStatic( uxMaxCount, uxInitialCount, &xSemaphoreBuffer );\r
+       configASSERT( xSemaphore );\r
+       /* Give the semaphore a couple of times and ensure the count is returned\r
+       correctly. */\r
+       xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );\r
+       xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );\r
+       configASSERT( uxSemaphoreGetCount( xSemaphore ) == 2 );\r
+       vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore );\r
+       /* Create a recursive mutex, and ensure the mutex holder and count are\r
+       returned returned correctly. */\r
+       xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutexStatic( &xSemaphoreBuffer );\r
+       configASSERT( uxSemaphoreGetCount( xSemaphore ) == 1 );\r
+       configASSERT( xSemaphore );\r
+       xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( xSemaphore, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       xSemaphoreTakeRecursive( xSemaphore, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       configASSERT( xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder( xSemaphore ) == xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );\r
+       configASSERT( xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder( xSemaphore ) == xTaskGetHandle( mainTASK_TO_DELETE_NAME ) );\r
+       xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( xSemaphore );\r
+       configASSERT( uxSemaphoreGetCount( xSemaphore ) == 0 );\r
+       xSemaphoreGiveRecursive( xSemaphore );\r
+       configASSERT( uxSemaphoreGetCount( xSemaphore ) == 1 );\r
+       configASSERT( xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder( xSemaphore ) == NULL );\r
+       vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore );\r
+       /* Create a normal mutex, and sure the mutex holder and count are returned\r
+       returned correctly. */\r
+       xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic( &xSemaphoreBuffer );\r
+       configASSERT( xSemaphore );\r
+       xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       configASSERT( uxSemaphoreGetCount( xSemaphore ) == 0 ); /* Not recursive so can only be 1. */\r
+       configASSERT( xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder( xSemaphore ) == xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );\r
+       xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );\r
+       configASSERT( uxSemaphoreGetCount( xSemaphore ) == 1 );\r
+       configASSERT( xSemaphoreGetMutexHolder( xSemaphore ) == NULL );\r
+       vSemaphoreDelete( xSemaphore );\r
+static void prvExerciseTaskNotificationAPI( void )\r
+uint32_t ulNotificationValue;\r
+BaseType_t xReturned;\r
+       /* The task should not yet have a notification pending. */\r
+       xReturned = xTaskNotifyWait( 0, 0, &ulNotificationValue, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       configASSERT( xReturned == pdFAIL );\r
+       configASSERT( ulNotificationValue == 0UL );\r
+       /* Exercise the 'give' and 'take' versions of the notification API. */\r
+       xTaskNotifyGive( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );\r
+       xTaskNotifyGive( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle() );\r
+       ulNotificationValue = ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       configASSERT( ulNotificationValue == 2 );\r
+       /* Exercise the 'notify' and 'clear' API. */\r
+       ulNotificationValue = 20;\r
+       xTaskNotify( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(), ulNotificationValue, eSetValueWithOverwrite );\r
+       ulNotificationValue = 0;\r
+       xReturned = xTaskNotifyWait( 0, 0, &ulNotificationValue, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       configASSERT( xReturned == pdPASS );\r
+       configASSERT( ulNotificationValue == 20 );\r
+       xTaskNotify( xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(), ulNotificationValue, eSetValueWithOverwrite );\r
+       xReturned = xTaskNotifyStateClear( NULL );\r
+       configASSERT( xReturned == pdTRUE ); /* First time a notification was pending. */\r
+       xReturned = xTaskNotifyStateClear( NULL );\r
+       configASSERT( xReturned == pdFALSE ); /* Second time the notification was already clear. */\r
+static void prvTaskToDelete( void *pvParameters )\r
+       /* Remove compiler warnings about unused parameters. */\r
+       ( void ) pvParameters;\r
+       /* Check the enter and exit critical macros are working correctly.  If the\r
+       SVC priority is below configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY then this will\r
+       fault. */\r
+       taskENTER_CRITICAL();\r
+       taskEXIT_CRITICAL();\r
