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[bacula/docs] / docs / home-page / de / pages / conference.php
1 <? require_once("inc/header.php"); ?>
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4 <script type="text/javascript">
5         // initialise Superfish 
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29                                                                         <div id="">
30                                                                                 <h2>The Bacula Conference... by Bacula developers, for Bacula developers.</h2>
31                                                                                 <div style="float: right; clear: both; margin-left: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px;">
32 <!--                                                                             <a href="/images/dev_conf.jpg"> -->
33 <img alt="EnterpriseDB... 2010 JUDCon Co-sponsor" src="/images/dev_conf2.jpg" width="359" border="0" height="224">
34 <!-- </a> -->
35 </div>
36                                                                                 <h4>Bacula Conference 2010 Recap</h4>
37                                                                                 <p>The Bacula Conference in Yverdon, Switzerland, 27 and 28 
38 September 2010 was a great success - 2 packed days of Community 
39 presentations covering topics that ranged from BWeb Enterprise, 
40 dassModus configurator, Bacula's roadmap, Linux Bare Metal Recovery, 
41 Regression testing, Capabilities of the Storage Daemon, Bacula plugins, 
42 rpms and much more. All highly relevant, crucial subjects, and the 
43 ambience was great.</p>
44                                                                                 <p><em>"We had a great time. The most interesting part was the
45  disscussion about the future of Bacula. To hear Kern talk about the 
46 future of Bacula makes us be able to plan our use of Bacula. "</em></p>
47                                                                                 <p align="right"><em><strong>Chryster Nygren, IT Architect, Region Västra Götaland</strong></em></p>
48                                                                                 <p></p>
49                                                                                 <p>Overall, the conference proved to be a great place for 
50 giving feedback or ideas directly to the developers, learning more about
51  Bacula and Bacula Systems, and hearing presentations about Bacula from 
52 the developers. Some folks talked together informally until pretty late 
53 on the Monday evening, and there was also a healthy general discussion 
54 on that Tuesday afternoon before the wrap-up.</p>
55                                                                                 <h5><em>Below are the presentations from the event. More are being added daily, so check back soon!</em></h5>
56                                                                                 <h4>Conference presentations</h4>
57                                                                                 <p></p>
58                                                                                 <table width="180" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="2">
59                                                                                         <tbody><tr>
60                                                                                                 <td><img alt="" src="/images/media_overview.png" style="margin: 10px;" width="254" height="159"></td>
61                                                                                                 <td><img src="/images/frontispiece.png" alt="" width="254" border="0" height="159"></td>
62                                                                                                 <td><img src="/images/Kerns_presentation.png" alt="" width="263" border="0" height="158"></td>
63                                                                                         </tr>
64                                                                                         <tr>
65                                                                                                 <td>Eric Bollengier: "BWeb, the Bacula Web Based Management Tool"</td>
66                                                                                                 <td>Stefan Dunsch: "Protecting a SAP Cloud with Bacula at Swisscom IT Services"</td>
67                                                                                                 <td>Kern Sibbald: "Bacula Development Roadmap"</td>
68                                                                                         </tr>
69                                                                                         <tr>
70                                                                                                 <td>.</td>
71                                                                                                 <td>.</td>
72                                                                                                 <td>.</td>
73                                                                                         </tr>
74                                                                                         <tr>
75                                                                                                 <td><img src="/images/dassModus.png" alt="" width="255" border="0" height="142"></td>
76                                                                                                 <td><img src="/images/BM_screenshot.png" alt="" width="252" border="0" height="159"></td>
77                                                                                                 <td><img src="/images/Rob_m_screenshot.png" alt="" width="254" border="0" height="159"></td>
78                                                                                         </tr>
79                                                                                         <tr>
80                                                                                                 <td>"dassmodus – Bacula Configuration GUI" Philipp Storz, dassIT</td>
81                                                                                                 <td>Eric Schirardin, "Linux Bare Metal Recovery USB key"</td>
82                                                                                                 <td>Rob Morrison, "Bacula Systems within the Bacula Community"</td>
83                                                                                         </tr>
84                                                                                 </tbody></table>
