]> git.sur5r.net Git - freertos/blob - FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure/portasm.c
[freertos] / FreeRTOS / Source / portable / GCC / ARM_CM33_NTZ / non_secure / portasm.c
1 /*\r
2  * FreeRTOS Kernel V10.2.1\r
3  * Copyright (C) 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.  All Rights Reserved.\r
4  *\r
5  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of\r
6  * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in\r
7  * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to\r
8  * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of\r
9  * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,\r
10  * subject to the following conditions:\r
11  *\r
12  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\r
13  * copies or substantial portions of the Software.\r
14  *\r
21  *\r
22  * http://www.FreeRTOS.org\r
23  * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos\r
24  *\r
25  * 1 tab == 4 spaces!\r
26  */\r
27 \r
28 /* Standard includes. */\r
29 #include <stdint.h>\r
30 \r
32  * is defined correctly and privileged functions are placed in correct sections. */\r
34 \r
35 /* Portasm includes. */\r
36 #include "portasm.h"\r
37 \r
38 /* MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE is needed to be defined only for the\r
39  * header files. */\r
41 \r
42 void vRestoreContextOfFirstTask( void ) /* __attribute__ (( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */\r
43 {\r
44         __asm volatile\r
45         (\r
46         "       .syntax unified                                                                 \n"\r
47         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
48         "       ldr  r2, pxCurrentTCBConst2                                             \n" /* Read the location of pxCurrentTCB i.e. &( pxCurrentTCB ). */\r
49         "       ldr  r1, [r2]                                                                   \n" /* Read pxCurrentTCB. */\r
50         "       ldr  r0, [r1]                                                                   \n" /* Read top of stack from TCB - The first item in pxCurrentTCB is the task top of stack. */\r
51         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
52         #if( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )\r
53         "       dmb                                                                                             \n" /* Complete outstanding transfers before disabling MPU. */\r
54         "       ldr r2, xMPUCTRLConst2                                                  \n" /* r2 = 0xe000ed94 [Location of MPU_CTRL]. */\r
55         "       ldr r4, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */\r
56         "       bic r4, #1                                                                              \n" /* r4 = r4 & ~1 i.e. Clear the bit 0 in r4. */\r
57         "       str r4, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Disable MPU. */\r
58         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
59         "       adds r1, #4                                                                             \n" /* r1 = r1 + 4. r1 now points to MAIR0 in TCB. */\r
60         "       ldr  r3, [r1]                                                                   \n" /* r3 = *r1 i.e. r3 = MAIR0. */\r
61         "       ldr  r2, xMAIR0Const2                                                   \n" /* r2 = 0xe000edc0 [Location of MAIR0]. */\r
62         "       str  r3, [r2]                                                                   \n" /* Program MAIR0. */\r
63         "       ldr  r2, xRNRConst2                                                             \n" /* r2 = 0xe000ed98 [Location of RNR]. */\r
64         "       movs r3, #4                                                                             \n" /* r3 = 4. */\r
65         "       str  r3, [r2]                                                                   \n" /* Program RNR = 4. */\r
66         "       adds r1, #4                                                                             \n" /* r1 = r1 + 4. r1 now points to first RBAR in TCB. */\r
67         "       ldr  r2, xRBARConst2                                                    \n" /* r2 = 0xe000ed9c [Location of RBAR]. */\r
68         "       ldmia r1!, {r4-r11}                                                             \n" /* Read 4 set of RBAR/RLAR registers from TCB. */\r
69         "       stmia r2!, {r4-r11}                                                             \n" /* Write 4 set of RBAR/RLAR registers using alias registers. */\r
70         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
71         "       ldr r2, xMPUCTRLConst2                                                  \n" /* r2 = 0xe000ed94 [Location of MPU_CTRL]. */\r
72         "       ldr r4, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */\r
73         "       orr r4, #1                                                                              \n" /* r4 = r4 | 1 i.e. Set the bit 0 in r4. */\r
74         "       str r4, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Enable MPU. */\r
75         "       dsb                                                                                             \n" /* Force memory writes before continuing. */\r
76         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
77         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
78         #if( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )\r
79         "       ldm  r0!, {r1-r3}                                                               \n" /* Read from stack - r1 = PSPLIM, r2 = CONTROL and r3 = EXC_RETURN. */\r
80         "       msr  psplim, r1                                                                 \n" /* Set this task's PSPLIM value. */\r
81         "       msr  control, r2                                                                \n" /* Set this task's CONTROL value. */\r
82         "       adds r0, #32                                                                    \n" /* Discard everything up to r0. */\r
83         "       msr  psp, r0                                                                    \n" /* This is now the new top of stack to use in the task. */\r
84         "       isb                                                                                             \n"\r
85         "       bx   r3                                                                                 \n" /* Finally, branch to EXC_RETURN. */\r