+       /* Exercise the API of various RTOS objects. */\r
+       prvExerciseEventGroupAPI();\r
+       prvExerciseSemaphoreAPI();\r
+       prvExerciseTaskNotificationAPI();\r
+       /* For code coverage test purposes it is deleted by the Idle task. */\r
+       configASSERT( uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark( NULL ) > 0 );\r
+       vTaskSuspend( NULL );\r
+void vApplicationIdleHook( void )\r
+volatile const uint32_t *pul;\r
+volatile uint32_t ulReadData;\r
+       /* The idle task, and therefore this function, run in Supervisor mode and\r
+       can therefore access all memory.  Try reading from corners of flash and\r
+       RAM to ensure a memory fault does not occur.\r
+       Start with the edges of the privileged data area. */\r
+       pul = __privileged_data_start__;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       pul = __privileged_data_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       /* Next the standard SRAM area. */\r
+       pul = __SRAM_segment_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       /* And the standard Flash area - the start of which is marked for\r
+       privileged access only. */\r
+       pul = __FLASH_segment_start__;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       pul = __FLASH_segment_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       /* Reading off the end of Flash or SRAM space should cause a fault.\r
+       Uncomment one of the following two pairs of lines to test. */\r
+       /* pul = __FLASH_segment_end__ + 4;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul; */\r
+       /* pul = __SRAM_segment_end__ + 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul; */\r
+       /* One task is created purely so it can be deleted - done for code coverage\r
+       test purposes. */\r
+       if( xTaskToDelete != NULL )\r
+       {\r
+               vTaskDelete( xTaskToDelete );\r
+               xTaskToDelete = NULL;\r
+       }\r
+       ( void ) ulReadData;\r
+static void prvOldStyleUserModeTask( void *pvParameters )\r
+/*const volatile uint32_t *pulStandardPeripheralRegister = ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0x40000000;*/\r
+volatile const uint32_t *pul;\r
+volatile uint32_t ulReadData;\r
+/* The following lines are commented out to prevent the unused variable\r
+compiler warnings when the tests that use the variable are also commented out. */\r
+/* extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[]; */\r
+/* const volatile uint32_t *pulSystemPeripheralRegister = ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000e014; */\r
+       ( void ) pvParameters;\r
+       /* This task is created in User mode using the original xTaskCreate() API\r
+       function.  It should have access to all Flash and RAM except that marked\r
+       as Privileged access only.  Reading from the start and end of the non-\r
+       privileged RAM should not cause a problem (the privileged RAM is the first\r
+       block at the bottom of the RAM memory). */\r
+       pul = __privileged_data_end__ + 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       pul = __SRAM_segment_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       /* Likewise reading from the start and end of the non-privileged Flash\r
+       should not be a problem (the privileged Flash is the first block at the\r
+       bottom of the Flash memory). */\r
+       pul = __privileged_functions_end__ + 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       pul = __FLASH_segment_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       /* Standard peripherals are accessible. */\r
+       /*ulReadData = *pulStandardPeripheralRegister;*/\r
+       /* System peripherals are not accessible.  Uncomment the following line\r
+       to test.  Also uncomment the declaration of pulSystemPeripheralRegister\r
+       at the top of this function.\r
+       ulReadData = *pulSystemPeripheralRegister; */\r
+       /* Reading from anywhere inside the privileged Flash or RAM should cause a\r
+       fault.  This can be tested by uncommenting any of the following pairs of\r
+       lines.  Also uncomment the declaration of __privileged_functions_start__\r
+       at the top of this function. */\r
+       /*pul = __privileged_functions_start__;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;*/\r
+       /*pul = __privileged_functions_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;*/\r
+       /*pul = __privileged_data_start__;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;*/\r
+       /*pul = __privileged_data_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;*/\r
+       /* Must not just run off the end of a task function, so delete this task.\r
+       Note that because this task was created using xTaskCreate() the stack was\r
+       allocated dynamically and I have not included any code to free it again. */\r
+       vTaskDelete( NULL );\r
+       ( void ) ulReadData;\r
+static void prvOldStylePrivilegedModeTask( void *pvParameters )\r
+volatile const uint32_t *pul;\r
+volatile uint32_t ulReadData;\r
+const volatile uint32_t *pulSystemPeripheralRegister = ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000e014; /* Systick */\r
+/*const volatile uint32_t *pulStandardPeripheralRegister = ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0x40000000;*/\r
+       ( void ) pvParameters;\r
+       /* This task is created in Privileged mode using the original xTaskCreate()\r
+       API     function.  It should have access to all Flash and RAM including that\r
+       marked as Privileged access only.  So reading from the start and end of the\r
+       non-privileged RAM should not cause a problem (the privileged RAM is the\r
+       first block at the bottom of the RAM memory). */\r
+       pul = __privileged_data_end__ + 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       pul = __SRAM_segment_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       /* Likewise reading from the start and end of the non-privileged Flash\r
+       should not be a problem (the privileged Flash is the first block at the\r
+       bottom of the Flash memory). */\r
+       pul = __privileged_functions_end__ + 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       pul = __FLASH_segment_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       /* Reading from anywhere inside the privileged Flash or RAM should also\r
+       not be a problem. */\r
+       pul = __privileged_functions_start__;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       pul = __privileged_functions_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       pul = __privileged_data_start__;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       pul = __privileged_data_end__ - 1;\r
+       ulReadData = *pul;\r
+       /* Finally, accessing both System and normal peripherals should both be\r
+       possible. */\r
+       ulReadData = *pulSystemPeripheralRegister;\r
+       /*ulReadData = *pulStandardPeripheralRegister;*/\r
+       /* Must not just run off the end of a task function, so delete this task.\r
+       Note that because this task was created using xTaskCreate() the stack was\r
+       allocated dynamically and I have not included any code to free it again. */\r
+       vTaskDelete( NULL );\r
+       ( void ) ulReadData;\r
+void vMainDeleteMe( void )\r
+       vTaskDelete( NULL );\r
+void vMainSendImAlive( QueueHandle_t xHandle, uint32_t ulTaskNumber )\r
+       if( xHandle != NULL )\r
+       {\r
+               xQueueSend( xHandle, &ulTaskNumber, mainDONT_BLOCK );\r
+       }\r
+static void prvSetupHardware( void )\r
+void vApplicationTickHook( void )\r
+static uint32_t ulCallCount = 0;\r
+const uint32_t ulCallsBetweenSends = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 1000 );\r
+const uint32_t ulMessage = configPRINT_SYSTEM_STATUS;\r
+portBASE_TYPE xDummy;\r
+       /* If configUSE_TICK_HOOK is set to 1 then this function will get called\r
+       from each RTOS tick.  It is called from the tick interrupt and therefore\r
+       will be executing in the privileged state. */\r
+       ulCallCount++;\r
+       /* Is it time to print out the pass/fail message again? */\r
+       if( ulCallCount >= ulCallsBetweenSends )\r
+       {\r
+               ulCallCount = 0;\r
+               /* Send a message to the check task to command it to check that all\r
+               the tasks are still running then print out the status.\r
+               This is running in an ISR so has to use the "FromISR" version of\r
+               xQueueSend().  Because it is in an ISR it is running with privileges\r
+               so can access xGlobalScopeCheckQueue directly. */\r
+               xQueueSendFromISR( xGlobalScopeCheckQueue, &ulMessage, &xDummy );\r
+       }\r
+void vApplicationStackOverflowHook( TaskHandle_t pxTask, char *pcTaskName )\r
+       /* If configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW is set to either 1 or 2 then this\r
+       function will automatically get called if a task overflows its stack. */\r
+       ( void ) pxTask;\r
+       ( void ) pcTaskName;\r
+       for( ;; );\r
+void vApplicationMallocFailedHook( void )\r
+       /* If configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK is set to 1 then this function will\r
