]> git.sur5r.net Git - bacula/bacula/blob - gui/bacula-web/templates/last_run_report.tpl
bacula-web: Added last jobs in Backup Job report page
[bacula/bacula] / gui / bacula-web / templates / last_run_report.tpl
1 <!-- last_run_report.tpl -->
3 <!--
4 {* {if $status != 0} *}
5 <table>
6         <tr>
7                 <td colspan=2>
8                         <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
9                                 <tr>
10                                         <td align=right colspan=4 height=25 background="images/bg7.gif" style="font-size: 12px">
11                                                 <b>{t}Jobs with errors{/t}</b>
12                                         </td>
13                                 </tr>
14                                 <tr>
15                                         <td background="style/images/bg6.png"><b>JobId&nbsp;</b></td>
16                                         <td background="style/images/bg6.png"><b>{t}Name{/t}</b></td>
17                                         <td background="style/images/bg6.png"><b>{t}EndTime{/t}</b></td>
18                                         <td background="style/images/bg6.png"><b>{t}JobStatus{/t}</b></td>
19                                 </tr>
20                                 {section name=row loop=$errors_array} 
21                                 <tr {* bgcolor=#{cycle values="E6E6F5,E1E5E0"} *}>
22                                         {section name=tmp loop=$errors_array[row]}
23                                         <td {if $smarty.section.tmp.iteration == 4}align=center 
24                                 {if $errors_array[row][tmp] == "C"}
25                                         {assign var=pop value="Created but not yet running"}
26                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "R"}
27                                         {assign var=pop value="Running"}
28                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "B"}
29                                         {assign var=pop value="Blocked"}
30                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "E"}
31                                         {assign var=pop value="Terminated in Error"}
32                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "e"}
33                                         {assign var=pop value="Non-fatal error"}
34                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "f"}
35                                         {assign var=pop value="Fatal error"}
36                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "D"}
37                                         {assign var=pop value="Verify Differences"}
38                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "A"}
39                                         {assign var=pop value="Canceled by the user"}
40                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "F"}
41                                         {assign var=pop value="Waiting on the File daemon"}
42                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "S"}
43                                         {assign var=pop value="Waiting on the Storage daemon"}
44                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "m"}
45                                         {assign var=pop value="Waiting for a new Volume to be mounted"}
46                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "M"}
47                                         {assign var=pop value="Waiting for a Mount"}
48                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "s"}
49                                         {assign var=pop value="Waiting for Storage resource"}
50                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "j"}
51                                         {assign var=pop value="Waiting for Job resource"}
52                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "c"}
53                                         {assign var=pop value="Waiting for Client resource"}
54                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "d"}
55                                         {assign var=pop value="Wating for Maximum jobs"} 
56                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "t"}
57                                         {assign var=pop value="Waiting for Start Time"}
58                                 {elseif $errors_array[row][tmp] == "p"}
59                                         {assign var=pop value="Waiting for higher priority job to finish"}
60                                 {/if}
61                         {popup caption="Status detail" autostatus=yes fgcolor=red textcolor=yellow text="$pop"}
62                                                 {/if}                                   
63                                         >
64                                                 {if $smarty.section.tmp.iteration == 2}
65                             <a href=report.php?default=1&server={$errors_array[row][tmp]} target="_blank">
66                         {/if}    
67                                                 {$errors_array[row][tmp]}
68                                                 {if $smarty.section.row.iteration == 2}
69                                                         </a>
70                                                 {/if}
71                                         </td>
72                                         {/section}
73                                 </tr>
74                                 {/section}
75                         </table>
76                 </td>
77         </tr>
78 </table>        
79  {* {/if} *}
80 </div> 
81 -->
82 <div class="box">
83         <p class="title">Reports</p>
85  <form method="get" action="report.php" target="_blank">
86    <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3" border="0">
88 <!-- 
89 <tr>
90                 <td colspan=2 align=center>
91                         <a href="javascript:OpenWin('index.php?Full_popup=yes','490','350')">{t}Show details{/t}</a> 
92                         <a href="jobs.php" title="Show last jobs details">Show last jobs status</a>
93                 </td>
94           </tr>   
95 -->
96           <tr>
97                 <td colspan=2 align=center>
98                   <a href="javascript:OpenWin('index.php?pop_graph1=yes','600','400')">{t}Last month, bytes transferred{/t}</a>
99                 </td>
100           </tr>
101           <tr>
102                 <td colspan=2 align=center>
103                   <a href="javascript:OpenWin('index.php?pop.graph2=yes','600','400')">{t}Last month, bytes transferred (pie){/t}</a>
104                 </td>
105           </tr>
106          <tr> <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td> </tr>
107          <tr>
108            <td class="label"><b>{t}Select a job:{/t}</b></td>
109            <td class="info">
110              <input type=hidden name="default" value="1">                               
111                    <select name=server>
112                      {if $smarty.get.server != ""}
113                                 {html_options values=$smarty.get.server output=$smarty.get.server}
114                          {else}
115                             {html_options values=$total_name_jobs output=$total_name_jobs}
116                      {/if}
117                    </select>
118              <input type=submit value="{t}go{/t}">
119            </td>
120      </tr>
121    </table>
122  </form>
123 </div>
124 <!--
125 {* {else if #mode# == "Full" || $smarty.get.Full_popup == "yes"} *}
126 <table>
127         <tr class="tbl_header1">
128                 <td><b>{t}Elapsed time{/t}</b></td>
129                 <td><b>{t}Client{/t}</b></td>
130                 <td><b>{t}Start Time{/t}</b></td>
131                 <td><b>{t}End Time{/t}</b></td>
132                 <td><b>{t}Type{/t}</b></td>
133                 <td><b>{t}Pool{/t}</b></td>
134                 <td><b>{t}Status{/t}</b></td>
135         </tr>
136         {section name=job loop=$clients}
137         <tr class={cycle values="table3,table4"}>
138                 {section name=row loop=$clients[job]}
139                         <td align=left class="size_small">
140                         {if $smarty.section.row.iteration == 2}
141                                 <a href=report.php?default=1&server={$clients[job][row]|escape:"url"} target="_blank">
142                         {/if}
143                         {if $smarty.section.row.last == TRUE}
144                         {if $clients[job][row] eq "T"}
145                                 <img src={#root#}/style/images/s_ok.gif>
146                         {else}
147                                 <img src={#root#}/style/images/s_error.gif>
148                         {/if}
149                         {else}
150                                 {$clients[job][row]}
151                         {/if}
152                                 {if $smarty.section.row.iteration == 2}
153                         </a>
154                         {/if}
155                         </td>
156                 {/section}
157         </tr>
158                 {/section}
159         </td>
160  </tr>
161 </table>
162 {* {/if} *}
164 </div>
165 -->
167 <!-- end last_run_report.tpl -->