86         #else /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
87         "       ldm  r0!, {r1-r2}                                                               \n" /* Read from stack - r1 = PSPLIM and r2 = EXC_RETURN. */\r
88         "       msr  psplim, r1                                                                 \n" /* Set this task's PSPLIM value. */\r
89         "       movs r1, #2                                                                             \n" /* r1 = 2. */\r
90         "       msr  CONTROL, r1                                                                \n" /* Switch to use PSP in the thread mode. */\r
91         "       adds r0, #32                                                                    \n" /* Discard everything up to r0. */\r
92         "       msr  psp, r0                                                                    \n" /* This is now the new top of stack to use in the task. */\r
93         "       isb                                                                                             \n"\r
94         "       bx   r2                                                                                 \n" /* Finally, branch to EXC_RETURN. */\r
95         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
96         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
97         "       .align 4                                                                                \n"\r
98         "pxCurrentTCBConst2: .word pxCurrentTCB                         \n"\r
99         #if( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )\r
100         "xMPUCTRLConst2: .word 0xe000ed94                                       \n"\r
101         "xMAIR0Const2: .word 0xe000edc0                                         \n"\r
102         "xRNRConst2: .word 0xe000ed98                                           \n"\r
103         "xRBARConst2: .word 0xe000ed9c                                          \n"\r
104         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
105         );\r
106 }\r
107 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
108 \r
109 BaseType_t xIsPrivileged( void ) /* __attribute__ (( naked )) */\r
110 {\r
111         __asm volatile\r
112         (\r
113         "       mrs r0, control                                                                 \n" /* r0 = CONTROL. */\r
114         "       tst r0, #1                                                                              \n" /* Perform r0 & 1 (bitwise AND) and update the conditions flag. */\r
115         "       ite ne                                                                                  \n"\r
116         "       movne r0, #0                                                                    \n" /* CONTROL[0]!=0. Return false to indicate that the processor is not privileged. */\r
117         "       moveq r0, #1                                                                    \n" /* CONTROL[0]==0. Return true to indicate that the processor is privileged. */\r
118         "       bx lr                                                                                   \n" /* Return. */\r
119         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
120         "       .align 4                                                                                \n"\r
121         ::: "r0", "memory"\r
122         );\r
123 }\r
124 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
125 \r
126 void vRaisePrivilege( void ) /* __attribute__ (( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */\r
127 {\r
128          __asm volatile\r
129         (\r
130         "       mrs  r0, control                                                                \n" /* Read the CONTROL register. */\r
131         "       bic r0, #1                                                                              \n" /* Clear the bit 0. */\r
132         "       msr  control, r0                                                                \n" /* Write back the new CONTROL value. */\r
133         "       bx lr                                                                                   \n" /* Return to the caller. */\r
134         ::: "r0", "memory"\r
135         );\r
136 }\r
137 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
138 \r
139 void vResetPrivilege( void ) /* __attribute__ (( naked )) */\r
140 {\r
141         __asm volatile\r
142         (\r
143         "       mrs r0, control                                                                 \n" /* r0 = CONTROL. */\r
144         "       orr r0, #1                                                                              \n" /* r0 = r0 | 1. */\r
145         "       msr control, r0                                                                 \n" /* CONTROL = r0. */\r
146         "       bx lr                                                                                   \n" /* Return to the caller. */\r
147         :::"r0", "memory"\r
148         );\r
149 }\r
150 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
151 \r
152 void vStartFirstTask( void ) /* __attribute__ (( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */\r
153 {\r
154         __asm volatile\r
155         (\r
156         "       ldr r0, xVTORConst                                                              \n" /* Use the NVIC offset register to locate the stack. */\r
157         "       ldr r0, [r0]                                                                    \n" /* Read the VTOR register which gives the address of vector table. */\r
158         "       ldr r0, [r0]                                                                    \n" /* The first entry in vector table is stack pointer. */\r
159         "       msr msp, r0                                                                             \n" /* Set the MSP back to the start of the stack. */\r
160         "       cpsie i                                                                                 \n" /* Globally enable interrupts. */\r
161         "       cpsie f                                                                                 \n"\r
162         "       dsb                                                                                             \n"\r
163         "       isb                                                                                             \n"\r