+       be called automatically if a call to pvPortMalloc() fails.  pvPortMalloc()\r
+       is called automatically when a task, queue or semaphore is created. */\r
+       for( ;; );\r
+static void prvTimerCallback( TaskHandle_t xExpiredTimer )\r
+uint32_t ulCount;\r
+       /* The count of the number of times this timer has expired is saved in the\r
+       timer's ID.  Obtain the current count. */\r
+       ulCount = ( uint32_t ) pvTimerGetTimerID( xTimer );\r
+       /* Increment the count, and save it back into the timer's ID. */\r
+       ulCount++;\r
+       vTimerSetTimerID( xTimer, ( void * ) ulCount );\r
+       /* Let the check task know the timer is still running. */\r
+       vMainSendImAlive( xGlobalScopeCheckQueue, configTIMER_STILL_EXECUTING );\r
+/* configUSE_STATIC_ALLOCATION is set to 1, so the application must provide an\r
+implementation of vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory() to provide the memory that is\r
+used by the Idle task. */\r
+void vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory( StaticTask_t **ppxIdleTaskTCBBuffer, StackType_t **ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer, uint32_t *pulIdleTaskStackSize )\r
+/* If the buffers to be provided to the Idle task are declared inside this\r
+function then they must be declared static - otherwise they will be allocated on\r
+the stack and so not exists after this function exits. */\r
+static StaticTask_t xIdleTaskTCB;\r
+static StackType_t uxIdleTaskStack[ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ];\r
+       /* Pass out a pointer to the StaticTask_t structure in which the Idle task's\r
+       state will be stored. */\r
+       *ppxIdleTaskTCBBuffer = &xIdleTaskTCB;\r
+       /* Pass out the array that will be used as the Idle task's stack. */\r
+       *ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer = uxIdleTaskStack;\r
+       /* Pass out the size of the array pointed to by *ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer.\r
+       Note that, as the array is necessarily of type StackType_t,\r
+       configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE is specified in words, not bytes. */\r
+       *pulIdleTaskStackSize = configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE;\r
+/* configUSE_STATIC_ALLOCATION and configUSE_TIMERS are both set to 1, so the\r
+application must provide an implementation of vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory()\r
+to provide the memory that is used by the Timer service task. */\r
+void vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory( StaticTask_t **ppxTimerTaskTCBBuffer, StackType_t **ppxTimerTaskStackBuffer, uint32_t *pulTimerTaskStackSize )\r
+/* If the buffers to be provided to the Timer task are declared inside this\r
+function then they must be declared static - otherwise they will be allocated on\r
+the stack and so not exists after this function exits. */\r
+static StaticTask_t xTimerTaskTCB;\r
+static StackType_t uxTimerTaskStack[ configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH ];\r
+       /* Pass out a pointer to the StaticTask_t structure in which the Timer\r
+       task's state will be stored. */\r
+       *ppxTimerTaskTCBBuffer = &xTimerTaskTCB;\r
+       /* Pass out the array that will be used as the Timer task's stack. */\r
+       *ppxTimerTaskStackBuffer = uxTimerTaskStack;\r
+       /* Pass out the size of the array pointed to by *ppxTimerTaskStackBuffer.\r
+       Note that, as the array is necessarily of type StackType_t,\r
+       configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE is specified in words, not bytes. */\r
+       *pulTimerTaskStackSize = configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH;\r
+static void prvRegTest3Task( void *pvParameters )\r
+       /* Although the regtest task is written in assembler, its entry point is\r
+       written in C for convenience of checking the task parameter is being passed\r
+       in correctly. */\r
+       if( pvParameters == configREG_TEST_TASK_3_PARAMETER )\r
+       {\r
+               /* Start the part of the test that is written in assembler. */\r
+               vRegTest3Implementation();\r
+       }\r
+       /* The following line will only execute if the task parameter is found to\r
+       be incorrect.  The check task will detect that the regtest loop counter is\r
+       not being incremented and flag an error. */\r
+       vTaskDelete( NULL );\r
+static void prvRegTest4Task( void *pvParameters )\r
+       /* Although the regtest task is written in assembler, its entry point is\r
+       written in C for convenience of checking the task parameter is being passed\r
