#include <config.h>
#include <version.h>
- .word CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE @ sdram load addr from config file
-.global invalidate_dcache
- mov pc, lr
.align 5
.global reset_cpu
b _loop_forever
-.globl lowlevel_init
- ldr sp, SRAM_STACK
- str ip, [sp]
- mov ip, lr
- bl s_init @ go setup pll, mux & memory
- ldr ip, [sp]
- mov lr, ip
- mov pc, lr @ back to arch calling code
-.globl startup_cpu
- @ Initialize the AVP, clocks, and memory controller
- @ SDRAM is guaranteed to be on at this point
- ldr r0, =cold_boot @ R0 = reset vector for CPU
- bl start_cpu @ start the CPU
- @ Transfer control to the AVP code
- bl halt_avp
- @ Should never get here
- b _loop_forever2
-.globl cache_configure
- stmdb r13!,{r14}
- @ invalidate instruction cache
- mov r1, #0
- mcr p15, 0, r1, c7, c5, 0
- @ invalidate the i&d tlb entries
- mcr p15, 0, r1, c8, c5, 0
- mcr p15, 0, r1, c8, c6, 0
- @ enable instruction cache
- mrc p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0
- orr r1, r1, #(1<<12)
- mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0
- bl enable_scu
- @ enable SMP mode and FW for CPU0, by writing to Auxiliary Ctl reg
- mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1
- orr r0, r0, #0x41
- mcr p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 1
- @ Now flush the Dcache
- mov r0, #0
- @ 256 cache lines
- mov r1, #256
- add r1, r1, #-1
- mov r0, r1, lsl #5
- @ invalidate d-cache using line (way0)
- mcr p15, 0, r0, c7, c6, 2
- orr r2, r0, #(1<<30)
- @ invalidate d-cache using line (way1)
- mcr p15, 0, r2, c7, c6, 2
- orr r2, r0, #(2<<30)
- @ invalidate d-cache using line (way2)
- mcr p15, 0, r2, c7, c6, 2
- orr r2, r0, #(3<<30)
- @ invalidate d-cache using line (way3)
- mcr p15, 0, r2, c7, c6, 2
- cmp r1, #0
- bne invalidate_loop
- @ FIXME: should have ap20's L2 disabled too?
- ldmia r13!,{pc}
-.globl cold_boot
- msr cpsr_c, #0xD3
- @ Check current processor: CPU or AVP?
- @ If CPU, go to CPU boot code, else continue on AVP path
- ldr r0, =NV_PA_PG_UP_BASE
- ldr r1, [r0]
- ldr r2, =PG_UP_TAG_AVP
- @ are we the CPU?
- ldr sp, CPU_STACK
- cmp r1, r2
- @ yep, we are the CPU
- bne _armboot_start
- @ AVP initialization follows this path
- ldr sp, AVP_STACK
- @ Init AVP and start CPU
- b startup_cpu
- @ the literal pools origin
- .ltorg