164         "       svc %0                                                                                  \n" /* System call to start the first task. */\r
165         "       nop                                                                                             \n"\r
166         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
167         "   .align 4                                                                            \n"\r
168         "xVTORConst: .word 0xe000ed08                                           \n"\r
169         :: "i" ( portSVC_START_SCHEDULER ) : "memory"\r
170         );\r
171 }\r
172 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
173 \r
174 uint32_t ulSetInterruptMaskFromISR( void ) /* __attribute__(( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */\r
175 {\r
176         __asm volatile\r
177         (\r
178         "       mrs r0, PRIMASK                                                                 \n"\r
179         "       cpsid i                                                                                 \n"\r
180         "       bx lr                                                                                   \n"\r
181         ::: "memory"\r
182         );\r
183 }\r
184 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
185 \r
186 void vClearInterruptMaskFromISR( __attribute__( ( unused ) ) uint32_t ulMask ) /* __attribute__(( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */\r
187 {\r
188         __asm volatile\r
189         (\r
190         "       msr PRIMASK, r0                                                                 \n"\r
191         "       bx lr                                                                                   \n"\r
192         ::: "memory"\r
193         );\r
194 }\r
195 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
196 \r
197 void PendSV_Handler( void ) /* __attribute__ (( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */\r
198 {\r
199         __asm volatile\r
200         (\r
201         "       .syntax unified                                                                 \n"\r
202         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
203         "       mrs r0, psp                                                                             \n" /* Read PSP in r0. */\r
204         #if( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )\r
205         "       tst lr, #0x10                                                                   \n" /* Test Bit[4] in LR. Bit[4] of EXC_RETURN is 0 if the FPU is in use. */\r
206         "       it eq                                                                                   \n"\r
207         "       vstmdbeq r0!, {s16-s31}                                                 \n" /* Store the FPU registers which are not saved automatically. */\r
208         #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */\r
209         #if( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )\r
210         "       mrs r1, psplim                                                                  \n" /* r1 = PSPLIM. */\r
211         "       mrs r2, control                                                                 \n" /* r2 = CONTROL. */\r
212         "       mov r3, lr                                                                              \n" /* r3 = LR/EXC_RETURN. */\r
213         "       stmdb r0!, {r1-r11}                                                             \n" /* Store on the stack - PSPLIM, CONTROL, LR and registers that are not automatically saved. */\r
214         #else /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
215         "       mrs r2, psplim                                                                  \n" /* r2 = PSPLIM. */\r
216         "       mov r3, lr                                                                              \n" /* r3 = LR/EXC_RETURN. */\r
217         "       stmdb r0!, {r2-r11}                                                             \n" /* Store on the stack - PSPLIM, LR and registers that are not automatically saved. */\r
218         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
219         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
220         "       ldr r2, pxCurrentTCBConst                                               \n" /* Read the location of pxCurrentTCB i.e. &( pxCurrentTCB ). */\r
221         "       ldr r1, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Read pxCurrentTCB. */\r
222         "       str r0, [r1]                                                                    \n" /* Save the new top of stack in TCB. */\r
223         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
224         "       cpsid i                                                                                 \n"\r
225         "       bl vTaskSwitchContext                                                   \n"\r
226         "       cpsie i                                                                                 \n"\r
227         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
228         "       ldr r2, pxCurrentTCBConst                                               \n" /* Read the location of pxCurrentTCB i.e. &( pxCurrentTCB ). */\r
229         "       ldr r1, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Read pxCurrentTCB. */\r
230         "       ldr r0, [r1]                                                                    \n" /* The first item in pxCurrentTCB is the task top of stack. r0 now points to the top of stack. */\r
231         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
232         #if( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )\r
233         "       dmb                                                                                             \n" /* Complete outstanding transfers before disabling MPU. */\r
234         "       ldr r2, xMPUCTRLConst                                                   \n" /* r2 = 0xe000ed94 [Location of MPU_CTRL]. */\r
235         "       ldr r4, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */\r
236         "       bic r4, #1                                                                              \n" /* r4 = r4 & ~1 i.e. Clear the bit 0 in r4. */\r
237         "       str r4, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Disable MPU. */\r
238         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
239         "       adds r1, #4                                                                             \n" /* r1 = r1 + 4. r1 now points to MAIR0 in TCB. */\r