+       in correctly. */\r
+       if( pvParameters == configREG_TEST_TASK_4_PARAMETER )\r
+       {\r
+               /* Start the part of the test that is written in assembler. */\r
+               vRegTest4Implementation();\r
+       }\r
+       /* The following line will only execute if the task parameter is found to\r
+       be incorrect.  The check task will detect that the regtest loop counter is\r
+       not being incremented and flag an error. */\r
+       vTaskDelete( NULL );\r
index b4a1d0980399190ccd817ad547b73e94f4086261..205995757bbbc1e7da8e54b9af811a339aa7dc3a 100644 (file)
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
 BaseType_t MPU_xTaskCreate( TaskFunction_t pxTaskCode, const char * const pcName, const uint16_t usStackDepth, void * const pvParameters, UBaseType_t uxPriority, TaskHandle_t * const pxCreatedTask );\r
 TaskHandle_t MPU_xTaskCreateStatic( TaskFunction_t pxTaskCode, const char * const pcName, const uint32_t ulStackDepth, void * const pvParameters, UBaseType_t uxPriority, StackType_t * const puxStackBuffer, StaticTask_t * const pxTaskBuffer );\r
 BaseType_t MPU_xTaskCreateRestricted( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask );\r
+BaseType_t MPU_xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask );\r
 void MPU_vTaskAllocateMPURegions( TaskHandle_t xTask, const MemoryRegion_t * const pxRegions );\r
 void MPU_vTaskDelete( TaskHandle_t xTaskToDelete );\r
 void MPU_vTaskDelay( const TickType_t xTicksToDelay );\r
index 7d3334282deca72fd3fbd037735615950cc70e75..622b0e2e02902757d21379fd19dc46f2a3026919 100644 (file)
@@ -177,8 +177,11 @@ only for ports that are using the MPU. */
                #define xEventGroupSync                                                 MPU_xEventGroupSync\r
                #define vEventGroupDelete                                               MPU_vEventGroupDelete\r
-               /* Remove the privileged function macro. */\r
+               /* Remove the privileged function macro, but keep the PRIVILEGED_DATA\r
+               macro so applications can place data in privileged access sections\r
+               (useful when using statically allocated objects). */\r
                #define PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION\r
+               #define PRIVILEGED_DATA __attribute__((section("privileged_data")))\r
index dd7cd03223dfb056e5c934a15e760414dc7baf8c..172e0b6d54bbe265f88b7e6ad4a4aad1e4d6db9c 100644 (file)
@@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ typedef struct xTASK_PARAMETERS
        UBaseType_t uxPriority;\r
        StackType_t *puxStackBuffer;\r
        MemoryRegion_t xRegions[ portNUM_CONFIGURABLE_REGIONS ];\r
+       #if ( ( portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS == 1 ) && ( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) )\r
+               StaticTask_t * const pxTaskBuffer;\r
+       #endif\r
 } TaskParameters_t;\r
 /* Used with the uxTaskGetSystemState() function to return the state of each task\r
@@ -487,6 +490,8 @@ is used in assert() statements. */
  BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestricted( TaskParameters_t *pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask );</pre>\r
+ * Only available when configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION is set to 1.\r
+ *\r
  * xTaskCreateRestricted() should only be used in systems that include an MPU\r
  * implementation.\r
@@ -494,6 +499,9 @@ is used in assert() statements. */
  * The function parameters define the memory regions and associated access\r
  * permissions allocated to the task.\r
+ * See xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic() for a version that does not use any\r
+ * dynamic memory allocation.\r
+ *\r
  * @param pxTaskDefinition Pointer to a structure that contains a member\r
  * for each of the normal xTaskCreate() parameters (see the xTaskCreate() API\r
  * documentation) plus an optional stack buffer and the memory region\r
@@ -553,6 +561,94 @@ TaskHandle_t xHandle;
        BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestricted( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;\r
+ * task. h\r
+ *<pre>\r
+ BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( TaskParameters_t *pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask );</pre>\r
+ *\r
+ * Only available when configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION is set to 1.\r
+ *\r
+ * xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic() should only be used in systems that include an\r
+ * MPU implementation.\r
+ *\r
+ * Internally, within the FreeRTOS implementation, tasks use two blocks of\r