85                                                                                 <p>
86                                                                                 </p><p><strong> - you can also locate a specific presentation chronologically from the agenda below:</strong></p>
87                                                                                 <p><strong>Agenda:</strong></p>
88                                                                                 <p>9:00 – 9:30 Kern Sibbald, Bacula, "Welcome"</p>
89                                                                                 <p>9:30 – 10:15 Rob Morrison, "Bacula Systems within the Bacula Community"</p>
90                                                                                 <p>10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break</p>
91                                                                                 <p>10:45 – 11:30 Kern Sibbald, "Bacula Development Roadmap"</p>
92                                                                                 <p>11:30 – 12:15 Stefan Dunsch, "Protecting an SAP cloud at Swisscom with Bacula"</p>
93                                                                                 <p>12:15 – 13:30 Lunch</p>
94                                                                                 <p>13:30 – 14:15 Philipp Storz, "dassmodus – Bacula Configuration GUI"</p>
95                                                                                 <p>14:15 – 15:00 Eric Schirardin, "Linux Bare Metal Recovery USB key"</p>
96                                                                                 <p>15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break</p>
97                                                                                 <p>15:30 – 16:15 Eric Bollengier, "Bweb, the Bacula web based management tool"</p>
98                                                                                 <p>16:15 – 17:00 Howard Thomson "Bacula's Future, and Capabilities of the<br>
99                                                                                         Storage Daemon"</p>
100                                                                                 <p>17:00 – 17:00 Open Discussion</p>
101                                                                                 <p></p>
102                                                                                 <h4>Video of Bacula Development From Inteos</h4>
103                                                                                 <p>This is a Bacula Network Backup source code development 
104 visualization. This visualization was presented at Bacula Developer's 
105 Conference 2010 in Yverdon, Swiss.  The visualization movie was prepared
106  by <strong>Inteos Sp. z o.o.</strong></p>
107                                                                                 <object width="660" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/T5RrEVAzdM4?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/T5RrEVAzdM4?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="660" height="405"></embed></object>
108                                                                                 <p>
109                                                                                 <p></p>
110                                                                                 <p>.</p>
111                                                                                 <p>Some photos from the event:</p>
112                                                                                 <table width="279" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="2">
113                                                                                         <tbody><tr>
114                                                                                                 <td><a href="/images/27092010124_ret.jpg"><img src="/images/27092010124_ret_small.jpg" alt="" width="224" border="0" height="173"></a></td>
115                                                                                                 <td></td>
116                                                                                                 <td><a href="/images/27092010125_ret.jpg"><img src="/images/27092010125_ret_small.jpg" alt="" width="295" border="0" height="171"></a></td>
117                                                                                         </tr>
118                                                                                         <tr>
119                                                                                                 <td>Kern Sibbald Presentation</td>
120                                                                                                 <td></td>
121                                                                                                 <td>Morning Session</td>
122                                                                                         </tr>
123                                                                                         <tr>
124                                                                                                 <td></td>
125                                                                                                 <td></td>
126                                                                                                 <td></td>
127                                                                                         </tr>
128                                                                                 </tbody></table>
129                                                                                 <h6></h6>
130                                                                                 <p></p>
131                                                                                 <p></p>
132                                                                         </div>
133                                                                 </div></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1"><div id="one-col-corners"></div></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" width="945" align="left"></td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="footer">
134                                         <p><a href="http://www.bacula.org/">Bacula.org</a>   |   
135     <a href="http://www.baculasystems.com/">Bacula Systems</a>   |   
136     <a href="http://www.baculasystems.com/index.php/company/newsletter.html">Bacula Systems Newsletter</a>   |   
137     <a href="http://www.baculasystems.com/index.php/products/enterprise-edition.html">Bacula Enterprise Edition</a></p>
138                                 </div></div>
139                 </div>
140 <? require_once("inc/footer.php"); ?>