# SRAM: 64K at 0x4030.0000; use the first 16K
$_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-phys 0x40300000 -work-area-size 0x4000
+# when putting the target into 'reset halt', we need to disable the watchdog as
+# it would otherwise trigger while we're in JTAG
+# FIXME: unify with target/am437x.cfg
+source [find mem_helper.tcl]
+set WDT1_BASE_ADDR 0x44e35000
+set WDT1_W_PEND_WSPR [expr $WDT1_BASE_ADDR + 0x0034]
+set WDT1_WSPR [expr $WDT1_BASE_ADDR + 0x0048]
+proc disable_watchdog { } {
+ global WDT1_WSPR
+ global WDT1_W_PEND_WSPR
+ global _TARGETNAME
+ set curstate [$_TARGETNAME curstate]
+ if { [string compare $curstate halted] == 0 } {
+ set WDT_DISABLE_SEQ1 0xaaaa
+ set WDT_DISABLE_SEQ2 0x5555
+ # Empty body to make sure this executes as fast as possible.
+ # We don't want any delays here otherwise romcode might start
+ # executing and end up changing state of certain IPs.
+ while { [expr [mrw $WDT1_W_PEND_WSPR] & 0x10] } { }
+ while { [expr [mrw $WDT1_W_PEND_WSPR] & 0x10] } { }
+ }
+$_TARGETNAME configure -event reset-end { disable_watchdog }