+ * memory.  The first block is used to hold the task's data structures.  The\r
+ * second block is used by the task as its stack.  If a task is created using\r
+ * xTaskCreateRestricted() then the stack is provided by the application writer,\r
+ * and the memory used to hold the task's data structure is automatically\r
+ * dynamically allocated inside the xTaskCreateRestricted() function.  If a task\r
+ * is created using xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic() then the application writer\r
+ * must provide the memory used to hold the task's data structures too.\r
+ * xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic() therefore allows a memory protected task to be\r
+ * created without using any dynamic memory allocation.\r
+ *\r
+ * @param pxTaskDefinition Pointer to a structure that contains a member\r
+ * for each of the normal xTaskCreate() parameters (see the xTaskCreate() API\r
+ * documentation) plus an optional stack buffer and the memory region\r
+ * definitions.  If configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION is set to 1 the structure\r
+ * contains an additional member, which is used to point to a variable of type\r
+ * StaticTask_t - which is then used to hold the task's data structure.\r
+ *\r
+ * @param pxCreatedTask Used to pass back a handle by which the created task\r
+ * can be referenced.\r
+ *\r
+ * @return pdPASS if the task was successfully created and added to a ready\r
+ * list, otherwise an error code defined in the file projdefs.h\r
+ *\r
+ * Example usage:\r
+   <pre>\r
+// Create an TaskParameters_t structure that defines the task to be created.\r
+// The StaticTask_t variable is only included in the structure when\r
+// configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION is set to 1.  The PRIVILEGED_DATA macro can\r
+// be used to force the variable into the RTOS kernel's privileged data area.\r
+static PRIVILEGED_DATA StaticTask_t xTaskBuffer;\r
+static const TaskParameters_t xCheckTaskParameters =\r
+       vATask,         // pvTaskCode - the function that implements the task.\r
+       "ATask",        // pcName - just a text name for the task to assist debugging.\r
+       100,            // usStackDepth - the stack size DEFINED IN WORDS.\r
+       NULL,           // pvParameters - passed into the task function as the function parameters.\r
+       ( 1UL | portPRIVILEGE_BIT ),// uxPriority - task priority, set the portPRIVILEGE_BIT if the task should run in a privileged state.\r
+       cStackBuffer,// puxStackBuffer - the buffer to be used as the task stack.\r
+       // xRegions - Allocate up to three separate memory regions for access by\r
+       // the task, with appropriate access permissions.  Different processors have\r
+       // different memory alignment requirements - refer to the FreeRTOS documentation\r
+       // for full information.\r
+       {\r
+               // Base address                                 Length  Parameters\r
+        { cReadWriteArray,                             32,             portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE },\r
+        { cReadOnlyArray,                              32,             portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY },\r
+        { cPrivilegedOnlyAccessArray,  128,    portMPU_REGION_PRIVILEGED_READ_WRITE }\r
+       }\r
+       &xTaskBuffer; // Holds the task's data structure.\r
+int main( void )\r
+TaskHandle_t xHandle;\r
+       // Create a task from the const structure defined above.  The task handle\r
+       // is requested (the second parameter is not NULL) but in this case just for\r
+       // demonstration purposes as its not actually used.\r
+       xTaskCreateRestricted( &xRegTest1Parameters, &xHandle );\r
+       // Start the scheduler.\r
+       vTaskStartScheduler();\r
+       // Will only get here if there was insufficient memory to create the idle\r
+       // and/or timer task.\r
+       for( ;; );\r
+   </pre>\r
+ * \defgroup xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic\r
+ * \ingroup Tasks\r
+ */\r
+#if( ( portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS == 1 ) && ( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) )\r
+       BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;\r
  * task. h\r
index 8a5115b78957185e44438f929e962e493169c431..0fae3c65c6c7db86fae1818c3882011860cbf27f 100644 (file)
@@ -96,15 +96,30 @@ extern BaseType_t xPortRaisePrivilege( void );
-BaseType_t MPU_xTaskCreateRestricted( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask )\r
-BaseType_t xReturn;\r
-BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
+       BaseType_t MPU_xTaskCreateRestricted( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask )\r
