I'm noticed that IGEP maintainer isn't in the correct place within
the ARM subsection: it's supposed to be in alphabetical order by
maintainer. This patch fix this.
Signed-off-by: Enric Balletbo i Serra <eballetbo@iseebcn.com>
mx51evk i.MX51
vision2 i.MX51
+Enric Balletbo i Serra <eballetbo@iseebcn.com>
+ igep0020 ARM ARMV7 (OMAP3xx SoC)
+ igep0030 ARM ARMV7 (OMAP3xx SoC)
Dirk Behme <dirk.behme@gmail.com>
omap3_beagle ARM ARMV7 (OMAP3530 SoC)
lart SA1100
dnp1110 SA1110
-Enric Balletbo i Serra <eballetbo@iseebcn.com>
- igep0020 ARM ARMV7 (OMAP3xx SoC)
- igep0030 ARM ARMV7 (OMAP3xx SoC)
Unknown / orphaned boards: