]> git.sur5r.net Git - bacula/bacula/blob - gui/bacula-web/templates/backupjob-report.tpl
bacula-web: Fixed fields casse in backupjob report template
[bacula/bacula] / gui / bacula-web / templates / backupjob-report.tpl
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" \r
2   "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">\r
3 <html lang="en">\r
4 <head>\r
5 <title>bacula-web</title>\r
6 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/default.css">\r
7 </head>\r
8 <body>\r
9 {include file=header.tpl}\r
10 \r
11   <div id="nav">\r
12     <a href="index.php" title="Back to the dashboard">Dashboard</a> > Backup Job Report\r
13   </div>\r
14 \r
15   <div id="main_center">\r
16   \r
17   <div class="box">\r
18         <p class="title">Backup Job Report</p>\r
19         \r
20         <table>\r
21                 <tr>\r
22                         <td width="150">Backup Job name:</td>\r
23                         <td>{$backupjob_name}</td>\r
24                 </tr>\r
25                 <tr>\r
26                         <td>Period:</td>\r
27                         <td>{$backupjob_period}</td>\r
28                 </tr>\r
29                 <tr>\r
30                         <td>Transfered Bytes</td>\r
31                         <td>{$backupjob_bytes} GB</td>\r
32                 </tr>\r
33                 <tr>\r
34                         <td>Transfered Files</td>\r
35                         <td>{$backupjob_files}</td>\r
36                 </tr>\r
37 \r
38         </table>\r
39   </div> <!-- end div class=box -->\r
40   \r
41   <!-- Last jobs list -->\r
42   <div class="box">\r
43         <p class="title">Last jobs</p>\r
44         \r
45         <table>
46                 <tr>\r
47                         <td class="tbl_header" width="60">Job Id</td>
48                         <td class="tbl_header" width="60">Level</td>
49                         <td class="tbl_header" width="70">Files</td>
50                         <td class="tbl_header" width="70">Bytes</td>
51                         <td class="tbl_header" width="80">Start time</td>
52                         <td class="tbl_header" width="80">End time</td>
53                         <td class="tbl_header" width="80">Elapsed time</td>
54                 </tr>\r
55                 {foreach from=$jobs item=job}\r
56                 <tr>\r
57                         <td class="{$job.row_class}">{$job.jobid}</td>
58                         <td class="{$job.row_class}">{$job.level}</td>
59                         <td class="{$job.row_class}">{$job.jobfiles}</td>
60                         <td class="{$job.row_class}">{$job.jobbytes}</td>
61                         <td class="{$job.row_class}">{$job.starttime}</td>
62                         <td class="{$job.row_class}">{$job.endtime}</td>
63                         <td class="{$job.row_class}">{$job.elapsedtime}</td>
64                 </tr>\r
65                 {/foreach}\r
66         </table>\r
67   </div> <!-- end div class=box -->\r
68   \r
69   <!-- Transfered Bytes/Files graph -->
70   <div class="box">\r
71         <p class="title">Transfered Bytes / Files (last 7 days)</p>
72         <img src="{$graph_stored_bytes}" alt="" />\r
73         <img src="{$graph_stored_files}" alt="" />\r
74   </div> <!-- end div class=box -->\r
75   \r
76   </div> <!-- end div id=main_center -->\r
77 \r
78 {include file="footer.tpl"}\r