+       {\r
+       BaseType_t xReturn;\r
+       BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
-       xReturn = xTaskCreateRestricted( pxTaskDefinition, pxCreatedTask );\r
-       vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );\r
-       return xReturn;\r
+               xReturn = xTaskCreateRestricted( pxTaskDefinition, pxCreatedTask );\r
+               vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );\r
+               return xReturn;\r
+       }\r
+#endif /* conifgSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION */\r
+#if( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 )\r
+       BaseType_t MPU_xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask )\r
+       {\r
+       BaseType_t xReturn;\r
+       BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
+               xReturn = xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( pxTaskDefinition, pxCreatedTask );\r
+               vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );\r
+               return xReturn;\r
+       }\r
+#endif /* conifgSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION */\r
@@ -337,7 +352,7 @@ BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();
-#if ( ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) )\r
+#if ( ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) && ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) )\r
        void MPU_vTaskList( char *pcWriteBuffer )\r
        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
@@ -348,7 +363,7 @@ BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();
-#if ( ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) )\r
+#if ( ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) && ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) )\r
        void MPU_vTaskGetRunTimeStats( char *pcWriteBuffer )\r
        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
@@ -726,7 +741,7 @@ void * xReturn;
-#if ( configUSE_QUEUE_SETS == 1 )\r
+#if( ( configUSE_QUEUE_SETS == 1 ) && ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) )\r
        QueueSetHandle_t MPU_xQueueCreateSet( UBaseType_t uxEventQueueLength )\r
        QueueSetHandle_t xReturn;\r
@@ -827,7 +842,6 @@ BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();
        void *MPU_pvPortMalloc( size_t xSize )\r
        void *pvReturn;\r
@@ -839,12 +853,10 @@ BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();
                return pvReturn;\r
 #endif /* configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION */\r
        void MPU_vPortFree( void *pv )\r
        BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
@@ -853,31 +865,34 @@ BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();
                vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );\r
 #endif /* configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION */\r
-void MPU_vPortInitialiseBlocks( void )\r
-BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
+       void MPU_vPortInitialiseBlocks( void )\r
+       {\r
+       BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
-       vPortInitialiseBlocks();\r
+               vPortInitialiseBlocks();\r
-       vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );\r
+               vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );\r
+       }\r
+#endif /* configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION */\r
-size_t MPU_xPortGetFreeHeapSize( void )\r
-size_t xReturn;\r
-BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
+       size_t MPU_xPortGetFreeHeapSize( void )\r
+       {\r
+       size_t xReturn;\r
+       BaseType_t xRunningPrivileged = xPortRaisePrivilege();\r
-       xReturn = xPortGetFreeHeapSize();\r
+               xReturn = xPortGetFreeHeapSize();\r
-       vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );\r
+               vPortResetPrivilege( xRunningPrivileged );\r
-       return xReturn;\r
+               return xReturn;\r
+       }\r
+#endif /* configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION */\r
 #if( ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) && ( configUSE_TIMERS == 1 ) )\r
index 8a296ba53d519f81b8d9024ba1dce1c5dcef54f8..1cdb016db6c83724e02104ab354666592624afaf 100644 (file)
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ that if portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS is 1 then a protected task can be created with
 a statically allocated stack and a dynamically allocated TCB.\r
 !!!NOTE!!! If the definition of tskSTATIC_AND_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_POSSIBLE is\r