240         "       ldr r3, [r1]                                                                    \n" /* r3 = *r1 i.e. r3 = MAIR0. */\r
241         "       ldr r2, xMAIR0Const                                                             \n" /* r2 = 0xe000edc0 [Location of MAIR0]. */\r
242         "       str r3, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Program MAIR0. */\r
243         "       ldr r2, xRNRConst                                                               \n" /* r2 = 0xe000ed98 [Location of RNR]. */\r
244         "       movs r3, #4                                                                             \n" /* r3 = 4. */\r
245         "       str r3, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Program RNR = 4. */\r
246         "       adds r1, #4                                                                             \n" /* r1 = r1 + 4. r1 now points to first RBAR in TCB. */\r
247         "       ldr r2, xRBARConst                                                              \n" /* r2 = 0xe000ed9c [Location of RBAR]. */\r
248         "       ldmia r1!, {r4-r11}                                                             \n" /* Read 4 sets of RBAR/RLAR registers from TCB. */\r
249         "       stmia r2!, {r4-r11}                                                             \n" /* Write 4 set of RBAR/RLAR registers using alias registers. */\r
250         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
251         "       ldr r2, xMPUCTRLConst                                                   \n" /* r2 = 0xe000ed94 [Location of MPU_CTRL]. */\r
252         "       ldr r4, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */\r
253         "       orr r4, #1                                                                              \n" /* r4 = r4 | 1 i.e. Set the bit 0 in r4. */\r
254         "       str r4, [r2]                                                                    \n" /* Enable MPU. */\r
255         "       dsb                                                                                             \n" /* Force memory writes before continuing. */\r
256         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
257         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
258         #if( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )\r
259         "       ldmia r0!, {r1-r11}                                                             \n" /* Read from stack - r1 = PSPLIM, r2 = CONTROL, r3 = LR and r4-r11 restored. */\r
260         #else /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
261         "       ldmia r0!, {r2-r11}                                                             \n" /* Read from stack - r2 = PSPLIM, r3 = LR and r4-r11 restored. */\r
262         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
263         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
264         #if( configENABLE_FPU == 1 )\r
265         "       tst r3, #0x10                                                                   \n" /* Test Bit[4] in LR. Bit[4] of EXC_RETURN is 0 if the FPU is in use. */\r
266         "       it eq                                                                                   \n"\r
267         "       vldmiaeq r0!, {s16-s31}                                                 \n" /* Restore the FPU registers which are not restored automatically. */\r
268         #endif /* configENABLE_FPU */\r
269         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
270         #if( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )\r
271         "       msr psplim, r1                                                                  \n" /* Restore the PSPLIM register value for the task. */\r
272         "       msr control, r2                                                                 \n" /* Restore the CONTROL register value for the task. */\r
273         #else /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
274         "       msr psplim, r2                                                                  \n" /* Restore the PSPLIM register value for the task. */\r
275         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
276         "       msr psp, r0                                                                             \n" /* Remember the new top of stack for the task. */\r
277         "       bx r3                                                                                   \n"\r
278         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
279         "       .align 4                                                                                \n"\r
280         "pxCurrentTCBConst: .word pxCurrentTCB                          \n"\r
281         #if( configENABLE_MPU == 1 )\r
282         "xMPUCTRLConst: .word 0xe000ed94                                        \n"\r
283         "xMAIR0Const: .word 0xe000edc0                                          \n"\r
284         "xRNRConst: .word 0xe000ed98                                            \n"\r
285         "xRBARConst: .word 0xe000ed9c                                           \n"\r
286         #endif /* configENABLE_MPU */\r
287         );\r
288 }\r
289 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r
290 \r
291 void SVC_Handler( void ) /* __attribute__ (( naked )) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */\r
292 {\r
293         __asm volatile\r
294         (\r
295         "       tst lr, #4                                                                              \n"\r
296         "       ite eq                                                                                  \n"\r
297         "       mrseq r0, msp                                                                   \n"\r
298         "       mrsne r0, psp                                                                   \n"\r
299         "       ldr r1, svchandler_address_const                                \n"\r
300         "       bx r1                                                                                   \n"\r
301         "                                                                                                       \n"\r
302         "       .align 4                                                                                \n"\r
303         "svchandler_address_const: .word vPortSVCHandler_C      \n"\r
304         );\r
305 }\r
306 /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/\r