 changed then the definition of StaticTask_t must also be updated. */\r
 #define tskDYNAMICALLY_ALLOCATED_STACK_AND_TCB                 ( ( uint8_t ) 0 )\r
 #define tskSTATICALLY_ALLOCATED_STACK_ONLY                     ( ( uint8_t ) 1 )\r
 #define tskSTATICALLY_ALLOCATED_STACK_AND_TCB          ( ( uint8_t ) 2 )\r
@@ -667,7 +667,53 @@ static void prvAddNewTaskToReadyList( TCB_t *pxNewTCB ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
-#if( portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS == 1 )\r
+#if( ( portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS == 1 ) && ( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) )\r
+       BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestrictedStatic( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask )\r
+       {\r
+       TCB_t *pxNewTCB;\r
+       BaseType_t xReturn = errCOULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_REQUIRED_MEMORY;\r
+               configASSERT( pxTaskDefinition->puxStackBuffer != NULL );\r
+               configASSERT( pxTaskDefinition->pxTaskBuffer != NULL );\r
+               if( ( pxTaskDefinition->puxStackBuffer != NULL ) && ( pxTaskDefinition->pxTaskBuffer != NULL ) )\r
+               {\r
+                       /* Allocate space for the TCB.  Where the memory comes from depends\r
+                       on the implementation of the port malloc function and whether or\r
+                       not static allocation is being used. */\r
+                       pxNewTCB = ( TCB_t * ) pxTaskDefinition->pxTaskBuffer;\r
+                       /* Store the stack location in the TCB. */\r
+                       pxNewTCB->pxStack = pxTaskDefinition->puxStackBuffer;\r
+                       #if( tskSTATIC_AND_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION_POSSIBLE != 0 )\r
+                       {\r
+                               /* Tasks can be created statically or dynamically, so note this\r
+                               task was created statically in case the task is later deleted. */\r
+                               pxNewTCB->ucStaticallyAllocated = tskSTATICALLY_ALLOCATED_STACK_AND_TCB;\r
+                       }\r
+                       #endif /* configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION */\r
+                       \r
+                       prvInitialiseNewTask(   pxTaskDefinition->pvTaskCode,\r
+                                                                       pxTaskDefinition->pcName,\r
+                                                                       ( uint32_t ) pxTaskDefinition->usStackDepth,\r
+                                                                       pxTaskDefinition->pvParameters,\r
+                                                                       pxTaskDefinition->uxPriority,\r
+                                                                       pxCreatedTask, pxNewTCB,\r
+                                                                       pxTaskDefinition->xRegions );\r
+                       prvAddNewTaskToReadyList( pxNewTCB );\r
+                       xReturn = pdPASS;\r
+               }\r
+               return xReturn;\r
+       }\r
+#endif /* ( portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS == 1 ) && ( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) */\r
+#if( ( portUSING_MPU_WRAPPERS == 1 ) && ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) )\r
        BaseType_t xTaskCreateRestricted( const TaskParameters_t * const pxTaskDefinition, TaskHandle_t *pxCreatedTask )\r
@@ -3987,7 +4033,7 @@ TCB_t *pxTCB;
 #endif /* ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) */\r
-#if ( ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) )\r
+#if ( ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) && ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) )\r
        void vTaskList( char * pcWriteBuffer )\r
@@ -4079,10 +4125,10 @@ TCB_t *pxTCB;
-#endif /* ( ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) ) */\r
+#endif /* ( ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) && ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) ) */\r
-#if ( ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) )\r
+#if ( ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) && ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) )\r
        void vTaskGetRunTimeStats( char *pcWriteBuffer )\r
@@ -4206,7 +4252,7 @@ TCB_t *pxTCB;
-#endif /* ( ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) ) */\r
+#endif /* ( ( configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS > 0 ) && ( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) ) */\r
 TickType_t uxTaskResetEventItemValue( void )\r